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Angélica Rivera Maestre

Certificate of Professionalism in Administrative and Financial Management
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Angélica Rivera Maestre Certificate of Professionalism in Administrative and Financial Management








Advantages and disadvantages

Some social networks

Types of social networks

What are social networks?



Social networks are digital platforms that connect people with common interests, activities or relationships (such as friendship, kinship or work). These platforms allow contact between the individuals that compose them and function as a means to exchange information. The information published by a user can be public or private.

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Niche social networks


Professional social networks


Entertainment social networks


Personal social networks


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  1. Facebook (Facebook Messenger)
  2. Youtube
  3. Whatsapp
  4. Instagram
  5. WeChat
  6. TikTok
  7. Telegram
  8. Sina Weibo
  9. QQ
  10. Twitter

Some social networks


  • They lose interaction with their social environment and their family.
  • They can become victims of cyberbullying and identity theft.
  • They expose themselves to people they often don't know by posting personal information.
  • They give voice to harmful opinions and attitudes.
  • They can become very addictive.
  • They become victims of scams and data theft.
  • They favor participation and collaborative work between people, that is, they allow users to participate in an online project from anywhere.
  • They offer a multitude of job opportunities.
  • They allow the construction of a personal and/or virtual identity, since they allow users to share all kinds of information (hobbies, beliefs, ideologies, etc.) with the rest of the netizens.
  • They facilitate relationships between people, avoiding all kinds of barriers, both cultural and physical. Connection with all the people of the world with common interests.
  • They facilitate obtaining the required information at all times, due to instant updating.
  • They are a great source of entertainment.

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

They favor participation and collaborative work between people, that is, they allow users to participate in an online project from anywhere. They offer a multitude of job opportunities. They allow the construction of a personal and/or virtual identity, since they allow users to share all kinds of information (hobbies, beliefs, ideologies, etc.) with the rest of the netizens. They facilitate relationships between people, avoiding all kinds of barriers, both cultural and physical. Connection with all the people of the world with common interests. They facilitate obtaining the required information at all times, due to instant updating. They are a great source of entertainment.

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Social networks have completely revolutionized the way of life of many people. Nowadays, more and more people (and not only those belonging to the younger generations) are unable to understand the world without the use of these platforms. However, as we have seen, these types of pages can be a double-edged sword.It is perfectly possible to pay more attention to the problems that these platforms can bring, and consciously change our way of using them to minimize their risks while making the most of their benefits.


Angélica Rivera Maestre

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