Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


March 22nd 2023

Water day

How can we help?


How much water do we use?


How much water do we use?

  • How long does it take you to wash your face in the morning?
  • How long does it take you to brush your teeth?
  • How long does it take you to shower?
  • How much water do you use to clean the dishes?

Let's count

But will those little steps make everything better?

What about the farms?

What about the industries?

To make ONE plastic water bottle we use 11 liters of water!

To make ONE sheet of paper we use 11 liters of water.

To make a pair of jeans we use 7.000 liters of water!

70% goes to agriculture, 22% to industries and only 8% to houses like yours.

Where does the drinkable water go?


How can we help?

But what about your community? Your school? Your city? Your government?

Individuals can't solve the crisis by themselves.

Everyone needs to do their part. And here are some tips!

See you in the next IB class!