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The Victorian Era is a period in British history that lasted from 1837 to 1901, during the reign of Queen Victoria. It was a time of significant social, economic, and technological change, marked by industrialization, urbanization, and the growth of the middle class.

the biggining...

The era was characterized by a strict moral code and a focus on family values, with the rise of the middle class and the expansion of education.

. Charles Dikens . Thomas Hardly. Tennyson . Oscar wilde

famous writers:

darwin on the origin of species


the crimean war begins


first worhouse opened


rules for working in mines


victoria’s come into throne and first iron stream ship crossing the atlantic


victoria dies


education is made compulsory for children under 10


retantation property after mirage


suez canal opens


.Wedding day= the most important day in the life .Woman had been taught to marry and to take of the family .During the early victorian era, the dressing style resembled the georgian age clothing style.

Women were used as an “object”, they were there only for get married with the allow of the their families, and for have childrens and for taking care of the family. They get the right for vote over age 30. And most of womens worked in domestic service, either a cook or laundres to a wealthier.

victorian era society:

Dressing code: . Woman: very complex and variated, a lot of different styles and codes o dress for different occasions. . Men: very formal clothes such as tailcoast, trousers, waistcoat, etc...

Daily lifestyle: . Family values . Morality and respectabity . Industralization . Education . Leisure time . Health and hygiene

Class-divided society: . Small upper classwealth: privilege and social prestige, best education, luxury lifestyle. . Growing middle class: professionals like doctors or teachers and businessmen . Large working class: factory workers, laborers and servants (majority)

Culture: . The Victorian era was marked by a strong sense of morality and respectability. With an emphasis on family and social propriety. . Great technological and scientific progress, with medicine advances, engineering and communication technology.


Santino Bartuccelli, Angeles kupfershmidt, Santiago Mancuso, Catalina Villasante.

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