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Leadership andTeam Development

Service Excellence

ICT, Laboratory & Other Essential Skills

Safety and Health

Research Methodology

Communication and Other Essential Soft Skills

Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Technology Literacy

Teacher Development

Human Resource

Staff DevelopmentProgrammes

For Year 2023

Coming Soon

Effective Classroom Management and Communication (2 days)

Effective Lesson Planning and Delivery (2 days)

The Psychology of Learning and Motivation (2 days)

Creative Teaching Workshop for Beginners (1 day)

Testing and Measurement in Teaching (2 days)

Advisory Clinic for Accreditation (2 days)

Outcome Based Education (2 days)

Teacher Development

Outcome Based Education (Learning Outcome) (1 day)

Outcome Based Education (Constructive Alignment) (1 day)

Science for Body Language (2 days)

Student Research Project Supervision (2 days)

Becoming a Role Model Research Advisor: Essential Principles and Best Practices (2 days)

Effective Classroom Management and CommunicationBACKGROUNDAs the student population becomes more diverse, the ability to teach and cater to the needs of different learners has become increasingly important. Each individual has a unique set of biological and developmental characteristics, prior knowledge and learning preferences which substantially influence how he/she learns. A teacher's effectiveness depends on his/her ability to identify differences in the students' learning styles, so as to actively seek the best ways to connect with and help them. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the different learning styles of students
  • Recognise how teacher perceptions influence the learning outcomes and classroom atmosphere
  • Employ effective classroom management strategies to manage discipline problems and create meaningful learning experiences in the classroom
  • How to communicate effectively with students to maximise students’ learning
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, teachers, trainers, and administrators in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Teaching Methodology
  • An introduction
  • Effective delivery of lessons
  • Learning styles
  • Are learning styles important?
Session 2: Effective Classroom Management
  • An introduction
  • Classroom management problems
  • Intervention for classroom disruption
  • Avoiding and resolving conflict
  • Developing classroom cohesiveness
Session 3: Effective Communication
  • An introduction
  • Effective communication
  • Active listening
  • Roadblocks to communication
Session 4: Teacher Perception of Students
  • How do you perceive your students?
  • Knowing yourself and your students
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Cheng Wei Fong is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Languages, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at TAR UMT. She holds a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from University of Leeds. She has over 18 years of teaching English to learners from various backgrounds and of different areas of specialisation. She is a facilitator for Teacher Development Workshops in TAR UMT. She is also a licensed trainer for Leonard Personality Profiling (LPI) and conducted training for both working adults, lecturers and students. Ms Melissa Lee Phooi Kuan obtained her Bachelor and Master in Education (Teaching of English as Second Language, TESL) from University of Malaya. She has over 17 years of experience teaching English and Public Speaking courses to learners from various backgrounds and of different areas of specialisation since joining TAR UMT in 2002. She is presently the Senior Lecturer at the Department of English Studies in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at TAR UMT. Ms Lee is a regular trainer for English Enhancement Programmes for both local and foreign participants, as well as a facilitator for Teacher Development Workshops in TAR UMT.

6 - 7 March 202322 - 23 May 2023 26 - 27 June 2023

Advisory Clinic for AccreditationBACKGROUNDExternal Quality Assurance is important to ensure quality in programmes offered by private Higher Education Providers (HEP)s. The Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) was established under the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007 (Act 679) to quality assured higher education (HE) in Malaysia. To ensure quality in HE, MQA has developed a series of guidelines, standards and codes of practice guided by MQA to assist HEPs in enhancing their academic performance and institutional effectiveness. The main document in a Programme Accreditation is the Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) developed by MQA. All programmes offered by Malaysian HEPs are to be accredited as sanctioned by MQA Act 679.OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the criteria and standards requirement of COPPA
  • Understand MQA Accreditation Process
  • Relate COPPA requirements to requirements of MQA Programme Accreditation Visit
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, administrators and quality assurance practitioners in educational institutions who are directly or indirectly involved in preparing documentation and involved in a programme accreditation visit.COURSE CONTENTSSESSION 1 Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA)
  • Criteria and Standards for Programme Accreditation
SESSION 2 Submission for Programme Accreditation
  • Required Documentation for Accreditation
  • Programme Self Review
  • MQA Client Charter
SESSION 3 Preparation for Accreditation Visit
  • MQA Accreditation Process
  • Preparation for Accreditation Visit
SESSION 4 Conduct of Accreditation Visit
  • Tips for a successful Accreditation Visit
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Lee Chee Ling obtained her Master of Management from University of Malaya. She holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Currently, Ms Lee is the Director of Department of Quality Assurance at TAR UMT with her main portfolio being responsible for the overall formulation, implementation, monitoring and review of quality assurance policies and systems pertaining to academic standards, management of quality and standard for the TAR UMT. She is the Quality Management Representative for ISO 9001:2015 certification on provision of education services for KL Main Campus and also the Person in Charge for SETARA rating for TAR UMT. To date, Ms Lee has led and achieved at least 150 programmes successfully accredited for Full Accreditations and Maintenance Audits by MQA. Prior to TAR UMT, Ms Lee was trained to manage teaching and learning activities spanning from student recruitment, faculty administration to course assessment processes in multidisciplinary and medical institutions. She had setup the Department of Examinations & Credit Evaluation at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and was the Team Lead for implementing Timetable Management System and Student Life Information Management at International Medical University.

19 - 20 June 2023 14 - 15 November 2023

Effective Lesson Planning and DeliveryBACKGROUNDEducators in classrooms need to be provided with adequate skills to deliver their lessons effectively. The manner in which lessons are delivered will influence students’ overall performance in their subject. Effective use of teaching resources and different approaches will help enhance the quality of lessons. Furthermore, well delivered lessons will also be reflected in students’ test performance.OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Plan their lessons to meet the learning outcomes effectively
  • Apply appropriate teaching techniques to keep the students engaged in their lessons
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of their lesson plans and the delivery of the lessons
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, educators, trainers, and administrators in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Being an Effective Educator Session 2: The Importance of Planning
  • Good planning vs no/poor planning
  • Planning a course
Session 3: Lesson Plans
  • Why lesson plans?
  • Format of a Lesson Plan
  • Factors to be Considered When Writing a Lesson Plan
  • Writing Lesson Objectives (Using Bloom's Taxonomy)
  • Writting Lesson Plans
  • Evaluating Lesson Plans
Session 4: Keeping Students Engaged
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
  • Enthusiasm
  • Humour
  • Creative
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Hor Suet Fun pursued and obtained a Diploma and Bachelor in Education, as well as Master in Education majoring in Teaching of English as Second Language (TESL) from University of Malaya. She has taught different levels of learners; preschoolers, primary and secondary schools as well as college students. She has 15 years of teaching English in the government schools and 11 years in TAR UMT. She is now the Course Coordinator for English courses in TAR UMT.

14 - 15 March 2023 15 - 16 May 2023 15 - 16 August 2023

Testing and Measurement in TeachingBACKGROUNDGlobalisation and the need for accountability, performance standards and quality assurance have stimulated and reflected new trends in educational measurement. The increased reliance on testing and measurement as educational tools has also raised issues concerning the fairness of their uses and interpretations. Therefore, educators need to have a sound understanding of the testing process and how it may be used to enhance learning in students. Tests should reflect the content standards set and performance standards required by an educational institution. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Use appropriate test types to assess students
  • Differentiate between evaluation and measurement, and why teachers need to undertake both tin the classroom
  • Apply the concepts of validity and reliability in writing tests
  • Use the test writing techniques in designing tests effectively
  • Assess the quality of tests that have been prepared
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, administrators and quality assurance practitioners in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Effective Testing and Measurements
  • Why Must We Test Our Students?
  • What Information Do Tests Provide?
  • Are Your Tests Measuring What They Are Supposed To?
  • Effects of Testing and Assessment in Teaching
Session 2: Types of Tests
  • Development of Assessment Instruments
  • Criteria - Referenced Tests
  • Types of Criterion Tests
  • Determininig Mystery Levels
  • Norm Referenced Tests
Session 3: Writing Test Items
  • Testing Formats
  • Bloom's Taxonomy
Session 4: Hands-on Exercise on Writing of Test Items Session 5: Designing Fair Tests
  • Constructing Test Items
  • Validity of Tests
  • Reliability of Tests
  • Distribution of GradesDiscussion of Test Items Written by Participants
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Sridevi Balakrishnan obtained her Bachelor and Master in Education (Teaching of English as Second Language, TESL) from University Putra Malaysia (UPM). She has been a lecturer with TAR University College since 2002 with well over 15 years of experience teaching English to learners from various backgrounds and of different areas of specialization. She is presently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at TAR UC. Apart from teaching, she is also actively involved in designing course syllabus and teaching materials as well as planning activities for English Language Campaigns. Additionally, Ms Sri also conducts motivational talks and workshops in secondary schools as part of the university college’s effort to promote community development.

22 - 23 May 2023 7 - 8 August 2023

Outcome Based EducationBACKGROUNDOutcome Based Education (OBE) is education based on producing particular educational outcomes that focuses on what students can do after they are taught and expect all learners/students to successfully achieve a particular (sometimes minimum) level of knowledge and abilities. The rationale for OBE is to have proof that learning has taken place and has equipped learners with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to solve authentic problems in a workplace situation. OBE is an approach that contributes towards a structured system for implementing higher education and is a viable force for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). OBE is able to develop a knowledge economy, and higher-order economic efficiency call for quality and accountability in education. Learning outcomes, as an integral part of OBE, can develop the accountability that can be put forward to the outside constituents (stakeholders). OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the application of Malaysian Qualification Framework
  • Apply the implementation of Outcome Based Education
  • Recognise closing the loop mechanism of Outcome Based Education
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, administrators and quality assurance practitioners in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: HE & MQA
  • Development to Higher Educatioin of 21 st Century
  • Private Higher Education Institution (PHEI) in Malaysia
  • The Role of Malaysian Qualifications Agency
  • Malaysian Qualitifications Framework (MQF) and QA Documents
Session 2: Outcome Based Education (OBE)
  • What is OBE and Why OBE
  • Components of OBE
  • Intended Learning Outcomes
  • The OBE Philosophy
  • Assessment of Outcomes
Session 3: Learning Outcomes and Learning Domains
  • What are Learning Outcomes?
  • Importance of Learning Outcomes
  • Principles of Learning Outcomes
  • Objectives Versus Outcomes
  • Key Issues in Writing Learning Outcomes
  • Different Levels of Learning Outcomes, i.e. PEO, PLO, and CLO
  • Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
Session 4: Writing Learning Outcomes
  • Managing the Development of Learning Outcomes
  • Characteristics of a Good Course Outcome
  • Classifying Learning Outcomes
  • 3 Components of a Course Outcome i.e. Action Verb, Condition, Standard
  • Writing Course Outcomes for Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective Domains
  • Common Weaknesses in Writing CO
Session 5: Mapping Outcomes
  • Map Levels of Outcome (PEO, PLO, CLO)
  • Constructive Alignment
  • CLO-PLO Measurement
Session 6: Assessment and Evaluation
  • Types of Assessment i.e. formative, continuous and summative
  • Assessment Methods: What and How to Assess?
  • Assessing Knowledge and Comprehension
  • Assessing Critical Thinking Skills
  • Assessing Problem Solving Skills
  • Assessing Performance of Procedures and Demonstrating Techniques
  • Assessing Ability to Reflect Upon Learning and Integrate Into Professional Practice
  • Mapping Suitability of Methods of Assessment to Aspects of Assessment
  • Assessment Process
Session 7: Student Learning Time (SLT)
  • The MQF Approach
  • SLT
  • Why SLT
  • How to Calculate SLT?
Session 8: Closing the OBE Loop
  • Closing the Loop in Assessment
  • Continual Quality Improvement of PEO, PLO and CLO of a Programme
  • MQA Maintenance Audit
  • SETARA Rating
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Melissa Lee Phooi Kuan obtained her Bachelor and Master in Education (Teaching of English as Second Language, TESL) from University of Malaya. She has over 17 years of experience teaching English and Public Speaking courses to learners from various backgrounds and of different areas of specialisation since joining TAR UMT in 2002. She is presently the Senior Lecturer at the Department of English Studies in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at TAR UMT. Ms Lee is a regular trainer for English Enhancement Programmes for both local and foreign participants, as well as a facilitator for Teacher Development Workshops in TAR UMT. Ts. Dr Lim Li Li received her Advanced Diploma in Technology (Electronics Engineering) from Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) and subsequently obtained a M.Sc. in Electronics from Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. In 2019, she obtained her PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University of Nottingham Malaysia in the area of Telecommunications Engineering. She is currently serving as the Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Technology in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) with over 15 years of experience in teaching, research, and managing engineering programmes. Dr Lim is currently the Chair for TAR UC’s Innovation for Teaching Committee which oversees the selection of digital learning tools and providing support for the adoption and implementation of innovative teaching and learning practices throughout the University College. She is also a member of the Board of Engineer’s Malaysia, Engineering Technology Accreditation Council, Malaysia standards subcommittee. Her current research interest is in statistical signal and image processing, machine learning, wireless communication MIMO signal processing, and engineering education.

23 - 24 May 2023 12 - 13 June 2023 10 - 11 October 2023

The Psychology of Learning and MotivationBACKGROUNDWe all know that students have different personalities. Each of them has a unique set of awareness and perceptions that will influence how they respond to learning and their surrounding environment. Being acquainted with the psychology of students and how to motivate them will equip teachers with the necessary understanding to plan lessons and activities more effectively and to better reach out to their students. Understanding how students think will better prepare teachers to integrate knowledge and teach students with diverse learning abilities. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Employ the different types of psychological theories and concepts which influence how learning takes place to teach students effectively
  • Apply psychological principles in their teaching to motivate and communicate with students.Practice self-reflection in their daily teaching to improve the teaching and learning experience for themselves and their students
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, administrators and quality assurance practitioners in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Introduction to Self-Awareness Session 2: The Psychology of Learning
  • Theories of Learning
  • Application of Various Learning Theories in Teaching and Learning
Session 3: The Psychology of Motivation
  • Perspectives of Motivation
  • Theories of Motivation
  • Application of Various Theories of Motivation in the Classroom
Session 4: Learning Styles and Preferences
  • Types of Learning Styles
  • Implications of Teaching and Learning
Session 5: Personality
  • Types of Personalities
  • Implication for Teaching and Learning
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Nazirah Abd Aziz obtained her Bachelor of Education (Hons) Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) from UiTM Shah Alam and her Master of Arts Education Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. She started her teaching career in one of the government secondary schools and had an experience as an SPM 1119 examiner prior to joining TAR UMT. She has over 9 years of experience teaching English, Public Speaking and Critical Thinking courses to learners from different backgrounds since 2011. Presently, she is the Course Leader for Advanced Level English Courses at the Department of Languages in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at TAR UMT.

