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presented by 
Sofian boughebri
and yé-jin lee
NAsa's webb detects carbon dioxide in exoplanet atmosphere
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presented by Sofian boughebri and yé-jin lee

NAsa's webb detects carbon dioxide in exoplanet atmosphere


  • Is an infrared observatory orbiting the sun.
  • Has the ability to detect atmospheres of exoplanets.
The largest optical telescope in space :

James webb spatial telescope


  • Exoplanet : a planet that orbits a star outside our solar system.
  • WASP-39b is a hot gas giant orbiting a sun-like, about 700 light-years away from us.
  • Clear detection of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere on July 2022.

the exoplanet WASP-39b

The exoplanet WASP-39b:

How do we know that wasp-39B atmosphere has carbon dioxide ?


The nirspec

The NIRSpec

is the acronym for : Near InfraRed Spectograph. It is a special observation mode in the JWST.


  • A transit is a phenomenon when a celestial body passes directly between a larger star and the telescope.
  • 2.5% of the star's light blocked by WASP-39b during the transit.

How transmission spectroscopy works?



wavelengths blocked

Gases in the exoplanet's atmosphere filter out some colors/wavelengths, depending on that, we know the composition of its atmosphere.

The differences between those spectra we can observe : different wavelengths.


Curves of changes of the colors of the star's light over time.





the importance of this discovery ?

to conclude

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