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Photo by Brian Bowen Smith

Plot/the story
It is a 2012 comedy film directed byLarry Charles. 
~ The dictator  ~
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~ The dictator ~

It is a 2012 comedy film directed byLarry Charles.

Plot/the story

Photo by Brian Bowen Smith

The story

The film tells the heroic exploits of a dictator general, Haffaz Aladeen, a self-centered and obtuse despot, who tries to avert the threat of democracy in his country, the imaginary African state of Wadiya.Aladeen is comically represented as a staunch anti-Western, anti-Semitic, war-loving, and beautiful women, with whom he formed his own army. While he is at a UN congress in Manhattan, where he goes because he has been invited by the United Nations to resign, he is the victim of a conspiracy hatched by his uncle Tamir, who kidnaps him and replaces him with an even more idiotic double, in order to control the country. Managed to escape, he wanders around New York savoring the freedoms of democracy and makes friends with some characters who will help him and change the way he sees the world, among the thousand vicissitudes to take back power.

last scene

  • Sacha Baron Cohen as Admiral General/Prime Minister Haffaz Aladeen/Allison Burgers and his double Efawadh
  • Jason Mantzoukas as "Nuclear" Nadal
  • Anna Faris as Zoey
  • Ben Kingsley as Tamir Aladeen, Aladeen's uncle


  • 1990 - Nam gravida magna id tortor fringilla posuere
  • 1992 - Nulla in leo ac est consequat convallis
  • 2001 - Donec a elit sem. In massa arcu
  • 2003 - rhoncus vel euismod quis
  • 2007 - pellentesque ac tortor


After filming The Dictator, Anna Faris said she couldn’t wait to shave her armpits again, as Sacha Baron Cohen insisted on growing hair under her arms, to better interpret the owner of an organic food store.

The end