6 - 7 April 2023 8 - 9 May 2023 10 - 11 August 2023

Creative Teaching Workshop for BeginnersBACKGROUNDThis hands-on creative teaching workshop for beginners crafted by an educator for educators will help beginners or newbies in teaching to learn and integrate creative & innovative ways in teaching & curriculum planning by using Google tools and other online tools. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify classroom problems & solutions
  • Demonstrate understanding of using and integrating essential Google tools & other online tools to complement curriculum planning & creative teaching
  • Recognise the value of Google tools & other online tools to educators and students
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, educators, trainers, and administrators in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment. COURSE CONTENTSIntroduction to Creative Teaching Identifying Classroom Problems
  • Student's perspective
  • Lecturer/teachers’ perspective
  • Other factors
Essential Google Tools & Other Online Tools for Creative Teaching
  • Using Google Slides, Google Doc. Google Sheets, Google Forms, Google Classroom,
  • Google Sites, YouTube, Jamboard, Canva
Brainstorming of Ideas & Solutions
  • Understanding classroom problems
  • Exploring creative teaching opportunities
Presentation of Ideas & Solutions
  • Integrating Google tools & other tools to bring out most desired solutions
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Cindy Poh Huay Yuet is a Google Certified Educator with close to 5 years’ experience as a Lecturer under the Faculty of Communication & Creative Industries (FCCI) of Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Techmology (TAR UMT). As a visual learner herself, she understands the challenges faced by both students in classroom learning as well as educators in classroom teaching, and aims to provide training on creative teaching using Google tools and other online tools.

4 October 2023

Outcome Based Education (Learning Outcomes)BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor Lecturers.COURSE CONTENTS TRAINER'S PROFILEProf. Sr. Ir. Dr. Suhaimi Abdul Talib (MQA)

4 September 2023 11 September 2023 18 September 2023 2 October 2023 9 October 2023 16 October 2023 25 October 2023 6 November 2023 14 November 2023

Outcome Based Education (Constructive Alignment)BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor LecturersCOURSE CONTENTS TRAINER'S PROFILEProf. Sr. Ir. Dr. Suhaimi Abdul Talib (MQA)

5 September 2023 12 September 2023 19 September 2023 3 October 2023 10 October 2023 17 October 2023 26 October 2023 7 November 2023 15 November 2023

Science For Body LanguageBACKGROUNDWhile it is difficult to fully understand how a person feels and thinks, observing body language can glean a lot of cues about the silent messages being conveyed. Even among people who are very close, miscommunication often arises because people aren’t exactly very open most of the time about what they really want to say. Humans have the tendency to conclude and perceive a person according to their five senses and also verbal communication. Unfortunately, most of us always jump to the wrong conclusions because we do not analyse the situation properly and completely. As a result, there is a need for us to understand body language as an important tool. This program gives you the fundamentals of how to read people and understand others non-verbal communication. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the function and apply principle of body language
  • Identify and interpret the movement and gestures during interpersonal communication
  • Detect deceit and untruthfulness
  • Apply to Improve relationships and communication among couples, between children and colleague
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, administrators and quality assurance practitioners in educational institutions directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Understand Concept of Nonverbal Communication
  • Fundamental of Nonverbal Communication
  • Evolution of Body Language
  • The Role and Function of Nonverbal Communicatio
  • Basic Principle to Understand the Concepts
Session 2: Apply the Right Methodology to Analysis Nonverbal Communication
  • Observe and Run a Nonverbal
  • The Ethical Consideration When Conducting a Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Session 3: The Window to Our Soul
  • Reveal Meaning Delivered Through Our Eyes
  • Pupil Dilation, Eye Movement, Eye Contact Intensity, Eye Position
Session 4: Unravelling an Enigma: Facial Expressions
  • They Types of Facial Expression, Forehead, Eyebrow, Chin and Lips
  • The Different Regions of Facial Expression Give Various Tips to Reach the Heart of a Person
Session 5: Touch – A Bonding Interaction
  • Various Types of Tactile Contact, Touching Bahaviour
  • Concept in Tactile Contact Including Self-Touch
Session 6: The Centre of Power: Hands
  • The Concept of Gestures, Palms, Various Types of Handshakes and Hand Movement Analysis
Session 7: Defensive and Opening Channels: Arms
  • Different Arming Styles and Various Message Deliveries
  • Identify the Meaning of the Micro Movement of Arms
Session 8: Feeling or Emotion Expresser: Emotional Feet
  • Feet and Legs are the Main Elements to be Analysed by Body Language Specialists
  • The Feet Style and Walking Style
Session 9: Space and Body Language
  • The Concept of Space Between Individuals
  • Identify the Relationship Between Individuals
  • Understand Messages Sent Between Individuals Through Space Analysis
TRAINER'S PROFILEDatuk Prof Dr Leow Chee Seng is a very well-acknowledged researcher, consultant, and trainer. His specialised areas of research include human attitude, behaviour, strategic management, human resource, and marketing. He was a consultant for UNIDO, a Certified Trainer of the International Micro Expressionists Association (IMEXA) and a lecturer of the National Academy of Public Administration and Politics, Vietnam. Currently, he is the Productivity Champion of Malaysia, Nexus Governing Committee, Technical Expert of Behavioural Insights, Honorary Professor of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam, Panel of Expert of Sandikta College of Administrative Science, Indonesia, Advisor of Malaysia Corruption Watch and National Audit Academy, Malaysia. Datuk Dr Leow is a Certified Advanced Human Resource Practitioner (Consultant). He has written many books which include “Body Language Exposed; Selling with Heart and Soul; I See, I Hear, and I Conquer; Trapping the Cunning Fox; The Flintstones Management; Ordinary People Extraordinary Leadership; To Eat or To Be Eaten: Managing Millennial; Love Management” and many more. In addition, he sits on more than 10 editorial boards of multiple academic journals. He has also been invited to be a body language consultant for South China Morning Post, Hong Kong to analyse the body language of politicians in Hong Kong, and a resource person of Fornes Magazine, Argentina. Datuk Dr Leow has completed a consultation project for the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia on customer satisfaction. He has also managed to help PERODUA and the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia for their Rebranding and Transformation. Now, he is the advisor for several vocational colleges of Malaysia in the area of business.

22 - 23 May 2023

Student Research Project SupervisionBACKGROUNDCompleting a research project has become an accepted part of learning at higher learning institutions as a consequence of the widely recognized benefits of the research process for student learning. A research project offers students the chance to undertake a piece of research in an area of interest to them and to pursue it through to completion. This training serves to offer guidance for supervisors who are engaged in completing research projects. With the right supervisory skills, academicians can help the students to complete their project. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Conduct supervisory project effectively
  • Plan a research canvas with their students
  • Apply Socratic method in supervisory process
  • Apply coaching and mentoring in supervisory process
  • Create a culture to motivate students to be engaged in the student project
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor LecturersCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Dilemma During Supervisory Process
  • Common Mistakes That Are Encountered By Academicians and Educators When Supervisring Student Project Papers
  • Challenges of the Supervisory Process
  • Enhance the Supervision Process
Session 2: Plan a research canvas with their students
  • Share Research Experiences in a Framework
Session 3: Supervisory Model and Process
  • The Supervisory Model and The Supervisory Process
Session 4: Socratic Method of supervisory project
  • Socratic Method
  • Community of Practice Concept
  • Hands-on and Problem-Based Role Play
Session 5: Coaching and Mentoring Skills During Supervisory Project
  • Mentoring and Coaching Skills
Session 6: Participating Engagement in Supervisory Project
  • How To Create a Healthy Learning Environment
  • Methodology to Engage Participants During the Supervisory Process
TRAINER'S PROFILEDatuk Prof Dr Leow Chee Seng is a very well-acknowledged researcher, consultant, and trainer. His specialised areas of research include human attitude, behaviour, strategic management, human resource, and marketing. He was a consultant for UNIDO, a Certified Trainer of the International Micro Expressionists Association (IMEXA) and a lecturer of the National Academy of Public Administration and Politics, Vietnam. Currently, he is the Productivity Champion of Malaysia, Nexus Governing Committee, Technical Expert of Behavioural Insights, Honorary Professor of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam, Panel of Expert of Sandikta College of Administrative Science, Indonesia, Advisor of Malaysia Corruption Watch and National Audit Academy, Malaysia. Datuk Dr Leow is a Certified Advanced Human Resource Practitioner (Consultant). He has written many books which include “Body Language Exposed; Selling with Heart and Soul; I See, I Hear, and I Conquer; Trapping the Cunning Fox; The Flintstones Management; Ordinary People Extraordinary Leadership; To Eat or To Be Eaten: Managing Millennial; Love Management” and many more. In addition, he sits on more than 10 editorial boards of multiple academic journals. He has also been invited to be a body language consultant for South China Morning Post, Hong Kong to analyse the body language of politicians in Hong Kong, and a resource person of Fornes Magazine, Argentina. Datuk Dr Leow has completed a consultation project for the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia on customer satisfaction. He has also managed to help PERODUA and the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia for their Rebranding and Transformation. Now, he is the advisor for several vocational colleges of Malaysia in the area of business

10 - 11 April 2023 19 - 20 June 2023 21 - 22 August 2023 23 - 24 October 2023

Becoming a Role Model Research Advisor: Essential Principles and Best PracticesBACKGROUNDThis workshop provides participants the technical know-how in becoming a role model research advisor. It covers a range of essential skills that enable advisors to create workable systems that do more with less and guide their candidates in developing meaningful and valuable research projects. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Calibrate the expectations of the stakeholders
  • Guide advisors in enabling their research candidates to develop successful and satisfying research theses and research articles
  • Troubleshoot areas of research competence lacking among research advisors and candidates
  • Build strong support systems for the advisors and candidates

17 - 18 April 2023 26 - 27 June 2023 7 - 8 August 2023 11 - 12 September 2023

Leadership andTeam Development

Essential Skills for 21st Century Leadership (1 day)

Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leadership Success (2 days)

Mindfulness and Leadership (1 day)

Essential Skills for 21st Century Leadership BACKGROUNDThe need for a leader who leads with wisdom, skills, and style is ever-increasing in today's ever-changing world. People are getting complicated and confused, and the work is mostly affected by leadership quality. The demands of the new workforce today and the influenced workforce are at the demands of the “superhero-leadership” level, which many leaders could see as a threat rather than an opportunity to empower, grow and expand. According to the leadership guru John Maxwell, he quoted “Everything rises and falls on leadership” The real problem many corporations or organisations have is not so much about the system or the procedures but mainly leadership challenges. The real qualities of a true leader are fading away swiftly due to the great challenge in today’s society. Strong yet compassionate leaders are hard to find in this complex world. Many are called to lead, but few are chosen because only a few are exceptional leaders. 21st-century leadership requires more than knowledge and skills; it demands courage and wisdom, tenacity, and the flexibility to empower, grow, and build. Exceptional leaders go beyond head knowledge and instruction; it requires exceptional wisdom-guided action with power, conviction and passion for bringing transformation. In this power-packed and action-oriented workshop, you can expect to be engaged and challenged to bring out the best and untapped leadership potential you have on the inside. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and lead the 4 unique types of “generation” at the workplace
  • Know the power of each type of “generation”
  • Finding the common ground through empowerment
  • Understand what it takes to lead the new era of working styles
  • Be skilled at building better relationships
  • Inspire and motivate people for greater heights
  • Discovering how team members communicate
  • Understand how to coach people
WHO SHOULD ATTENDDeputy Directors, Deputy Deans, Division Heads, Associate Deans, Programme Leaders, Course Leaders, Senior Managers and Managers COURSE CONTENTSSession 1:
  • Generations That Exist in The Workplace – Adopting the New Era of Work Style
  • Defining A Generation
  • What It Means in Our Workplace – Lead by Appropriate Example
Session 2:
  • Characters of Each Unique Type
  • Working Pattern of Each Unique Type
  • Attitude of Each Generation at Work
  • Life Experience That Affects Work
Session 3:
  • Adopting the Different Communication Style – Improve 2-Way Flow
  • Treat Each Other As A Peer, Not with Ranks – Removing Perception Block of Gaps
  • Embracing the Unknown – Growing Potential Leaders
Session 4:
  • Why Leadership Matters? – Your Existence in Current Position
  • A World Without A True Leader
  • An Average Leader Vs A True Leader
  • How Leadership Impacts People – Its More Than Just A Job Scope
Session 5:
  • Leading and Motivating the Team – Changing to Positive Perception
  • Difference Between Groups and Teams – Personal Performance and Leadership Performance
  • What Can Build and Strengthen the Team? – The Greatest Asset and Ideas with Resource Is Your People
Session 6:
  • Coaching and Counselling the Team Members
  • Principles of Coaching
  • Fundamental Steps in Conducting Coaching Activities with Team Members
  • Understanding Stages of Change
TRAINER'S PROFILEMr Bernard Lee specializes in creating programmes on personal development and enhancement together with effective soft skills programs. He believes very much in training and leading people, and has often been referred to as “inspiring” “expressive” and “interesting with a touch of humour”. He provides coaching and mentoring to groups of people – spending time and boundless energy to inspire, encourage, motivate and guide them on their path into their endeavour and enable them to live out their potential to the fullest. Bernard’s passion is to develop people for the betterment in their lives, workplace, business and society. He is an active social worker involved in the operations of a home set up for underprivileged and abused children and orphans.

