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Lesson 3
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Lesson 3

Lesson 3: Advanced Loops

Repeats a sequence of code a specified number of times. Instead of writing the same code again and again, you can use a repeat loop. When a program is run and reaches the repeat loop, it will run the code inside of that loop the specified number of times. Once the repeat loop is finished, the program will continue from where it left off.~ Code.orgSteps for getting started:

  1. Click the button to the left to go to the first task at Code.org.
  2. Determine the lines of code needed to complete the task.
  3. Drag over the block codes to create your line of code.
  4. Test out steps using the step button or run buttons.

Click Here to Go to Code.org

Use the run button, to run the entire lines of code. Use the step button to run one line of code.



The goal is to complete up to practice problem 7. If you want to challenge yourself go all the way to problem 14.

Goal of Lesson 3

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