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Hilary Costa 3B2022/2023

Child Soldiers

Children rarely choose to go to war. Orphans and very poor children leave because they will be drafted into the army. Often soldiers go to villages and take children away.Armies use children because they are easier to control than adults and eat less. In addition, young children do not really understand the danger and therefore do things that adults refuse to do. Helping child soldiersSometimes, child soldiers run away or specialized organizations rescue them.

Every child has the right to go to school and to dream.Child soldiers can't do that.

Why do they become soldiers?

Child Soldiers

In Europe, children can work during school holidays or weekends. Child labour means that children work illegally, often in appalling conditions. Working children and adolescents cannot go to school and are often sick. These children are usually very poor.The children who work in the rice fields have their feet in the water all day and there is the problem of insects, animals and bacteria. About 14 million children work long hours in dark, dusty and hot factories that produce things like clothes, shoes and balloons.Other children do very dangerous jobs such as making fireworks or preparing explosives.

child labour

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