7 July 2023

Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leadership SuccessBACKGROUNDCoaching is becoming one of the most powerful tools to drive and sustain employee performance in today's increasingly complex and competitive business environment. A well-developed coaching and mentoring process builds individual employees’ strengths, develops personal leadership and responsibility, and simultaneously delivers desired business results to the organisation. Coaching and Mentoring are, therefore, critical skills for every manager. Today’s manager needs to know how to develop their people. This project shows more in-depth practical aspects to plan, prepare and implement effective coaching and mentoring programmes and how to evaluate their success. This program has been designed to give managers the knowledge, competencies and strategies to develop their people's performance. This course will also enable participants to understand the processes, making them more effective and increasing their confidence and sense of achievement. This will benefit anyone who needs to master the principles and practices of an effective coach or mentor. A goal is to acquire the essential coaching skills to improve your day-to-day and long-term performance as a manager immediately. You’ll learn to be demanding of those you lead — but do it the right way. Make loyalty and commitment part of your team’s culture. The benefits of coaching mentoring you will find in this training program will change your life as a manager forever. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of mentoring, coaching and management styles
  • Apply the coaching models in the workplace
  • Understand that coaching is an integral part of a manager’s effective leadership strategies and management activities
  • Learn “What to say” and “How to say it” when coaching
  • Understand the importance of non-verbal communication when coaching
  • Able to prepare, deliver and review coaching and mentoring sessions
  • Make the right decisions including the unpleasant ones
  • Enrol others during their leadership application
WHO SHOULD ATTENDThe programme would be suitable for those administrative staff who are holding managerial positions or higher and also academic staff who are holding positions such as Course Leaders, Programme Leaders or Associate Deans.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: The KATZ Model of Skills
  • Technical, Human and Conceptual Responsibilities
  • The Essential Skills of Managers
  • Technical vs Administrative Priorities
Session 2: Managing Performance
  • 5 Wrong Things We Focus On
  • 5 More Effective Things We Should Focus On
  • Benefits From Managing Performance
  • What Happens Before, During and After Managing Performance
Session 3: Coaching at the Workplace
  • 5 Steps of Coaching
  • 5 Roles of Coaching Skills
  • Understanding Each Role
  • When to Use Which One
Session 4: Counselling Difficult Workers
  • Ways to Diffuse and Transform Conflict to Teamwork
  • Effective Counselling Techniques
  • Understanding and Identifying Issues That Influences Undesirable Attitudes
  • Practice Effective Counselling Techniques
Session 5: Mentoring Work Performance
  • Types of Mentoring
  • Prerequesites of Mentor and Mentee
  • Performance Management Agreements
  • Responsibilities of Mentor and Mentee
Session 6: Mentoring System
  • Charactieristics of Mentors
  • Leadership and Fellowship Alignment
  • The Skills Bank
  • Talent Pool of A, B, C Players
  • Selection of Mentors and 'Mentees'
Session 7: Nurutring and Retaining Key Talents
  • Critical Driver of Corporate Success
  • What People Leave For
  • Five Key Vs Global Mindsets and Strategies
  • The Performance-Potential Grid
Session 8: D.E.S.C.A. Feedback Formula
  • Describe the Undesirable Bahaviour
  • Explain Its Impact on You and Others
  • State Your Earlier Agreement or Expectation
  • Communicate Consequences of Further Undesired Behaviour
  • Agree on Future Accountable Action
Session 9: Being a Mentor is a New Paradigm
  • 3 Keys to be More Effective
  • Force Them or Motivate Them?
  • Employees are Responsible for Their Productivity Too
  • SWOT the Mentor
Session 10: Mapping the Way
  • Key Functions and Responsibilities
  • Balancing Praise and Recognition
  • Managing Performance or Conflit With Grace
  • Employee Development Programmes
TRAINER'S PROFILEAmy Wan-Ratos Amy has been a trainer for almost thirty years. She is a certified EQ trainer by 6 Seconds (USA), certified NLP Practitioner from ISNS (USA), certified PSMB trainer and a certified MasterCoach. She also holds a TAA004 certificate in Work-based Training, accredited by the Australian AWBT. Her corporate experience in Japanese and American firms instilled a fierce determination that we are all born to succeed! Amy was involved in their transformational stages to shift the paradigms of the workforce to accept and adapt to changes, cultural shocks and breakthrough goals. Amy has facilitated many workshops in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Canada and the USA. Her participants are mainly managers, executives and staff from corporate clients, the public sector, GLCs and NGOs. Amy has trained many organizations and is a popular conference speaker on the international circuit. She also facilitates at conferences / workshops for Toastmasters, the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) and the International Association of Facilitators. An articulate and fluent speaker, Amy has been the winner of international speech contests. She has coached and mentored speech contest winners. She is proficient in both Bahasa Malaysia and English. Amy conducts workshops in classrooms as well as online; her audience is global. She is the current Chair of IAF Malaysia, responsible for growing member skills in facilitation.

12 - 13 April 2023 11 - 12 September 2023

Mindfulness and LeadershipBACKGROUNDWhat is mindful leadership? Mindful leadership is a leadership practice focused on cultivating very high levels of self awareness, wisdom, and self mastery, allowing a leader to bring his or her best self to all aspects of leadership and daily life, and to inspire greatness in others. Mindful leadership significantly improves both the “soft” and “hard” skills of emotional intelligence and business acumen. As you start to make changes, people begin to see there’s something different about your reactivity, your ability to let go, and your courage to say what’s important. When you’re more present to be the best you can be, to be strong and courageous, to listen to what’s called for now, the ripple effect is much, much stronger and more powerful than you might imagine. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what is Mindfulness; to learn strategies and practices of Mindfulness
  • Cultivate Self Mastery as a Mindful Leader
  • Learn how to use principles of Mindfulness and communicating with people, meetings, leading a change
  • Lead the organization and team better through principles of Mindfulness
  • Perform more effectively and efficiently and get more results through Mindfulness techniques and practice
WHO SHOULD ATTENDThe programme would be suitable for those administrative staff who are holding managerial positions or higher and also academic staff who are holding positions such as Course Leaders, Programme Leaders or Associate Deans.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Introduction to Mindefulness and The Practice of Mindfulness
  • The PAID reality
  • What is Mindfulness and what is it really about?
  • It begins with Mastering the mind - who is in control?
  • The Attention Economy & the Myth of Multitasking
  • Two Rules of Mental Effectiveness
  • A New Way of Working
Session 2: Mindfulness and Self Mastery
  • Emotional Intelligence & Self Leadership
  • Mindful Technique #1. Emotional Self Management
  • Mindful Technique #2. Communication
Session 3: Mindfulness and Management
  • Four Skills of a Mindful Manager
  • Mindful Technique #3. Effective Meetings
  • Mindful Technique #4. Planning
Session 4: Mindfulness and Leadership
  • Three Insights of Mindful Leader
  • Mindful Technique #5. Change
  • What is Mindful Leadership
  • Mindful Technique #6. Setting Goals & Priorities
Session 10: Wrap Up
  • Recap Key Lessons Mindfully
  • Action Planning Mindfully
TRAINER'S PROFILEMR JULIUS WEE is the CEO and Master Trainer of Nikao Consulting Sdn Bhd, an organizational Behavior and training company with focus on mindset and personality breakthroughs. He graduated with 2 degrees in Computer Engineering, and Computer Science from the University of Newcastle, Australia. During the working tenure, he obtained a MBA n from Charles Sturt University. He is also a Business Coach of Action COACH, the world’s #1 Business Coaching Franchise with international presence in more than 15 countries throughout the world. He has trained proven business seminars and trainings that has helped 1000’s of business owners around the world. Prior to forming Nikao Consulting and joining Action COACH, he worked in Texas Instruments, a US based Fortune 500 corporate enterprise for 10 years and was elected Member Group Technical Staff, leading the technical division of the IT department. During that time, he has traveled extensively to U.S. and Asia as a key player on various projects in the respective countries. He was awarded the “Best Technical Speaker” award. Julius has trained and coach clients from many industries, ranging from GLCs, banks, insurance, shared services, real estate industry, florist industry, hair styling industry, telecommunications, mutual trust fund, vein therapist, pharmacy, manufacturing and food industries, fitness centers, IT industry, cleaning services, accounting, beauty, wellness spa and salon, publishing, hotel & golf resort, distribution, hospital & health-care, technical writing companies as well as the legal industry.

14 March 2023 1 November 2023

Service Excellence

Perkhidmatan Kakitangan Barisan Hadapan yang Cemerlang (2 days)

The 4 C’s of Customer Service: Concern, Confidence, Competence, Communication (2 days)

The 4C's of Customer Service: Concern, Confidence, Competence, CommunicationBACKGROUNDCustomers are important in any business. Delivering excellent service is one of the most valuable things businesses can do to stay competitive and successful. The catchword now is no longer “customer service” but “customer satisfaction”. It means to emphasize and focus on customer-defined solutions and needs. This seminar aims to bring concept and application to quality customer satisfaction, to help bring awareness on making every customer interaction a happy occasion, with positive results for the individual and the organisation. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Find satisfaction and pride in their jobs by realising their roles and the importance of being customer-centric
  • Put into place practical ways to meet and respond to customer’s expectations by managing conflicts and issues confidently
  • Learn ‘What to say’ and ‘How to say it’ when communicating with customers
  • Focus their energy positively by being a proactive and motivated service staff
  • Confidently upsell products to earn more sales
  • Work as a good team member to achieve service target results
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll levels of employeesCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Introduction: Self-Motivation
  • "I Am Responsible for My Results" Paradigm
  • A.B.C. :"Awareness Before Change"
  • A.S.K. : "Attitude, Skills, Knowledge"
  • P.R.I.D.E. :"Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort"
  • 4 Keys Sccess Service Attitudes
Session 2: Importance of Customer Service Management
  • Why Important?
  • Dynamics and Process
  • Standard, Quality, Expectations
  • Group Activity
Session 3: Be Concern/Can Do
  • Cultivate a Growth Mindset & the Right 'Can Do' Service Attitude
  • Meeting Your Customer's Expectations
  • Customer's Needs and Wants
  • How to Stay Motivated in Serving Customers
  • 8 Customer Service Tips That Every Employee Should Have
  • Self-Assessment: Customer Serivce Skills
Session 4: Be Confident
  • Why Important?
  • Importance to Customer and Employee
  • 4 Ways to Build Confidence in Serving Customers
  • 5 Strategies to Appear More Confident When Talking to Customers
  • Presenting a Professional Image
  • Skills Practice: Role Playing the Above Skills
Session 5: Be Competent
  • A.S.K. - Attitude, Skills, Knowledge
  • Professionalism and Warmth
  • Skills for Delivering Exceptional Customer Service
  • Barriers to Performance
  • 8 Execuses People Give When There Are No Results
  • Activity: Skills Practice on Workplace Scenarios
Session 6: Communicate Effectively
  • Engaging With the Customers at an Emotional Level
  • Acknowledgement and Respect
  • Key Body Language Aspects
  • Choice of Words, Tone of Voice
  • Energy, Volumn
  • Upselling Techniques
  • Practising 'Positive Words'
  • 'Do's and Dont's' in Getting Your Message Accross
  • Activity: "What to Say" and "How to Say" When Dealing With Customer Challenges and Complaints
Session 7: Success Formula
  • Providing a "Seamless" Experience
  • Turn Fears and Failure Into Courage and Success
  • Self-Motivation
  • Actioin Plan for Success
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Irene Choong Peck Foong has been a trainer for close to twenty-five years. She is a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) from MIM. She also holds a TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Australia) which is a Work-Based Certification recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework. She is also a Certified Masteries Practitioner Coach certified by the International Association of Coaching (IAC). She has accumulated wide experience in the field of management, communications, marketing and customer service having served in various management capacities in various industries. Her corporate experience in multinational firms instilled an invaluable experience in understanding the work issues facing her participants that attended her training mainly from the manufacturing, service and retail sectors. Ms Irene has facilitated many workshops for managers, executives and support staff from corporate clients, the public sector, GLCs and NGOs. Some of her specialized fields include Leadership, Supervisory skills, Coaching, Customer Service, Executive Development Programs, Teambuilding, Emotional Intelligence and Professional Administrators Course. She also facilitates conferences / CPD talks for the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). Her strengths lies in her ability to engage her participants through a strong command of both Bahasa Malaysia and English language. An enthusiastic and lively speaker, Irene has been awarded the title of Competent Toastmaster (CTM) and Competent Leader (CL), awards given in recognition of competence & leadership in the Toastmasters movement.

21 - 22 June 2023

Perkhidmatan Kakitangan Barisan Hadapan Yang CemerlangBACKGROUNDPelanggan amat mustahak dalam setiap perniagaan. Tumpuan sekarang bukan sahaja memberi “perkhidmatan” kepada pelanggan tetapi memenuhi “kepuasan” pelanggan. Maksudnya kita memberi tumpuan kepada memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak pelanggan Kursus ini bertujuan membawa konsep dan aplikasi kepada memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan yang berkualiti, mengurangkan tekanan dan menjadikan setiap interaksi dengan pelanggan berkesan serta membawa hasil yang positif untuk anda dan organisasi anda. Anda akan belajar teknik memberi perkhidmatan yang berkualiti serta bagaimana untuk mengurus aduan pelanggan. OBJECTIVESKursus 2 hari ini akan menolong peserta untuk:

  • Memahami kepentingan peranan mereka sebagai kakitangan barisan hadapan
  • Memahami kepentingan kepuasan pelanggan; kesannya terhadap kebahagiaan kerja mereka dan imej syarikat serta perkhidmatan yang disediakan
  • Menanam motivasi diri untuk melayan pelanggan, samada pelanggan dalaman atau luaran.
  • Berkomunikasi dengan berkesan melalui kemahiran mendengar dan teknik menyoal serta berkomunikasi secara asertif
  • Mengakui setiap orang sebagai individu yang berhak menerima hormat dan perkhidmatan yang bersopan dan mempraktikan 10 pedoman hubungan kemanusiaan
  • Berbalas secara positif, bukan secara reaktif terhadap sesuatu situasi untuk mewujudkan penyelesaian menang-menang, dan seterusnya memperolehi keyakinan pelanggan
  • Menghasilkan pelan tindakan yang tepat untuk mempertingkatkan teknik perkhidmatan pelanggan yang cemerlang
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll levels of employeesCOURSE CONTENTS1: Pengenalan - Apakah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang?
  • Mengenali Criteria Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
  • Contoh Positif Dalam Perkhidmatan Pelanggan
  • Kerja Berpasukan
  • Pedoman Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
2: Kepentingan Kepuasan Pelanggan
  • Halangan Yang Dihadapi
  • Pelanggan
  • Menggembirakan Hati Pelanggan
  • Perkhidmatan Pelanggan Vs. Kepuasan Pelanggan
  • Bengkel: Masalah Yang Dihadapi Di Tempat Kerja
3: Komunikasi Pelanggan - Kuncinya
  • Ciri-Ciri Dinamik dan Prosesnya
  • Kemahiran Komunikasi
  • Kemahiran Mendengar
  • Kemahiran Menanya
  • Bengkel: Berkomunikasi Dengan Pelanggan Dengan Berkesan
4: Kemahiran Hubungan Kemanusiaan
  • Apakah Itu Hubungan Kemanusiaan?
  • Perhunbungan Dengan Orang Lain
  • Sifat Semulajadi Manusia Vs Hubungan Kemanusiaan
  • Memahami Hubungan Kemanusiaan
  • Falsafah Tanggungjawab "Saya"
  • Kejujuran Peribadi
  • Apa Yang Mempengaruhi Hubungan Kemanusiaan?
  • Individu
  • Kepimpinan
  • Motivasi
  • Meningkatkan Hubungan Kemanusiaan Yang Berkesan
  • Imej Diri
  • Perhunbungan Yang Erat, Kepercayaan dan Belas-Ehsan
  • 10 Pedoman Hubungan Kemanusiaan
  • Bengkel: Mempraktikkan Pedoman
5: Teknik Perkhidmatan Berkualiti
  • Apakah Perkhidmatan Berkualiti?
  • "Pelanggan Selalu Betul"
  • Membina Keyakinan Pelanggan
  • Penggunaan Perkataan Positif
  • Bengkel: Mempraktikkan Perkataan Yang Positif
6: Mengurus Aduan Pelanggan
  • Mengenali Jenis Aduan
  • Teknik Untuk Mengurangkan Tekanan dan Menyenangkan Pelanggan
  • Pelan Tindakan Untuk Menghadapi Aduan Pelanggan
  • Lakon Peranan: Mempraktikkan 5 Langkah Untuk Mengurus Aduan Pelanggan
7: Sistem Persetujuan Yang Cemerlang
  • Sistem Sokongan
  • Persetujuan Kelakuan Pasukan
  • Bengkel: Pelan Tindakan Untuk Kejayaan
TRAINER'S PROFILEMs Irene Choong Peck Foong has been a trainer for close to twenty-five years. She is a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) from MIM. She also holds a TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Australia) which is a Work-Based Certification recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework. She is also a Certified Masteries Practitioner Coach certified by the International Association of Coaching (IAC). She has accumulated wide experience in the field of management, communications, marketing and customer service having served in various management capacities in various industries. Her corporate experience in multinational firms instilled an invaluable experience in understanding the work issues facing her participants that attended her training mainly from the manufacturing, service and retail sectors. Ms Irene has facilitated many workshops for managers, executives and support staff from corporate clients, the public sector, GLCs and NGOs. Some of her specialized fields include Leadership, Supervisory skills, Coaching, Customer Service, Executive Development Programs, Teambuilding, Emotional Intelligence and Professional Administrators Course. She also facilitates conferences / CPD talks for the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). Her strengths lies in her ability to engage her participants through a strong command of both Bahasa Malaysia and English language. An enthusiastic and lively speaker, Irene has been awarded the title of Competent Toastmaster (CTM) and Competent Leader (CL), awards given in recognition of competence & leadership in the Toastmasters movement.

