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MAR '23
Lesson 2
How to read a play
Quarter 4 

Determine a theme of a text and analyze its development, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot.

Read and comprehend dramas. 
Answer the following assignment on Schoology:

27.2 BW Plays
The Diary of Anne Frank
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MAR '23

Lesson 2

How to read a play

Quarter 4

Determine a theme of a text and analyze its development, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot.Read and comprehend dramas.


Answer the following assignment on Schoology:27.2 BW Plays

The Diary of Anne Frank

How to read a play

Elements of a play (or drama): Dialogue, Stage Directions, Scenes (like chapters) within Acts. All stage directions, dialogue, and setting contribute to an understanding of events. Analyzing these elements of a play will help students picture the events being described

You must keep track of:• Stage Directions. Characters move. Keep track of where they currently are in the set/stage. • Characters & their dialogue. Their individual characteristics as well as their relationship to one another. Even minor characters. • The main themes.• Props: sometimes they’re as important as the characters themselves. • Narrative arc within each scene.• Overall plot structure! Is it a three-act structure? Two-act structure? Why?

How to read a play

Top of the Play

What can you interpret from the start of the play?Think Setting, Plot, Character Personalities

Things to notice and Imagine:

  • The environment. The ‘where’, the ‘when’. Indoors or outdoors? Is it DAY or NIGHT?
  • The stage.
  • Characters following their stage directions. Interaction with props.
  • Lighting, in some cases. If indicated.
    • Lighting conveys the mood of the scene or play in general.
    • A happy moment will probably have more light in the scene
    • What about a moment of suspense, sadness, inner character turmoil or mystery?


Some distinct sets for the play


Answer 27.2 CW Act I Vocabulary on Schoology

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