Created on March 23, 2023
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Melania Decianu
- The End
- Biography
- Percentage of seals that are threatened with extinction
- Body parts such as: fins etc.
- Types of seals
- Where they live
- Characteristics of seals
- Differences between seals and sea lions
- Vital Funccions
What I am going to explain is:
Feeding the Seal. The seal is a carnivorous species. Its menu is based on meats. While younger specimens eat crustaceans first, adults prefer octopus, squid and a diversity of fish such as mackerel, sole and herring. Its huge teeth allow it to consume its prey whole.
- Nutrition:
- Reproduction:
There is something very important that is of special interest to know about the reproduction of seals, and that is that males mate with a multitude of females during the mating season. Copulation can take place in water or on land, although most offspring are born on land.
The social structure of seals varies greatly between species; Unlike sea lions, they do not usually form large colonies. Some species form monogamous pairs, others associate in small tribes, and elephant seals form herds composed of a male and a harem of females.
- Relation :
Vital functions
- Seals have very good vision in water, actually, they must focus on both air and water, so they have very large and round eyes. Seals have a very keen sense of smell in the air, which allows them to detect predators. Seals can hear in both water and air.
- The scientific name of seals is Phocidae.
- Seals in general weigh 87kg
- Adult males typically measure 1.5-1.9m in length and weigh 60-160kg, while females measure 1.3-1.7m and 50-105kg.
- Seals are tall
Characteristic of the seals
The blue stripe means where they live
- Another of their anatomical characteristics is the presence of a large layer of body fat under the skin that allows them to survive the cold temperatures of the places where they live.
Where they live
- Seals are pinniped vertebrates, that is, mammals adapted to marine life, so they spend most of their lives in an aquatic environment. But sometimes they can come to the surface.
- When in the water, a seal is able to benefit the most from its anatomy. They are large animals, but capable of moving gracefully through water at speeds of up to 23 miles per hour, possess fins that help them move in the water, and long whiskers that allow them to pick up the vibrations of their prey and predators while in the water.
- The anatomy of a seal is very interesting, and you can think until they have a body suitable for their needs, most people see seals on land, and their bodies are more designed to meet their needs in the water. They possess thick bellies, which glide awkwardly over the earth as they go, fat is necessary to keep warm.
Body parts such as: fins etc.
- Its body is elongated and its limbs are flattened and wide and act as fins, since they are adapted for swimming.
Types of seals
- On the one hand, we have seals present in the northern hemisphere, and they are generally somewhat larger than their relatives, the seals of the southern hemisphere. Of the 19 species that exist, two of them are freshwater and the rest are marine, three of them being inhabitants of warmer areas and not of icy waters.
On the one hand, we have seals present in the northern hemisphere, and they are generally somewhat larger than their relatives, the seals of the southern hemisphere. Of the 19 species that exist, two of them are freshwater and the rest are marine, three of them being inhabitants of warmer areas and not of icy waters.
- The large family Phocidae, within which seals are found, is currently divided into two subfamilies with species that share anatomical, ecological and behavioral characteristics, but differ in their geographical distribution. As we mentioned, they are found in practically all the oceans of the world and throughout evolution they have been acquiring different adaptations for marine life.
- Mediterranean monk seal, (Monachus monachus): of this endangered seal currently only between 350 and 450 specimens remain. Even so, it has gone from being critically endangered to simply endangered.
- Hawaiian monk seal, (Neomonachus schauinslandi): is another of the seals in danger of extinction, and is currently estimated that there are about 1,100 left in the Hawaiian Islands. It is critically endangered.
- Caspian seal, (Pusa caspica): this is a species that has been threatened since 2008. In fact, the total number of this endangered seal has decreased by up to 90% and as of 2017 fewer than 70,000 Caspian seals were counted.
- Capuchin seal, (Cystophora cristata): thanks to their robust and large body and aggressive attitude, these seals prevail over the others. In 2006 it was estimated that the world population of this endangered seal was 592,100 individuals, so it is in a vulnerable state.
Percentage of seals that are threatened with extinction
- Young: The young of seals are born white. Thanks to this color they manage to camouflage themselves with the snow to protect themselves from some predators. When they grow they change their color to a grayish tone and may present some spots. In addition, a lighter color is observed in the belly area than in the rest of its body. In contrast, the young of sea lions are born with a dark brown fur and this tone is modified a little when they reach their adult stage.
Differences between Seals and Lions marios
- Food: Both animals have a similar diet, although with small nuances. Their carnivorous diet includes certain species of fish, and some mollusks, such as squid and octopus. But sea lions don't usually eat crustaceans and seals if they include them in their diet.
- Weight: An adult seal will only reach 100 kg, while a sea lion can weigh 300 kg in its adult stage. The male sea lion has a greater weight difference with the female, compared to the weight difference between the two sex types of seals.
While its front wings are short and not jointed. Their great advantage is that they can swim very quickly and easily. On the other hand, on land you can only move by crawling or sliding. So if a sea lion were to race across the water against a seal, the clear winner would be the seal. But if the same race were held on land, the sea lion would win.
- Physique: Sea lions have widely separated hind flippers that allow them to lean on them, they can also move them to walk. Their front legs are large and articulated, which makes it easier for them to walk on the ground, they could even run. For this reason, sea lions spend more time out of the water than seals. On the other hand, seals have their hind legs directed backwards, forming a flipper.
Continuation of the differences between sea lions and seals
- While its front wings are short and not jointed. Their great advantage is that they can swim very quickly and easily. On the other hand, on land you can only move by crawling or sliding. So if a sea lion were to race across the water against a seal, the clear winner would be the seal. But if the same race were held on land, the sea lion would win.
- Other characteristics: Male sea lions compete for territory and females. Each sea lion can mate with 15 females, in exchange for protecting them, this group of females is often known as a harem. They usually mate on land in the months of May and June. Each of the females has a single calf. There are also freshwater seals.
Continuation of the differences between sea lions and seals
The End