3 - 4 April 2023 TBA

ICT and Laboratory

(ADVANCED) Microsoft Excel Functions & Formulas (1 day)

(ADVANCED) Engaging Audience with High Impact MS PowerPoint Presentation (2 days)

(Beginners) Workplace Presentation using MS PowerPoint (1 day)

Intenet of Things (Using ICDL Insights Syllabus)

Presentation (Using ICDL Workforce Syllabus)

Animate with Photopea (2 days)

Basic Digital Illustration & Digital Imaging with Photopea (2 days)

Excel Fundamentals and Basic Skills (2 days)

Tekla Structures (Foundation Level) (4 days)

Digital Marketing (Using ICDL Insights Syllabus

Microsoft Excel Functions and FormulasBACKGROUNDUsers of Microsoft Excel are familiar with its common functions and formulas but many have yet to discover the far potential and application of these tools. This workshop is specially designed to train the participants to maximize the usage of relevant functions and formulas so tedious tasks can be simplified and made easy. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the concept of named cell and named range and using it
  • Formulate test conditions
  • Apply text function to convert cases and cleaning of data
  • Work with date and time value
  • Apply various ways of summing and counting items
  • Using various scenarios to determine possible results
  • Analyze or slice and dice data to gain important insights
WHO SHOULD ATTENDLecturers, Administrators and General staffCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Basic Facts About Formulas Session 2: Working With Names Session 3: Logical and Information Functions Session 4: Text Functions Session 5: Dates and Times Functionsf Session 6: Counting and Summing Functions Session 7: Lookup Functions Session 8: Protecting and Un Protecting Worksheets Session 9: Using What-if Analysis to See Impact of Value Changes Session 10: Using PivotTables and Slicers to Summarize Data TRAINER'S PROFILEOng Mor Yang, Lecturer of Faculty of Computing and Information Technology. With a degree in Science (Business Information System) and Master’s degree in business administration, Mor Yang began his career as system engineer in Cosway Sdn. Bhd., a leading direct-selling company in Malaysia. He was then transitioned into financial industry with Commerce Assets Ventures Sdn. Bhd., a private-equity management firm, also a subsidiary of Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad (formerly known as Commerce Asset-Holdings Berhad) to take on IT Manager role. Mor Yang moved on to Head Of Operations position in 2013 with Jazzy Lifestyle Sdn. Bhd., a food & beverage business where he was instrumental in setting up the first café outlet operates under the brand name of It’s A Grind Coffee House in Cyberjaya. He also helmed the opening of another 3 outlets in Menara UAC, Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur Sentral (KL Sentral) within 2 years. After spending formative years in direct-selling business, private-equity management and food & beverage industry, Mor Yang joined TAR UC in 2016. E-Commerce, Entrepreneurship and Information Technology are his main teaching areas. To date, he is a licensed Leonard Personality Inventory Trainer and a Certified trainer for Alibaba Global E-commerce Talent Program.

24 May 2023 23 August 2023

Animate with PhotopeaBACKGROUNDThis workshop demonstrates animation techniques for users to start animation creation with Photopea, a free, open-source web-based image editor software developed for easy loading, editing, and exporting of graphic files. The programme is designed to cater to simple pick-up of sophisticated visuals; it contains easy know-how that guides beyond photo editing solutions. It also contains key features and functions of essential tools to produce professional animation and imagery output. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Perform animation techniques within Photopea tools and workspace
  • Develop a work of art in animation expression with effective graphic solutions
  • Create imageries with Photopea techniques for a production of animation outputs
  • Demonstrate digital-specific skills, file management, display and storage systems
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor aspiring administrative & academic staffs who wish to expand further in animation techniques skill with Photopea – to attain an insight on charismatic graphic presentation usages and creative digital advertising in relation to design.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: GIF and Raster Graphic Features of Photopea Session 2: Adapting to Animation Editing Features of Photopea Session 3: Effective Techinques in GIF, Animation, Image Editing and Solutions Session 4: Functions of Graphics Presentation and Post-Production Digital File Management TRAINER'S PROFILEMs. Tan Yar Shi obtained her Master of Arts in Communication & Cultural Studies from Monash University, she is also a graduate of RMIT University with a Bachelor of Design in Communication Design. Presently, she is lecturing at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT), Faculty of Communication & Creative Industries. Yar Shi is a speaker for TEDx @TAR UC, where she shares her thoughts on art and design and showcased her artworks. Yar Shi is also a trainer for the Centre for Continuing and Professional Education and conducts public webinars, workshops on graphic design, editorial design, digital illustration, and digital imaging.

27 - 28 July 2023 21 - 22 September 2023

ADVANCED) Engaging Audience with High Impact MS PowerPoint PresentationBACKGROUNDThis workshop is ideal for participants who want to become more confident, efficient and effective in using Microsoft PowerPoint. It will increase the mastery of this application and allow the participant to operate presentation applications effectively. Besides, this workshop covers new features in PowerPoint 2019/365, including Zoom and Morph transition. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Structure PowerPoint presentations that engage the audience
  • Use graphics, charts and SmartArt effectively in the presentation
  • Enhance a presentation using themes, templates and built-in animation and transition features
  • Understand how your audience experiences your presentation
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll levels of employeesCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Presentation Structure and Audience Analysis Session 2: Working with Objects, Graphics, Charts and SmartArt Session 3: Customising Presentations and Adding Special Effects Session 4: Setting Up the Slide Show TRAINER'S PROFILEMs. Vasantha Sowndappan is a lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Security at the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology of TAR University College. She holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from University Malaya. She also completed the Presentation (Advanced) module from ICDL.

14 - 15 June 2023 11 - 12 September 2023

(Beginners) Workplace Presentation using MS PowerPointBACKGROUNDThis workshop is ideal for participants who want to learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint in their workplaces. Participants are not required to have any prior knowledge of working with Microsoft PowerPoint but some basic understanding will be an added advantage. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the functions and interface of PowerPoint
  • Create a blank presentation or a presentation from a template
  • Insert graphics, sound and animation in the slides
  • Prepare and run the presentation slides
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAnyone interested to learn Microsoft PowerPoint beginner level COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Introduction to PowerPoint Session 2: Creating and Managing Slides Session 3: Inserting and Managing Graphics Session 4: Adding Sound and Movement to Slides Session 5: Assembling and Presenting a Slide Show TRAINER'S PROFILEMs. Vasantha Sowndappan is a lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Security at the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology of TAR University College. She holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from University Malaya. She also completed the Presentation (Advanced) module from ICDL.

12 June 2023 11 October 2023

Basic Digital Illustration and Digital Imaging With PhotopeaBACKGROUNDDigital Illustration workshop demonstrates basic digital illustration techniques for beginners to embrace the speed and conveniences needed by today’s “creators” to alter and accelerate illustrative graphical tasks with Photopea – a free, open-source web-based software for easy creation of vector/raster graphic files. The tutorials of this workshop are specially designated with easy step-by-step guidance in digital illustration as the key to creating visual communication, with essential features and tools of Photopea to produce illustrative output professionally. Digital Imaging workshop demonstrates basic digital imaging techniques for beginners to get started in photo editing with Photopea – a free, open-source web-based image editor software developed for easy loading, editing and exporting of raster and vector graphic files. The programme is designed to cater simple pick-up of sophisticated visuals, as it contains easy know-how in photo editing solutions with key features and functions of Photopea essential tools to produce image output professionally. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Perform illustrative techniques within Photopea tools and workspace
  • Develop a work of art in digital illustration with effective editorial design solutions
  • Demonstrate digital-specific skills, storage systems, display and digital illustration
  • Create illustrative concept with Photopea techniques to produce creative visual outputs
  • Perform general techniques within Photopea tools and workspace
  • Develop a work of art in photo editing with effective image solutions
  • Demonstrate digital-specific skills, storage systems, display and digital imaging
  • Create image concept with Photopea techniques to produce creative visual ou
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor aspiring administrative & academic staff who wish to pick up digital illustration and digital imaging with free open-source web-based software, and are involved in the preparation to support marketing and promotion function in relation to design. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Vector Graphic Features of Photopea Session 2: Adapting to Computer Illustration Tools, Navigation and Workspace of Photopea Session 3: Fundamental of Pre-Attentive Attributes in Design and Post-Production Digital File Management Session 4: Digital Illustration, Digital Typography, Colour Application, Branding Design Session 5: Raster Graphic Features of Photopea Session 6: Adapting to Photo Editing Tools, Navigation and Workspace of Photopea Session 7: Effective Techniques in Photo Editing, Image Enhancement and Solutions Session 8: Fundamental of Pre-Attentive Attributes in Design and Post-Production Digital File Management TRAINER'S PROFILEMs. Tan Yar Shi obtained her Master of Arts in Communication & Cultural Studies from Monash University, she is also a graduate of RMIT University with a Bachelor of Design in Communication Design. Presently, she is lecturing at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT), Faculty of Communication & Creative Industries. Yar Shi is a speaker for TEDx @TAR UC, where she shares her thoughts on art and design and showcased her artworks. Yar Shi is also a trainer for the Centre for Continuing and Professional Education and conducts public webinars, workshops on graphic design, editorial design, digital illustration, and digital imaging.

22 - 23 June 2023 24 - 25 August 2023



Excel Fundamentals and Basic SkillsBACKGROUNDThe beauty of Excel functions is that they automatically update when changes are made to the cells they rely on, making them incredibly dynamic. This program covers essential worksheet functions that will help to process and calculate data efficiently and accurately. In addition, participants will benefit from hands-on exercises that cover practical scenarios. By the end of the program, participants will have a solid understanding of the functions and how to apply them to their work. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Apply Excel functions effectively and recognise when they are most useful
  • Apply the functions go beyond the basic functions
  • Apply the functions confidently and independently
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor academic and administrative staff who are directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: SUMIF, SUMIFS AND SUMPRODUCT
  • Conditional sum calculations
  • Power of SUMPRODUCT functions
  • Sum with "or" condition
  • Sum up values in multiple columns
  • Compute weighted average
Session 2: Managing "If" Circumstances (Logical & Information Functions)
  • Apply IF and IFS functions
  • What if the formula result returns an error
  • When to combine IF, AND, OR, and NOT functions in a formula
  • Nesting IS- functions in IF function
  • Apply SWITCH function
  • Combine SWITCH with logical operators
  • CHOOSE vs SWITCH vs IFS vs IF functions
  • Apply MAXIFS and MINIFS function
  • MAXIFS and MINIFS vs MAX and MIN
  • MAX and MIN vs LARGE and SMALL
  • Finding max/min value based on multiple columns criteria
  • MAXIFS/MINIFS with logical operators
  • MAXIFS/MINIFS with wildcard characters (partial match)
  • Finding max/min value based on multiple criteria with OR logic
  • Which are group text functions
  • Use functions effectively
  • When they are useful
Session 5: Finding Ranking, Largest, Smallest, Closest, Top/Bottom Values
  • Finding values ranking
  • Look up the smallest and largest values
  • Finding conditional smallest and largest values
  • Finding the value of the nth ranking or the top/bottom n values
  • Finding the closet/nearest value
Session 6: ADDRESS, OFFSET and INDIRECT Functions (i) Why ADDRESS is needed
  • Creating cell reference address
  • ADDRESS vs CELL functions
  • Combining with the ROW/ROWS/COLUMN/COLUMNS function
(ii) INDIRECT function
  • Basic usage
  • Use with a named range
  • Create a drop-down list from a Table source
  • Use in custom condition data validation
  • Dynamically refer to another worksheet
(iii) Combining ADDRESS and INDIRECT functions
  • Convert text string cell reference to a result
  • Create different table structures with data linked from another sheet
(iv) Productive OFFSET function
  • Create a dynamic range
  • Create a dynamic print area
  • Auto-update sum as per real-time
  • Calculate rolling total
  • Extract every nth data
TRAINER'S PROFILEOng Saw Lan is a certified Microsoft Excel Trainer and Coach who has been providing Excel training and coaching since 2018. She offers courses for primary, intermediate, and advanced Excel users, as well as specific needs like Building Accounting Systems Through Excel and Building Dashboard Effectively. In addition, she occasionally assists clients with finance or data cleansing/transformation/analysis projects. Before becoming a trainer, Ong gained extensive experience working for multinational companies in the telecommunication and oil and gas industries. She managed various tasks with heavy workloads and comprehensive data using Excel software. She founded BX Spreadsheet Solutions in 2017 and has conducted training for companies ranging from Associations, SMEs to MNCs. Her academic knowledge, work experience, and continuing learning mentality enable her to provide up-to-date Excel training that aligns with corporate needs

13 - 14 April 2023

Tekla Structures (Foundation Level)BACKGROUNDThe Foundation Course strives to ground your basics in BIM. Besides the different functionality and configurations of Tekla Structures, you will also be trained in basic skills to create basic 3D models and produce fabrication information. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the BIM Concept
  • Open BIM Workflow
  • Use BIM Modeling Environment Interoperability and Detailing Interoperability with designer use Precast Element Detailing Drawing and Reports
  • Use Precast/Steel Shop Drawing
  • Use Precast/Steel Material Reporting
WHO SHOULD ATTENDBeginners and new to Tekla Structures or who are keen to enhance basic 3D BIM modeling skills. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: About Tekla Structures
  • Starting Tekla Structures
  • Opening a Tekla Structures Model
  • Tekla Structure Interface
  • Coordinate System
  • Selecting Objects
  • View Manipulation
  • Extracting Basic Information
  • Using Commands
Session 2:Basic Modeling 1
  • Creating a New Model
  • Grid
  • Pad Footing
  • Concrete Column / Steel Column
  • Concrete Beam / Concrete Poly Beam / Steel Beam / Steel Poly Beam
  • Concrete Slab
  • Copying an object, Mirroring an object, Numbering Settings
  • Rotating an object around the z axis
Session 3: Basic Modeling 2
  • Selection Switches, Snap Switches
  • Component
  • Add a Component to a model
  • Exploding Components
Session 4: Basic Modeling 3
  • Work Area
  • View Plane, Work Plane
  • Construction Objects
  • Advanced Snapping
Session 5: Basic Detaling 1
  • Bolts
  • Holes
  • Welds
Session 6: Basic Detaling 2 and Numbering
  • Splitting and combining Parts
  • Cutting a Part
  • Steel Contour Plate
  • Basic Numbering
Session 7: Basic Drawing 1
  • Main features of Drawings
  • Principles of Drawings, Drawing Types
  • Document Manager
  • Modifying drawing names and titles, Adding view in drawings
  • Modify, arrange and align drawings views
  • Adding dimensions, Editing dimensions
  • Associative & Independent annotation objects
  • Grid in drawings
  • Different levels of setting up and modifying drawing properties
  • Drawing Layout, Report
Session 8: Collaboration and Introperability
  • Merging two Tekla Structures models
  • Multi-user mode
  • Trimble Connect
  • Reference Models
  • Import and export
TRAINER'S PROFILETs. Ng Teck Wei obtained his Master in Engineering (Civil) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He holds a Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) from University Tunku Abdul Rahman. He is a registered Professional Technologist under Malaysia Board of Technologists. Tekla Structure Advanced level certified, BIM modeler (Architectural and Structure) CIDB certified. He has around 2 years of experiences in the industry and 6 years of experience teaching Construction Management courses. He is presently the Associate Dean/Lecturer at the Department of Construction Management, FOBE at TAR UMT.

20 - 21 & 23 - 24 May 2023


Human Resource

Sexual Harassment (2 days)

Train the Trainer (TTT) Certification Programme (5 days)

Sexual Harassment (Malay version) (2 days)

Human Resource Best Practice for Line Managers (1 day)

Effective Time Management Skills & Techniques (2 days)

Domestic Inquiry (1 day)

Train-the-Trainer Certification ProgrammeBACKGROUNDThis training programme has been designed for managers, executives, trainers, instructors, team leaders, supervision in organization who wish to provide structured, training and conduct relevant and fair assessments in their organization so as to achieve Peak Performance. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the characteristics of a competent trainer
  • Explain adult learning principles and how training can be delivered effectively to adults
  • Design competency-based training programme
  • Deliver a training session effectively
WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis workshop is open to those participants who are involved in TAR UMT corporate training for HRDC registered programmes and would like to be certified as a HRDC TTT certified trainer.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Planning Adult Learning
  • Identify the Participant's Learning Objective and Style
  • Determine Adult Training Approaches
Session 2: Conduct Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • Determine Scope of TNA
  • Determine Data Gathering Methods
  • Perform Gap Analysis
  • Report TNA Findings
Session 3: Design Compertency Based Training Programme
  • Determine Overall Performance Requirements
  • Determine Learning Outcomes, Content, Method and Resources
  • Review Training Design
Session 4: Conduct Competency Based Training Programme
  • Prepare Session Plan
  • Apply Presentation Skill
  • Facilitate Training Activities
  • Provide Learning Support
  • Coordinate Training Arrangements
Session 5: Assess Participant's Competence
  • Plan Participant's Assessment
  • Prepare Knowledge Assessment Tool and Checklist
  • Prepare Assessment Report
TRAINER'S PROFILEDr Balan Dass HR Business Coach PhD (Adult & Continuous Ed, UPM) Master in Education (Training & Development, UK) Post-Grad Dip HRM (UK) C-IV Certificate in Training and Workplace Assessment (Australia) CAHRP Dr Dass comes with 30 years of HR, Learning and Development corporate work and training experience. Early in his career, Dr Dass worked for SMEs’ and MNC before setting up his own human resource and training practice. He worked as a HR Manager in a leading Real Estate Agency with a work force of about 500, before he moved on to Electrolux Group, as their Training Manager at the Electrolux Business School. Here, he helped to design, deliver and evaluate training programs conducted at all levels. He had personally commissioned a video shoot on operations cleaning for the cleaners which is still being used. He ran supervisory, executive and management development programs at the Electrolux Business School. Dr Dass was the CEO and Principal of Skills and Management Institute of SKB. During his tenure, he also developed and organized conventions, boot camps for the real estate agents. Dr Dass also has served at leading private and public universities including institutions from Australia, UK, USA and France, who are affiliated with local universities. Some modules taught by him, includes, Change Management, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Adult and Continuing Education. Professional Membership 1) Life member and National Deputy President of Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM) 2010-2012. 2) National Vice-President, Academic/certification director for OUM-IPD-MIHRM Diploma collaboration. 3) Chairman - Academic education and training Membership of Malaysian Institute of Management and Technology Association of Malaysia, 2012-2013

3 – 7 April 2023 TBA

Sexual HarassmentBACKGROUNDSexual harassment is a serious offence to human rights. It relates to the uninvited touching, kisses and embraces. Harassment and abusive conduct cost employers billions of dollars yearly in lawsuits, employee turnover and lost productivity. This course outlines protected categories such as race, age, religion, disability, veteran status and sexual orientation. Unique content developed specifically for managers ensures they understand their obligations under the policy and the law. So, to prevent sexual harassment, a policy would have to be formed and implemented. But, most of the victims did not know the way to stop the criminal on the spot. Therefore, this training module is designed to teach the way to handle and resolve sexual harassment. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and expose various types of sexual harassment
  • Increase awareness and assist candidates in handling sexual harassment effectively through psychological and self-defence techniques
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAcademic and administrative staff of TAR UMT.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Sexual Harassment
  • Basic Knowledge of Sexual Harassment
  • The Types of sexual harassment
Session 2: Psychological Attack
  • Sexual Harassment Affects Both Psychologically and Mentally
  • Identify the Types of Psychological Risk From Embarrassment to Depression
  • The Potential Risk
Session 3: Emotional Control
  • The Impact of Sexual Harassment to Their Emotional Control
  • Emotional Diary to Assess Emotion During the Trauma
  • Effective Methods and Walk-Throughs Fom the Incident
Session 4: Handling Psychological Stress Management 1
  • Handle Stress Derived From the Sexual Harassment
  • Techniques Such as Breathing Exercise and Muscle Relaxation to Handle Stress
Session 5: Handling Psychological Stress Management 2
  • Cognitive Bhavior Therapy on Handling Sexual Harassment
  • Concept of “ABCDE”
Session 6: How to Punch and Kick
  • The Physical Protection Towards Sexual Harassment
  • Basic Knowledge of Performing Punches and Kicks
Session 7: Pressure Points
  • Pressure Points in Resolving Assault in Sexual Harassment.
Session 8: How to Resolve Grabs and Presses on the Ground Basic Techniques to Unlock Grabs or Grasp
  • Techniques to Resolve From Being Pressed on the Ground
Session 9: Stand Up to Protect Yourself
  • Techniques on How to Capture Concrete Evidence
  • From the Legal Perspective in Protecting Yourself When Encountering Sexual Harassment
Session 10: Your Right at the Workplace
  • Your Rights When Faced With Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
TRAINER'S PROFILEAssoc Prof Dr Saiful A. Jalun has conducted over 300 talks, seminars, and programs on subjects and topics ranging from management to communication. He was appointed as World Universities Peace Invitational Debate Advisory Council Chairman from 2010-2012. He was the head of the Corporate Strategies Simulation program under the Graduate School of Management, UPM, and Putra Business School from 2012-2014. He was also the head of the Tertiary English Program for International students in UPM from 2011-2012. He was appointed as a council member for the Human Behavior Academy in 2014. He is also an integral part of the research and programme design team Humanology Sdn Bhd since 2019. He has conducted Humanology programs for Perodua, DRB-Hicom, Pos Malaysia and 5 to 6 public trainings annually. Saiful’s doctorate is a pioneer study on debate and argumentation under the banner of critical discourse analysis. He also has a degree in TESL with a minor in Literature and a Masters in Corporate Communication from University Putra Malaysia. His research areas are extensive as he has completed papers and researches in language and communication, religious studies, management marketing, and discourse analysis. He is a certified trainer with the HRD Corp.

8 - 9 May 2023 10 - 11 July 2023

Sexual Harassment Malay Version)BACKGROUNDGangguan seksual di tempat kerja merupakan kesalahan yang sangat serius dan ia melanggar hak asasi manusia. Antara contoh gangguan seksual yang kerap didengari melibatkan sentuhan, ciuman dan pelukan. Perbuatan seperti ini menyebabkan majikan-majikan menanggung kerugian dari sudut kewangan untuk menyelesaikan tindakan undang-undang di mahkamah, keengganan pekerja untuk datang bekerja dan produktiviti pekerja yang meleset. Kursus ini disasarkan untuk semua golongan tidak kira bangsa, umur, agama, kecacatan, status veteran dan orientasi seksual. Kursus ini juga mengandungi modul khusus untuk memberi pendedahan kepada penyelia-penyelia mengenai undang-undang dan polisi yang ada untuk membendung gangguan seksual di tempat kerja. Tetapi, untuk mangsa gangguan seksual pula, mereka tidak tahu untuk menghentikan jenayah ini jika mereka sedang menghadapinya. Oleh itu, modul latihan ini juga merangkumi kaedah-kaedah bagaimana untuk mengendali dan mengatasi gangguan seksual. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Didedahkan dengan pelbagai jenis gangguan seksual
  • Meningkatan kesedaran dan membantu peserta untuk menagani gangguan seksual dengan berkesan melalui kaedah-kaedah psikologi dan seni mempertahankan diri.
WHO SHOULD ATTENDSemua pekerja.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Gangguan Seksual
  • Pengetahuan Asas Mengenai Gangguan Seksual
  • Jenis Gangguan Seksual
Session 2: Serangan Psikologi
  • Gangguan Seksual Menjejaskan Mangsanya Secara Psikologi dan Mental
  • Mengenali Risiko-Risiko Psikologi Selepas Diganggu Secara Seksual
  • Pemahaman Mengenai Risiko Yang Mendatang
Session 3: Kawalan Emosi
  • Kesedaran Akan Kesan Gangguan Seksual Kepada Emosi
  • Diari Emosi Untuk Menilai Emosi Ketika Dalam Trauma
  • Kaedah Untuk Mengawal Emosi Secara Berkesan
Session 4: Menangani Tekanan Psikologi 1
  • Menguruskan Stress Akibat Diganggu Secara Seksual
  • Teknik-Teknik Menguruskan Stress Seperti Latihan Pernafasan dan 'Muscle Relaxation'
Session 5: Menangani Tekanan Psikologi 2
  • Teknik 'Cognitive Bahaviour Therapy" Untuk Menangani Gangguan Seksual
  • Konsept “ABCDE”
Session 6: Mempertahankan Diri Menggunakan Tumbukan dan Sepakan
  • Kaedah Melindungi Diri Menggunakan Seni Mempertahankan Diri
  • Cara-Cara Untuk Tumbuk dan Ssepak Dengan Betul
Session 7: Titik-Titik Tekanan
  • Titik-Titik Tekanan Untuk Melawan Penggangu
Session 8: Bagaimana Untuk Melawan Sambaran dan Tekanan Ke Lantai
  • Maklumat Asass Untuk Melepaskan Diri Dari Cengkaman, Sambaran dan Tekanan ke Lantai
Session 9: Berani Kerana Benar
  • Bagaimana Untuk Mengumpul Bukti Yang Konkrit
Session 10: Hak Anda Di Tempat Kerja
  • Memahami Hak Anda Apabila Menghadapi Gangguan Seksual Di Tempat Kerja
TRAINER'S PROFILEAssoc Prof Dr Saiful A. Jalun has conducted over 300 talks, seminars, and programs on subjects and topics ranging from management to communication. He was appointed as World Universities Peace Invitational Debate Advisory Council Chairman from 2010-2012. He was the head of the Corporate Strategies Simulation program under the Graduate School of Management, UPM, and Putra Business School from 2012-2014. He was also the head of the Tertiary English Program for International students in UPM from 2011-2012. He was appointed as a council member for the Human Behavior Academy in 2014. He is also an integral part of the research and programme design team Humanology Sdn Bhd since 2019. He has conducted Humanology programs for Perodua, DRB-Hicom, Pos Malaysia and 5 to 6 public trainings annually. Saiful’s doctorate is a pioneer study on debate and argumentation under the banner of critical discourse analysis. He also has a degree in TESL with a minor in Literature and a Masters in Corporate Communication from University Putra Malaysia. His research areas are extensive as he has completed papers and researches in language and communication, religious studies, management marketing, and discourse analysis. He is a certified trainer with the HRD Corp.

7 - 8 August 2023

Human Resource Best Practice for Line ManagersBACKGROUNDHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruiting, managing, and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. HRM functions are also performed by line managers who are directly responsible for their reporting staff members' engagement, contribution, and productivity. However, in many organizations, managers take a lax, fearful, or indifferent approach to Talent Management, and therein lies a great waste. Instead of being dynamic and proactive, the organisation becomes reactive and mediocre. This program will equip and enable managers to master the art and skill of performance management by teaching them how to set goals objectively, KPIs, KRAs and Performance Factors, and objectively appraise and help their staff reach the next level. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what is human resource, its functions and the competencies of an HR practitioner
  • Know the manager's role in Human Resource responsibilities
  • Know about workforce issues and how to manage it
  • Create a high-performing department of talents and synergetic teamwork
  • Manage poor performers up or out
  • Understand how to train and develop the department and people
  • Discuss strategies and best practices on talent and people retention
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAcademic and administrative staff of TAR UMT.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Human Resource Management and The Role Of The Manager
  • What is Human Resource Management and Functions
  • Human Resource Management and Organizations
  • Competencies Required
  • Challenges of Human Resources Management
  • The Manager’s Role in HR Management and Talent Development
  • An overview: 12 Competencies of the Manager in HRM
Session 2: Training and Development
  • Training and Development Defined
  • How are people developed?
  • HR's Responsibilities and Manager's Responsibilities
  • Best practices to train and develop staff
  • Developing and Revising the IDP
Session 3: Hiring and Retaining Talent
  • Talent Management – An Overview
  • Hiring Correctly - Understanding the KRA
  • How to Conduct Interview to Find Best Fit
  • An Understanding of Retention and Turnover
  • How to reduce the turnover of talented people
Session 4: The Manager's Role in Handling Difficult People and Performers
  • Managing Worst Performers
  • Defining Correction Action and Decruitment
  • When Can You Take Corrective Action an Decruitment
  • The Corrective Action Form and PIP
Session 5: Wrap Up
  • Recap Key Points
  • Action Planning
TRAINER'S PROFILEMR JULIUS WEE is the CEO and Master Trainer of Nikao Consulting Sdn Bhd, an organizational Behavior and training company with focus on mindset and personality breakthroughs. He graduated with 2 degrees in Computer Engineering, and Computer Science from the University of Newcastle, Australia. During the working tenure, he obtained a MBA n from Charles Sturt University. He is also a Business Coach of Action COACH, the world’s #1 Business Coaching Franchise with international presence in more than 15 countries throughout the world. He has trained proven business seminars and trainings that has helped 1000’s of business owners around the world. Prior to forming Nikao Consulting and joining Action COACH, he worked in Texas Instruments, a US based Fortune 500 corporate enterprise for 10 years and was elected Member Group Technical Staff, leading the technical division of the IT department. During that time, he has traveled extensively to U.S. and Asia as a key player on various projects in the respective countries. He was awarded the “Best Technical Speaker” award. Julius has trained and coach clients from many industries, ranging from GLCs, banks, insurance, shared services, real estate industry, florist industry, hair styling industry, telecommunications, mutual trust fund, vein therapist, pharmacy, manufacturing and food industries, fitness centers, IT industry, cleaning services, accounting, beauty, wellness spa and salon, publishing, hotel & golf resort, distribution, hospital & health-care, technical writing companies as well as the legal industry.

14 June 2023

Effective Time Management Skills and TechniquesBACKGROUNDDo you find yourself overloaded with work? Feel so stretched to the limit you can't set priorities? ● Ever notice you keep procrastinating and delaying completion of scheduled tasks? ● Exhaust yourself daily without accomplishing your goals? ● Do you find you can never seem to catch up? ● Are you putting other peoples' priorities in front of your own? ● Do you wish you had just a few more hours in the day? ● Feel like the days fly by and the important things, like family or time for yourself, get ignored? ● Do you want more time to do the things you want to do? Getting the most out of a 24-hour day is a constant challenge in our busy world - a bottomless inbox, tons of email, millions of meetings, etc. Too much to do and not enough time to do it is a common problem many people face in the workforce. Although we can’t give you more hours in the day, we can teach you how to decide what to do and when to do it. This high-energy, results-oriented training program explains the critical fundamentals of time management: understanding the value of time, proven ways to get the most out of a day, how to balance work and home, setting clear goals, creating daily plans, recognizing obstacles and more. In this course, you will practice techniques that will drive you to eliminate your time wasters/ time thieves, conquer procrastination so that you can direct your energy towards the activities that will further your corporate goals. You will also learn how you select choices which help you achieve your success. Learn to be an extraordinary performer! OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Shift direction from managing time to managing self
  • Articulate your corporate and time goals - highlight opportunities for improvements and create a system tailored to your personal style
  • Evaluate your time log to maximize usage of time, prioritize effectively, create daily plans/to do lists, recognizing obstacles, plan and schedule
  • Gain control of your work life by eliminating time wasters, bad time habits and get rid of limiting beliefs towards time
  • Characterise and profile your time style, energy level, performance curve, personal strengths and motivators to perform at peak
  • Tackle time shortcomings in checking messages, manage voicemail, emails, communication, telephone usage
  • Apply understanding of body rhythm and performance curve to align energy levels to deliver expected results
  • Craft an action plan and make a commitment to get rid of all clutter, practise deskmanship and develop a systematic filing system to organize your office
  • Learn to be in control of situations and increase productivity by controlling distraction, interruptions and meetings
  • Use technology to save time and deal with information overload effectively by identifying causes, screening information, controlling paper traffic and develop an action plan to kill procrastination
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor all academic and administrative staff who want to learn to achieve outstanding results in maximizing and optimizing their time at the workplace.COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Time Management Essentials and the Realities of Time - Everyone Has 24 Hours A Day Session 2: Compress Over Clock - Determine Your Purpose and Create a Sense of Direction Session 3: Get Started With TIme Log Session 4: Prioritization - Power Pack and Gain Control Over Your Time to Lead An Effective Life Session 5: Work Performance Curve and Energy Level Session 6: Overcome and Prevent Procrastination Session 7: What Has to Change to Make a Diffference In your Work and Life! Session 8: Organise, Plan and Schedule - A Plan Makes the Goal a Successful Reality Session 9: Deal Proactively With Information Overload and Manage Technology Session 10: A Balanced Life, Positive Mindset, Productivity and Relaxed Productivity TRAINER'S PROFILERachel Khor is a Master Trainer with more than 20 years’ experience in the training and consulting business. Prior to starting her own company, she has worked with the Singapore Government and was the Conference Director of AIC, an international conference company listed on the London Stock Exchange, based in Australia. She is also a Master Trainer in Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills, Sales Warriors, Leadership, Communication, Negotiation, Peak Performance, Self-Motivation Skills. She has honed and fine-tuned her training skills over a period of 16 years of varied business experiences as well as running her own event management company. Over the last 23 years, her company has organised over 1,600 conferences, workshops and seminars in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong and China reaching out to over 50,000 participants. She is also a Trainer in Mind Power, Edward De Bono’s Creativity and Lateral Thinking courses. She has undergone Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. She is a keen practitioner of Mind Mapping and Mind Power strategies by Tony Buzan. She has been coached and attended the training of some of the best world class trainers, business gurus, leading coaches and entrepreneurs including Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Blair Singer, Harv Eker, John Maxwell, Jay Abraham, Joel Roberts (communication guru), Dr Joe Vitale (hypnotic marketing), Jose Silva, Burt Goldman, among many others. She received her training in the USA, UK, Australia and Singapore. Over a substantial period, Rachel has trained, coached and counseled thousands of participants from various industries in both the public & private sectors to: ∙ be creative and be a solution provider at all times ∙ communicate in a manner that provides the results required ∙ improve productivity and profitability ∙ manage their emotions and be in control at all times ∙ continue to be effective even under high pressure and stress ∙ be self-motivated and be at peak performance when facing crisis and tough times ∙ clear and get rid of emotional baggage, negativity, stress and self-sabotage ∙ master the universal principles of success to achieve corporate goals and objectives Rachel is an extremely creative, dynamic, charismatic, humourous and versatile trainer who has excellent communication skills and easily develops fantastic rapport. Due to this she always receives rave reviews and excellent ratings. She achieves this by ensuring her training is relevant, highly interactive, exciting, stimulating and inspiring – made fresh with new ideas and concepts

2 - 3 May 2023

20 April 2023

Safety and Health


Fire and Emergency Response Training Course (2 days)

First Aid at Workplace Certification Course (2 days)



+603-4145 0123 ext 3517/3516/3107

Fire and Emergency Response TrainingBACKGROUNDTo provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge through effective fire response procedure and its applications. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the principals of Fire Risk Assessment to prevent fire, protect life, property and the environment
  • Demonstrate a basic ability to maintain a state of readiness and respond to an emergency in the workplace
  • Recognise the importance of planning for and management of emergency response incidents
  • Demonstrate the ability to carry out the function required by the Emergency Manager and its members during an emergency situation
  • Recognise the importance of effective teamwork and communications when dealing with any emergency incident
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAnyone who may be called upon to take action in the event of fireCOURSE CONTENTSDesigned and based on Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department training manual and International (NFPA) standard, to suit the lay public. TRAINER'S PROFILEFire and Rescue Department senior training officers with extensive operational experience and ideas.

9 - 10 May 2023

First Aid at Workplace Certification CouirseBACKGROUNDThis course emphasizes the importance of recognizing the possibilities that incident/ accident can occur at any time, place or anyone. The course covers the practical skills needed by the first aider in the modern workplace. The course will give you the confidence and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies and acquire some basic knowledge on First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This course is legally compliant with Health & Safety (Frist Aid) Regulations. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify Priorities & Management in an Emergency, Principles & Practice of First Aid
  • Perform Medical Emergencies, The Respiratory System & Breathing Disorders
  • Identify Wounds & Bleeding, Burns & Scalds
  • Recognize Bones & Spinal Injuries, Poisoning, Medical Emergencies
  • Perform Skills on Dressing & Bandaging, CPR & AED
  • Perform skills on Recovery Position, Heimlich Manoeuvre, Management of Fractures, Lifting & Handling of Casualty
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll levels of employeeCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Principles & Practice of First Aid
  • Roles & Duties of a First Aider
  • Priorities & Management in an Emergency
  • Calling & Emergency Service
Session 2:
  • The Nervous System & Unconsciousness
  • The Respiratory System & Breathing Disorders
  • The Circulatory System & Circulatory Failure
Session 3: Practical
  • Airway Obstruction (Chocking) – Conscious
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Session 4: Pratical
  • Recovery Position
  • Managing a Casualty (Secondary Survey)
Session 5: Emergency Priorities & Management I
  • Wounds & Bleeding
  • Dressing & Bandages (Theory & Skill)
Session 6: Emergency Priorities & Management II
  • Burns & Scalds
  • Broken Bones & Soft Tissue Injuries
Session 7: Emergency Priorities & Management III
  • Poisoning
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Lifting & Transporting Casualty
Session 8: Final Assessment
  • Written Assessment
  • Practical Assessment
TRAINER'S PROFILEDuncan Oh obtain his first academic in the field of IT. Right after that he entered in the world of corporate with Standard & Poor’s, ComStock where he was made as the main technical executive and a trainer. His major is in Emergency Medicine in pre-Hospital Care and OSHA. His affliction with the MERCY, Heart Foundation of Malaysia and St. John Ambulance. His involvement in corporate training can be trace back to 27 years ago. He was one of the prominent trainer and speaker for in house training and also public speaking. He conducts first aid training to people includes secondary and tertiary students, communities and employees of corporate bodies (Resorts World Bhd., Equatorial Hotel Kuala Lumpur, International Medical University). He has also been appointed to be the clinical tutor for Masterskills Nursing College for its Diploma in Paramedic Science. With the added qualifications, he had also assessed candidates in the field on paramedic, first aid and other relevant subjects.

15 - 16 May 3 - 4 July 4 - 5 Sep

Research Methodology

SPSS Statistical Analysis for Postgraduate Studies (2 days)

Best Practise in Adapting & Designing Questionnaire (2 days)

Qualitative Research Methodology (2 days)

Quantitative Data Analyses (2 days)

Thesis Writing Made Simpler: Learn How to Structure and Produce a Meaningful Research Project

The How-to Guide to Projecting One’s Research Authority

SPSS Statistical Analysis for Postgraduate StudiesBACKGROUNDThis workshop will focus on the various ways SPSS can be used in research. It will discuss the common statistical analyses and the appropriate use of these analyses to answer research questions and test hypotheses. Using hands-on activities, participants will learn how to use SPSS to perform descriptive analysis, scale measurement analysis, and inferential analysis. Besides, participants also learn how to interpret the statistical findings based on the SPSS outputs. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Enter the data in SPSS and carry out data screening
  • Employ the right data analyses based on the scale of measurement of the variables
  • Carry out descriptive data analyses and interpret the statistical outputs
  • Carry out scale measurement analyses (reliability and validity tests) and interpret the statisticaloutputs
  • Carry out the appropriate inferential data analyses and interpret the statistical outputs
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll Academic StaffCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Mapping the Types of Data and Statistical Analyses Session 2: Introduction to SPSS Session 3: Working With SPSS Command Session 4: Descriptive Analysis Session 5: Scale Measurement Session 6: Inferential Analysis TRAINER'S PROFILEDr. Kwek Choon Ling is currently the Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business, at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT). Dr. Kwek had been appointed by the RMIT University (Australia), Charles Sturt University (Australia), Federation University Australia (Australia), Southern Cross University (Australia), University of Newcastle (Australia) and Asia Pacific University of Innovation and Technology (APU, Malaysia) to examine their students’ doctorate (PhD and DBA) theses. Dr. Kwek also appointed by Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom to supervise a PhD student in Malaysia. Dr. Kwek has written and published more than 50 technical peer reviewed journal and conference articles. Dr. Kwek also published various books and book chapters in both English and Chinese languages. Currently, Dr. Kwek involves in supervising MBA and PhD students at the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology.

21 - 22 June 2023

Best Practices in Adapting and Designing QuestionnairesBACKGROUNDQuestionnaires are common research tools used by scholars to collect crucial data that reveal people’s beliefs, feelings, and objective data like one’s income and marital status, among others. This workshop guides participants in designing questionnaires by examining and emulating the practices of high impact scholars. Additionally, given that there are a multitude of available questionnaire inventories that scholars can choose from to answer common research questions, this workshop provides participants hands-on training in curating and appropriating questionnaire inventories that fit one’s research context. The workshop also covers a discussion of types of statistical (and qualitative) analysis that should be used to test reliability and validity, as well as interpreting results. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Create a suitable framework for their questionnaires
  • Construct quality items
  • Test for validity and reliability indices
  • Interpret and report results
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll Academic StaffCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: The Fundamentals of Questionnaire Adaptations and Designs Session 2: Prodedures in Designing Survey-Based Research Session 3: Computing and Analysing Questionnaire Data Session 4: Planning Your Research Draft TRAINER'S PROFILEDr David Yoong PhD Linguistics (La Trobe) M. Criminal Justice (Malaya) M. Linguistics (Malaya) B.A. English (USM) Dr Yoong is a discourse analyst who has examined policing communication, manipulative discourses, and political discourses. His research has been featured in WoS journals including Discourse & Society, Text & Talk, Humor, and Policing (Oxford). Before becoming an independent scholar and education consultant, Dr Yoong was Deputy Dean (Research & Development) at the Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University of Malaya. He is also currently a research associate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, where he is closely collaborating with Professor Ng Kwan Hoong (recipient of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie award) on supervision mentoring and medical communication projects.

25 - 26 July 2023 13 - 14 September 2023

Qualitative Research MethodologyBACKGROUNDQualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. It emphasizes the importance of looking at variables in the natural setting in which they are found. The interaction between variables is important. Detailed data are gathered through open-ended questions that provide direct quotations. The interviewer is an integral part of the investigation (Jacob, 1988). This differs from quantitative research, which attempts to gather data by objective methods to provide information about relations, comparisons, and predictions and attempts to remove the investigator from the investigation. This program aims to help researchers acquire the knowledge and skills for conducting qualitative research, right from deciding the qualitative research design to publishing in international journals. This module equipped participants with sufficient skills and experience to conduct qualitative research independently. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Provide the basic philosophy of applying qualitative perspectives along with pertinent issues of qualitative research methods and the applicability of various instruments of gathering qualitative data in systematic, scientific and ethical ways
  • Provide first-hand experiences in data collection, data management and analysis
WHO SHOULD ATTENDJunior academicians and anyone who wish to enhance their fundamental skills on qualitative researchCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Concept of Qualitative Research Session 2: Qualitative Research Design and Litereature Review Session 3: Qualitative Data Collection Tecnique I Session 4: Qualitative Data Collection Technique II Session 5: Sampling Method in Qualitative Research Session 6: Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research Session 7: Qualitative Data Analysis I: Grounded Theory Session 8: Qualitative Data Analysis II: Framework Analysis TRAINER'S PROFILEDatuk Prof Dr Leow Chee Seng is a very well-acknowledged researcher, consultant, and trainer. His specialised areas of research include human attitude, behaviour, strategic management, human resource, and marketing. He was a consultant for UNIDO, a Certified Trainer of the International Micro Expressionists Association (IMEXA) and a lecturer of the National Academy of Public Administration and Politics, Vietnam. Currently, he is the Productivity Champion of Malaysia, Nexus Governing Committee, Technical Expert of Behavioural Insights, Honorary Professor of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam, Panel of Expert of Sandikta College of Administrative Science, Indonesia, Advisor of Malaysia Corruption Watch and National Audit Academy, Malaysia. Datuk Dr Leow is a Certified Advanced Human Resource Practitioner (Consultant). He has written many books which include “Body Language Exposed; Selling with Heart and Soul; I See, I Hear, and I Conquer; Trapping the Cunning Fox; The Flintstones Management; Ordinary People Extraordinary Leadership; To Eat or To Be Eaten: Managing Millennial; Love Management” and many more. In addition, he sits on more than 10 editorial boards of multiple academic journals. He has also been invited to be a body language consultant for South China Morning Post, Hong Kong to analyse the body language of politicians in Hong Kong, and a resource person of Fornes Magazine, Argentina. Datuk Dr Leow has completed a consultation project for the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia on customer satisfaction. He has also managed to help PERODUA and the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia for their Rebranding and Transformation. Now, he is the advisor for several vocational colleges of Malaysia in the area of business.

18 - 19 September 2023

Quantitative Data AnalysesBACKGROUNDSelecting the proper quantitative data analyses in research is crucial to present accurate findings that are valid and reliable. This 2-day workshop provides a comprehensive range of quantitative data analyses that will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake the right descriptive and inferential data analyses in their research. Among the topics discussed include data exploration testing distribution of the data to determine the proper data analyses. Besides, the research objectives and questions formulated require descriptive and inferential data analyses such as correlational and comparative data analyses. Participants will also learn how to interpret the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) output and report the findings as needed for their theses or paper for publication in top refereed journals. In addition, several innovative techniques will be discussed in this workshop to enable participants to produce high-quality thesis reports or articles for publication in top / Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Screen data for normality
  • Choose the correct statistical data analyses to answer their research questions
  • Run these data analyses using SPSS
  • Interpret the SPSS output accurately
  • Report appropriately in their theses or papers for publication in top refereed journals
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAll Academic StaffCOURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Introduction to quantitative data analyses Session 2: Types of data and data screening Session 3: Testing for normality and descriptive data analyses Session 4: Interpreting and reporting descriptive analyses Session 5: A comparison of the Pearson and Spearman correlation methods Session 6: Non-parametric data analyses – Chi-square Session 7: Parametric data analyses – One Sample t-test Session 8: Parametric data analyses – Independent-samples t-test Session 9: Parametric data analyses – Paired-samples t-test Session 10: Parametric data analyses – One-way ANOVA Session 11: Regression Analysis – Simple Linear Regression TRAINER'S PROFILEDr Chong Shyue Chuan is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. He specializes in data collection (survey) and multivariate data analysis. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Universiti Tunku Andul Rahman, and Master of Applied Statistics and Bachelor of Economics (Applied Statistics) from University of Malaya. He also lectures in Quantitative Methods (Applied Statistics), Multivariate Analysis, Research Methods, Economics, and has been conducting Statistical Analysis using SPSS and Understanding Retailing through Applied Statistics workshops since 2005 for both academic and non-academic researchers in public and private organizations. Dr Chong has given numerous talks, workshops, invited keynote addresses and editorial board members at both local/international conferences and journals. He has published almost 100 international refereed journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, and books in the research life and led more than 60 research and consultancy projects, with the total funding of MYR 2 million. Dr Chong is a Certified Trainer (TTT/15812), Assessor of Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA) (Economics, Econometrics and Statistics) since 2010 and Fellowship Member of Royal Statistical Society (RSS) (2010-2021), Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP) (2020-2021) and Insight Think Tank (since 2018)

19 - 20 June 2023

4 - 5 December 2023

6 December 2023

Communication and Other Essential Soft Skills

English for Effective Communication for Educational Trainers (2 days)

Basic Skills in Taking Better Photographs Using Mobile Devices (1 day)

Your Brand Speak - How to Stand Out and Be Successful (2 days)

Sales Ninja - Warrior 1 (2 1/2 days)

Bridging the Communication Gap and Influencing Skills (2 days)

Note Taking and Minutes for Meetings (1 day)

Pengurusan Masa, Penyelesaian Masalah & Kerja Sepasukan (1 day)

English for Effective Communication in the Workplace(2 days)

Re-Empowerment: How to Cope with Stress (2 days)

English for Effective Communication for Educational TrainersBACKGROUNDGood communication is widely considered to be the bridge between confusion and clarity. As educators in the 21st century, being able to build a robust bridge between those two depends heavily on one’s language abilities. The English language, which is the leading language, has revolutionised significantly in line with the global setting. As the world of education continues to expand, effective teaching and communication skills are closely interconnected. Therefore, it is imperative that educators equip themselves with the right skills to conduct their classes effectively in English. This course was designed to equip educators with the required skills to write, speak, and present effectively in the classroom. This will then considerably enhance the clarity and effectiveness of their lessons, which will greatly benefit their students. This course content focuses on situations closely related to teaching and assessing students where learners are taught relevant skills that can help them to improve their presentation, writing, and communication abilities using the target language. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively using proper phrases and vocabulary in the classroom
  • Conduct lessons more effectively in English
  • Provide clearer feedback to students on their assessments
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor all Academic staff COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Effective Communication
  • Presentation Skills
  • Speaking Confidently
  • Providing Feedback/Constructive Criticism
Session 2: Formal Correspondence
  • Letter Writing
  • Email Writing
  • Report Writing for Examination-related Work
Session 3: Grammar Vocabulary
  • Parts of Speech
  • Business English Expressions and Phrases
  • Verbs and Tenses
Session 4: Classroom Management
  • Establishing Professionalism
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Praising Students
  • Speaking Politely
Session 5: Takinig Part in Discussion
  • How to Sustain a Discussion
  • Ways to Handle Criticism
  • Expressing Disagreement
  • Phrasing Questions Professionally
TRAINER'S PROFILEDr. Seach Jin Beng is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. He has more than 15 years of experience teaching English Language and other humanities subjects such as public speaking, critical thinking, and study skills under his belt. Throughout his stint as a classroom practitioner, he has taught both local and international students. His specialities include English in education, English literature, and public speaking. Besides that, he has also published scholarly articles in the fields of English language and English literature in reputable journals.

7 - 8 June 2023

Basic Skills in Taking Better Photographs Using Mobile DevicesBACKGROUNDThis workshop equips participants with a basic knowledge of photography. It also introduces participants to mobile phone camera, its function and application. This workshop will create the understanding of the fundamental principles of taking photographs, and the usage of apps in the mobile phone to improve on the quality of photographs. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the connection of light and how to use it to create an interesting photograph
  • Demonstrate basic skills in exposures, focusing and lighting
  • Editing photographs by using in camera apps
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor aspiring administrative & academic staffs who wish to pick-up a better photo shooting techniques by using their mobile phone. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Basic Photography and Lighting Theory in Relation to Smartphone Session 2: Optimize Photo Taking With Smartphone for Business and Enthusiast Session 3: Practical Classes of Participants Taking Photographs Based on Different Requirement TRAINER'S PROFILEMr Chong Tze Chin (Eiffel) graduated with an MA in International Contemporary Art and Design Practice from the University of East London and a BA (Hons) in Photography from London College of Printing. He was an award-winning photographer and has been featured in many exhibitions in Malaysia and around the world. AugustMan Magazine in Malaysia awarded him The Man Of The Year 2016, Art Category and he had also won the 2nd Prize in Category D for the Nikon Photo Contest 2014-2015, Japan. He was also one of the finalists for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2014, Hong Kong. The exhibitions that he was involved are ‘After Image: Contemporary Photography From Southeast Asia’, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore; ‘Others & Me: Contemporary Photography Exhibition’, Sharjah Art Museum, Sharjah, UAE; and ‘Malaysian Eye’, Whitebox Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Besides his production of photographic work, Mr Chong was highly engaged with the Malaysian photographic community; taking on the role of mentor for the MAP Shooting Stars programme. In addition, he has been appointed to the panel of judges for the Kuala Lumpur Photography Awards 2013 & 2016 and 2017 Annual Nikon Photo Awards, Malaysia. Currently, he is a lecturer at TAR UMT.

11 October 2023

Sales Ninja - Warrior 1BACKGROUNDThe Sales Ninja Warrior is a 2.5 days unique and highly challenging sales motivation and mindset transformation training based on the philosophy of Ninjutsu - the ancient warrior martial arts practised by the Ninjas. The training is designed to toughen the minds and spirits of sales warriors to face the current demanding market environment. OBJECTIVESAt the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Be tougher and believe in themselves, the product and the company
  • accept challenges like a warrior and overcome fear or target
  • grow themselves to have higher purpose and passion for work
  • achieve and over achieve sales targets
WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis workshop will benefit those who are directly involved in handling course counsellings during Open Days/Education Fairs/School Roadshows and also for those who are running marketing activities to promote TAR UMT. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Warrior Vs Worrier
  • Belief Affects Behaviour
  • Behaviour Drives Results
  • What Do You Believe?
  • What is Your Aim? What is Your Why?
Session 2: Ninja Focus
  • How: participants will set a target and toss some balls using strategy and skills to achieve it
  • Lesson: must break the targets
Session 3: Ninja Warrior
  • How: participants will break their targets. The target is wooded board
  • Lesson: must break the targets
Session 4: Ninja Spirit
  • How: participants will go through 5 levels of psychological breakthrough
  • Lesson: sales process, sell value
Session 5: Ninja Village
  • How: participants will strategise and create products to sell to the facilitators
  • Lesson: sales process, sell velue
Session 6: Ninja Strength
  • How: participants will bend a steel rod with their throats. Looks impossible, but believe it is possible and it will bend
  • Lesson: belief, persist, support
Session 7: Ninja Teamwork
  • How: participants need to stack some chairs within a timeframe
  • Lesson: belief, teamwork, persistence
TRAINER'S PROFILEHanzo Ng An all-rounder - top sales performer in all the companies he worked for, no 1 performing sales manager, head-hunted as sales director before age 30, a creative consultant, a martial artist, an investor, Mr. Hanzo Ng is the founder and Grandmaster of Sales Ninja and Hero Training. As Asia's #1 sales solutions company, Sales Ninja is the leader in helping small-medium, listed and global companies in all kinds of industries whether it’s B2B, B2C, direct sales, enterprise sales, retail sales, channel sales, dealer sales, project sales transform their sales organizations into sales performing departments. His passion for results is unconventionally unheard of. From start-ups to global giants, more than 20,000 participants in over thousands of companies in 20 over industries in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines have gone through this programme. His services include doubling the appointment rate for his clients to improving conversion ratios from leads to deals close to transforming the sales team to achieve RM30 million over their targets. Mr. Hanzo is a street-smart man from a poor family background. Passion in learning made him read over 400 books. Hanzo is a resource speaker for Vistage Malaysia, a leading CEO and business owner's organization for expertise in sales and sales leadership. Vistage Malaysia members have a combined revenue of RM 60 Billion employing over 100,000 employees. He’s also the shareholder of eWarrior & Aggressive ROI, a fast growing digital marketing agency specializing in B2B lead gen and B2C Tiktok Marketing and a hardcore crypto investor and trader. He was awarded 2019 100 Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs. Hanzo lives his life through 9 Fs: feelings, finance, family, food, fashion, fun, flying fitness and freedom.

5 - 7 April 2023 13 - 15 December 2023

Your Brand Speak - How to Stand Out and Be SuccessfulBACKGROUNDEvery single person working in a university or college should understand that he/ she plays a crucial part as a role model for the students. This is particularly important when universities and colleges are expected to take on a stewardship role in the learning and personal development of their members, especially students. Universities and colleges are seen as centres of excellence where students can develop their technical and behavioural competencies so they can obtain a viable employment, pursue a successful career in entrepreneurship or fulfill their passion for creativity and research upon graduation. This is why it becomes ever more important for university/college working professionals to be aware of the need to examine their own personal brand. Personal branding is capable of taking an ordinary person and transforming him/her into a person capable of extraordinary achievements. In the personal branding process, the individual is allowed to express his/her authentic self and develop confidence as he/she develops the personal brand. More importantly, an effective personal brand is one that highlights the strengths of the individual and gives him/her the direction in which to use them. It naturally builds credibility and showcases one’s specialty. As the individual’s brand improves and success becomes increasingly attainable, his/her standards for just about everything increase. All these blend into a fusion of unstoppable energy that propels the individual to greater heights and along with it the brand of the university or college he/she serves. The workshop is designed to help the staff of TAR UMT adopt a fresh perspective of their roles and understand the various changes that they can adopt to transform their own image and branding to one that adds value to themselves and TAR UMT. Lecturers in particular, would enjoy the benefits of seeing the changes in students’ response as they work on their own transformation. Universities and Colleges that build great brands will attract the necessary quantity and quality of students. It is all about building a unique identity that transcends the physical campus. OBJECTIVESAt the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Identify their personal brand values
  • Reflect on the image they need to cultivate to be effective at what they do
  • Discover personal branding values to support their professional advancement
  • Build a "Practical Working Wardrobe" to support their personal brand
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor general staff who are keen to transform their own image and branding. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: The Importance of Personal Branding
  • Concept of Personal Branding
  • Concept of Personal Magnetism
  • Defining Your Personal Brand Vision
  • Improving Mindset for Personal Magnetism
  • Cultivating Positive Thoughts Habits to Reinvent Your Personal Brand
Session 2: Sharpening Your Brand
  • Brand Management in Relationship Building
  • Communication in Personal Branding
  • Face to Face Communication
  • The Science of Sound and Frequencies
Session 3: Personal Branding and Visual Impact
  • Visual Impact
  • Personal Colors Assessment
  • The Science of Visual Impact
Session 4: Building a "Practical Working Wardrobe" Visual Impact Assessment Identify the Right Color, Fabric, Cut, Design and Attire Natural Make-Up Demonstration Visual Impact Etiquette, Body Language, Posture and Deportment TRAINER'S PROFILEAinun Aida is the co-founder of AAA Solutions Sdn Bhd and holds a BSc (Hons) in Industrial Technology from University Sains Malaysia. Prior to setting up AAA, she operated her own corporate branding business for 11 years during which she gained valuable knowledge and experience in conducting business with large corporates. It was also during this time that she harnessed her skills in relationship management and studied how human psychology played a key role in corporate dealings. She is also the Chief Operating Officer of ACSAP Corp Sdn Bhd and currently dedicates her time to research and educational programmes through a non-profit organization, Science and Welfare Organization (‘SWO’). Apart from being the Head of Liaison for research with SWO’s partner laboratories in US and India, she is also the Head of Research at Science & Wellness Organisation, specializing in causes of disease - in particular, lifestyle related disorders. In relation to this, she provides advisory, consultation and recommendation of improvement programs involving lifestyle and diet changes. She has been providing to date, educational talks and seminars around Malaysia to help people improve their health and mental strength resulting in better work-life achievements. Ana Cheong is a Certified Image Professional at Association Image Consultant International (CIP - AICI) and currently the Vice President of Certification of AICI. Prior to setting up her own training and consultancy in 2006, Ana was in the corporate field for a decade. During her corporate career, she acted as liaison for top executives for collaboration between multinational companies, government agencies and financial institutions locally and abroad. Ana has conducted and facilitated many programs that helped clients to achieve her objectives. She is a well-established trainer in the industry and has been conducting workshops, namely Maybank, Public Bank, AIA Berhad, Great Eastern Assurance and IBM.

4 - 5 April 2023TBA

Bridging the Communication Gap and Influencing SkillsBACKGROUNDHow would you like to... ● Captivate others' attention whenever you want? ● Get people excited about your proposals? ● Win support for your initiatives? ● Keep others focused on what's important to you? Everyone in a corporate environment recognises the need to be an effective communicator. You would also understand the requirement for the ability to communicate in such a way that you are heard and able to encourage others to value your opinions. It is essential to strengthen your communication skills, understand the effect on your perceived value in the eyes of the other party and become more persuasive and influential at work. In this practical and interactive course, participants can put the concepts and techniques into practice immediately. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Reduce resistance and increase acceptance by using communication strategies tailored to the needs of their audience
  • Create a non-defensive, open atmosphere in which information flows more freely, leading to more effective planning and decision making
  • Resolve differences in values, priorities, and interpretations of information for identifying mutually satisfying solutions
  • Communicate a point of view in a direct and effective manner
  • Apply techniques to communicate assertively
WHO SHOULD ATTENDThe programme would be suitable for those administrative staff who are holding managerial positions or higher and also academic staff who are holding positions such as Course Leaders, Programme Leaders or Associate Deans. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Communication Essentials
  • How effective communication leads to better collaborations and influencing power
  • Principles of effective communications
  • Structuring your communication
Session 2: Active Listening Skill
  • Golden rule in listening
  • Power of focus
  • Power of focus.Providing feedback and responding appropriately
Session 3: The Importance of Influence
  • Explores the benefits of being able to effectively influence others
  • Understanding the influencing self
  • Influencing as a process
Session 4: Self-Discovery
  • LIFO® survey
  • Confirms personal strengths, areas of potential excess, and techniques for developing greater versatility
  • Overcoming blind-spots in planning, problem solving, and decision making
Session 5: Four Windows to the World
  • Controlling Taking: Action
  • Supporting Giving: Excellence
  • Conserving Holding: Reason
  • Adapting Dealing: Harmony
Session 6: Bridging the Communication Gap with LIFO
  • Communication skills & build collaborative teamwork (Team Profile / Analysis)
  • The keys to effective communication
  • LIFO® AP survey
  • Identifying another person's communication patterns under both favorable and stressful conditions
  • Recognition: The first key
  • Translation: The second key
  • Communication strategies: Slide-a style
  • Influencing a boss four ways
  • Getting action from a key person
  • Working with a key person
Session 7: Role-Play and Skills Practice
  • Back to work application
TRAINER'S PROFILELIFO® CERTIFIED TRAINER TEOH EOW CHONG (EC Teoh) has been in the field of HR consulting since 2010. During his tenure in the corporate sector, he has assumed key management roles in areas covering the production and service operations in the fields of banking & finance, insurance & manufacturing. Under the HR consultancy and Learning & Development space alone, he has supported a clientele comprising more than 38,000 local and multinational across the region of ASEAN especially specializing in Leadership, Management & Culture as well as in the areas of Talent Management. He is a licensed and certified coach, trainer & facilitator for the following: 1. Development Dimensions International (DDI) USA, a Supervisory and Managerial development programme used by more than 400 of the Fortune 500 Companies across the world 2. MWS’s (Mini Workshop Series) 3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 4. LIFO® Method from The Schutz Company, USA - BCon, Japan. LIFO® is short for Life Orientations®. focusing on Strengths Management 5. Innovative Thinking System™ from BCon Japan, an internationally recognised innovation programme for improving company performance 6. Accountability Circles™ (ACT™) from the USA – a programme that creates a high-trust, high-productivity, high problem-solving climate and enhances team collaboration by emphasizing on building a sustainable positive accountability culture. EC is also a Certified: a. NLP Practitioner and uses NLP approaches and techniques in his programme design and delivery taking into consideration the audience needs and requirements. b. Bio-metric Personality Assessor using the Selby & Mills’ Personality Assessment Programme in the Use and Interpretation for Behavioural Competency Selection & Interviewing for key positions. c. Coaching and Mentoring Professional from the International Federation of Coaching (ICF). d. Contact Centre Coach from University of Kentucky USA, an internationally recognized certification programme that provides leadership and best practices reference as Centre of Excellence in Contact Centre management across the world of Contact Centres. His assignments have taken him across ASEAN region including Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore where he is popularly sought for his specialist strengths in Leadership, Management, Culture Building & Transformation, Performance Coaching & Mentoring as well as in the space of facilitation of Experiential Team Building and Customer Experience. EC also specializes in consulting, designing, development and implementation of Learning & Development Frameworks, Academies and Future of Works - Emerging Skills. EC is a calm, cool, collected and passionate coach, trainer and facilitator who engages his audience through his passionate intents and thought-provoking learning deliveries to ensure there are excitements and interest to drive curiosity among learners. He also holds a Masters (MBA) in Business Administration from Heriot-Watt University, UK; an Advance Diploma in Business Management & Administration from the Institute of Training & Development Malaysia (MITD) and Association of Business Executives, UK (ABE).

27 - 28 March 2023 15 - 16 June 2023

Note Taking and Minutes for MeetingsThis practical workshop delves into how to take notes or minutes of meetings occasionally as part of our daily work. Accurate and timely meeting summaries are extremely important for documenting meetings with colleagues, the public or other organisations. Without a solid foundation in listening, writing and editing skills, we may lack confidence in our ability to produce accurate and readable minutes. This workshop discusses good listening techniques, includes organisational hints and tips for beginner note takers, and covers grammar, punctuation and proof-reading to make sure the final document is completely professional. Workshop participants also share ideas about what works for them. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Create an effective agenda that will help meeting run smoothly
  • Listen actively for relevant content and know how to maintain concentration
  • Use a variety of techniques to ensure the best support when note taking
  • Avoid common grammatical and punctuation mistakes
  • Write in a clear, concise style and be aware of accepted minutes writing conventions
  • Use impartial and accurate descriptions that convey content effectively and professionally.
  • Give meeting notes that final polish before sending them
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAdministrative Staff COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: The ABCs of Good Minutes
  • What benefits do minutes bring to your organization?
  • What sort of minutes do you need to write?
  • What does it all mean? – a glossary of meeting-related terms
Session 2: Listening Well
  • Six ways to listen powerfully
  • Six things that can break your concentration, and how to avoid them
Session 3: Meeting Preparation and Agenda
  • Note taker’s survival kit – the essentials to have at hand
  • Importance of pre-meeting preparation
  • Meeting timelines – what should happen when?
  • What is a meeting agenda?
  • Setting and distributing your agenda
  • What to include to help run the meeting effectively
Session 4: The Right Minutes - Layout and Style
  • What you should and shouldn’t include – recognising facts from chatter
  • More formal meetings like AGMs
  • Sample minutes for formal meetings
  • Minuting informal meetings
  • Sample minutes for an informal meeting
  • Recording decisions and actions
  • Creating an action summary
Session 5: Techniques for Writing Good Notes or Minutes
  • How to word minutes – active or passive, bullets or full sentences?
  • Avoid wording that indicates bias
  • Plain English for good writing
Session 6: Polishing Your Writing
  • The paragraphs, the sentences, the words
  • The grammar and punctuation
  • Proofing – how to see what’s really there
  • Commonly confused words
TRAINER'S PROFILEIrene Wong is an associate training consultant with more than 20 years of facilitating, training and coaching experiences, dealing with both working adults and students. She holds a Master of Science (Guidance and Counselling) and a Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and she is a much sought-after speaker, trainer and personal coach in the English language arena. Over the years, she has facilitated and trained many local and international young adults in Proficiency English of various levels especially in English for Communication. She has conducted workshops and programs for English for Academic Purpose, Academic Writing, Business English and Technical English at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), INTI University College of Malaysia, KBU International College, and ERICAN Language Centre. Her vast and in-depth experience specialising in the English language has brought much success to her participants and students over the years. Irene also trains various courses in English and communications such as Professional Business Writing, Business English for Communication, Business English Grammar, Critical Thinking & Study Skills, Strategic Communication, Communication Theories and Public Speaking classes for undergraduates at UPM and the corporate companies. Currently she manages a learning centre that specialises in English & Personal Development Workshops. Irene is actively involved in proof-reading and editing publications for individuals and corporate clients. She is also passionate in helping companies organise some CSR activities for underprivileged students.

12 July 2023

Pengurusan Masa, Penyelesaian Masalah dan Kerja SepasukanBACKGROUNDSekadar rajin berkerja tidak akan menjamin kejayaan. Cara kita mengutamakan apa yang penting dan bijak menggunakan masa untuk mencapainya baru kejayaan dapat dikecapi. Kebijaksanaan menggunakan masa untuk berkerja sebagai satu pasukan dan cara-cara menyelesaikan masalah dalam kerja adalah penting juga OBJECTIVESMatlamat-malatmat pembelajaran:

  • Belajar bagaimana menguna masa dengan adanya matlamat
  • Dengan jitunya menentu keutamaan dalam tugas harian kami
  • Menambah konsentrasi dan menggurangkan kelengahan
  • Bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah dengan langkah-langkah yang baik
  • Cara menggunakan peta minda sebagai salah satu perkakas untuk mengurus masa
  • Fahami 5 fasa kerja sepasukan dan cara mengutamakan pasukan kamu
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor lecturers, teachers, trainers, and administrators in education institutions who are directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1:
  • Perkenalan tentang Pengurusan Masa
  • Menetakan Matlamat
  • Kaedah “Pareto”
  • Keutamaan yang penting
  • Kaedah “FLOW”
  • Konsentrasi & Kelengahan
Session 2:
  • Imbas Kembali Modul Satu
  • Peta Minda untuk Mengurus Masa
  • Kaedah Penyelesaian Masalah – 4 Langkah
  • Kerja Sepasukan – 5 fasa
TRAINER'S PROFILE(Daniel) Lee Kwan Leong trains, coaches and consults in people development matters as well as being frequently invited to speak in conferences on these subjects. He is based in Malaysia and occasionally delivers his training and consultancy services in countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. Daniel has embarked on delivering and facilitating training online or webinars. As a consultant, Kwan Leong’s approach to organizational people development is firmly linked to (1) business goals, (2) measurable improvements, and (3) last but not least, universally accepted values and best practices. Kwan Leong is greatly influenced by Diederick Stoel (Training Effectiveness Expert and served as the Chairman of the Donald Kirkpatrick Foundation) and has been trained by him in (1) measuring effectiveness, and (2) assessment of return of investments from training programs. Since then, Kwan Leong has helped some of his clients in measuring effectiveness, savings and/or profits derived from training/coaching successfully. Seeing the next trend in people development and organizational capacity to evolve to succeed, Kwan Leong has embarked on capitalizing the happiness of people as one of the core drivers for profitability and success. For this, he became a Happiness at Work Survey practitioner in order to help organizations to thrive by leveraging on happy employees (happy people produce better results). The Happiness at Work Survey is a tool designed by a company called Happiness Works to help create better workplaces. It is headed by its Director, Nic Marks who is also (1) the founder of the award-winning Centre for Well-being, a think tank called nef (the New Economics Foundation) in United Kingdom, and (2) creator of the award winning Happy Planet Index, the first global measure of sustainable wellbeing. Kwan Leong is also certified as (1) a trainer with PSMB and Habitudes (Leadership Course where they use images to convey and teach leadership attitudes and habits), and (2) a SEI 1-1 EQ Assessor (from Six Seconds). He has met Tony Buzan (Legendary inventor of the Mind Map) and ThinkBuzan’s CEO, Chris Griffiths, where he was being certified as a ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor as well as Advanced iMind Map instructor. For this he is only one of the four that has been certified as such in Malaysia currently. All these have already been translated to better thinking and strategies for Kwan Leong’s clients in the corporate sectors.

17 July 2023

English for Effective Communication in the WorkplaceBACKGROUNDThe English language, the leading language, has revolutionised significantly in line with the global setting. Needless to say, advancing in one’s career path and improving one’s English proficiency go hand in hand today. Although most of us may be fairly comfortable in using general conversational English, it should be noted that English used in the professional setting is markedly different. This course was designed to equip learners with the skills to write, speak, and present effectively in the workplace. This will considerably enhance their productivity and career prospects with increased communicative abilities. This course content focuses on situations closely related to daily work life, where learners are taught relevant skills that can help them to improve their presentation, writing and speaking abilities using the target language. OBJECTIVESAt the end of programme, participants will be able to:

  • Develop confidence in writing effectively in daily work life
  • Communicate effectively using proper phrases and vocabulary
  • Participate and contribute more meaningfully in meetings and discussions
WHO SHOULD ATTENDFor Administrative staff COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Effective Communication
  • Presentation Skills
  • Giving opinions/suggestions
  • Making enquiries
Session 2: Formal Correspondence
  • Letter Writing
  • Email Writing
  • Proposal Writing
Session 3: Grammar Vocabulary
  • Parts of Speech
  • Business English Expressions and Phrases
  • Verbs and Tenses
Session 4: Social Business Skills
  • Customer Management
  • Developing Good Work Ethics
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Speaking Persuasively
Session 5: Participating in a Discussion
  • How to Sustain a Discussion
  • Ways to Handle Criticism
  • Expressing Disagreement
  • Phrasing Questions Professionally
TRAINER'S PROFILEDr. Seach Jin Beng is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. He has more than 15 years of experience teaching English Language and other humanities subjects such as public speaking, critical thinking, and study skills under his belt. Throughout his stint as a classroom practitioner, he has taught both local and international students. His specialities include English in education, English literature, and public speaking. Besides that, he has also published scholarly articles in the fields of English language and English literature in reputable journals.

13 - 14 June 2023

BACKGROUNDThe pandemic has affected a lot of people and it has triggered a series of mental issues. People are facing problems in managing general stress of daily life. In the process of managing stress, people are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and drained most of the time. Life may have been disrupted by the pandemic, however, it is during these hard times that people need to stay strong and focus to get through this. This is the utmost crucial moment to look closely at what is happening within you, being aware of what is actually going on. Start to gather the pieces of life back together and rearrange your life puzzle. Learn how to regain the power within you to move on. LEARNING OUTCOMEAt the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Equip with the knowledge and skills to understand, manage, and cope with stress
  • Relates to changes and disruptions brought about by the pandemic
  • Aim and help to reclaim their power and achieve holistic wellbeing
WHO SHOULD ATTENDAnyone who would like to have the knowledge and skills to understand, manage, and cope with stress, particularly as it relates to changes and disruptions brought about by the pandemic. COURSE CONTENTSSession 1: Stages of the Empowerment Process
  • Each and everyone have the ability to empower themselves
  • Understanding the 3 stages of empowerment process
  • Assess your current status
Session 2: How to Take Good Care of Your Well Being
  • Are you taking good care of yourself?
  • What measures did you take to care for your well-being?
  • Did you cover all areas of the life that you should be taking care of?
Session 3: How to Regain the Power Within You
  • Learn the four steps to regain the power within you
  • Follow the steps to get your life back in track
TRAINER'S PROFILEJason Zeck Lee Mr Jason ZECK Lee has been involved in corporate training and personal coaching since 1998 and he is an active speaker in Malaysia, USA, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, Nepal, Brunei and Indonesia. He specializes in areas such as Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Life Coach, Improvisor Creative Trainer, Training Consultant, Speaker, Aromatherapist Journalist, Reporter, Columnist, Writer, Artist and Designer. Jason has also been selected as International Who’s Who Professional since 2006 and is a Designer of 5 Life Cards Products. Besides, he is an author of seven motivational books and his articles were published in more than 70 websites including the Oxford Management Review.

10 - 11 August 2023 7 - 8 September 2023

Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Technology Literacy

Media Literacy (1 day)

Information Literacy for Reseachers