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PROFESSOR: Grettel Cortés S.
Taken and adapted from 
Kozicki-Jones, Sonya, Alfaro Murillo Vilma, & Flores Mora Berta. (2009). Using English verbs. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.
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PROFESSOR: Grettel Cortés S. Taken and adapted from Kozicki-Jones, Sonya, Alfaro Murillo Vilma, & Flores Mora Berta. (2009). Using English verbs. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.


Lucia has a high fever, a runny nose, and an aching body.



Lucia will have a high fever, a runny nose, and an aching body.

Lucia will have a high fever, a runny nose, and an aching body. Poor thing!



Contracted form of NOT is possible in these modals: shan´t, won´t, wouldn´t, can´t, shouldn´t and musn´t

To create a modal negative, the particle NOT is inserted after the modal

Modal auxiliaries generalities

They also retain their complete meaning when we omit the main verb to avoid repeating it.

In declarative sentences, they appear after the subject.

They do not have infinitive or participle forms.

They do not add the suffix -s for the third person singular.

In Wh-Questions, modal auxiliaries follow the interrogative word.

In YES/NO Questions, modals move to the beginning of the sentence.

Analize that use of will in the sentence is below. Which application of this modal auxiliary do you fine and each case?

  1. Portable calculators will work for month without needing in new battery.
  2. It's three o'clock. My friend'll be in the cafeteria having coffee.
  3. The cop raised down the Under Street after the suspect and shouted: "Stop or I´ll shoot."
  4. Will the company be hiring new personnel next month?
  5. He'll get into trouble If he breaks that window.
  6. Anyone that travels to the United States will invariable need a visa.
  7. Turn the read you down, will you?
  8. Adressing the patients, the doctor said," You will wait here until the nurse shows you into my office."
  9. Accidents Will happen.
  10. We wont be gone long. Please wait for us.



Analyze the use of shall in the sentences below. Which application of this modal auxiliary do you find in each case.

  1. We shall consider your proposal once you submit it to the committe.
  2. I estimate That I shall have finished college in three years now.
  3. "We shall over come," said an enthusiastic Reverendo Marthin Luther King, Jr.
  4. This assigment seems quite difficult. Shall I help you with it?
  5. The crew will disembark at night but it shall not penetrante inland until daybreak.


Identify the meanings of can in the following sentences

  1. To make your house baby-proof you can instala cabinet locks and outlet plugs.
  2. This grammar exercuse seems quite challenging, but I'm not going to give up. I can do it.
  3. Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
  4. Books can stir the imagination.
  5. Can you hold your breath for three minutes?

Identify the meaning of could in the following sentences.

  1. My nephew could skateboard quite well when he was young. Now he's afraid to try.
  2. Could you please hand me that boom on the table?
  3. I'm sorry I'm late, but I could find a taxi anywhere.
  4. When I was a child, I could get into a movie theater at half price.
  5. I've bren thinking you could apply for a scholarship to the States next year.
  6. Could your daughter not play her música so loudy, please?
  7. The secretar y said that the invoice could be ready tomorrow.
  8. Ronald quit his job. He couldn't handle the pressure.



Choose the alternative that best completes the sentences logically.

  • Careful! The steak (shall, will, would) burn if you dont turn it on the other side.
  • I advised him not to go too fast, but he (shall, will, would) not listen. Nos, look what he's done to the bike.
  • (Shall, Will, Would) I do This for you? It's really noy trouble at all.
  • After their las dispute over property rights, The brothers (shan't, won't, wouldn't) talk to each other for a year. What a shame!
  • I thought that we (shall, will, would) be friends for a long time, but it didn't work out.


Fill in the blank with either shall, will, or would.

  1. He said that he was having a small problem with the distributors of the product, but that he ___settle the matter with them soon.
  2. I'm planning to attend the seminario on Shakespear.____you be going, too?
  3. Although the key turnes, The drawer stubbornly___not open.
  4. Well, ___ we go now. It's almost time for the movie to start.
  5. I asked him to come in, but he___. Perhaps he was too shy.


Analyze the use of must in the sentences below. Which application of this modal auxiliary do you find in each case?

  1. Barbie dolls are not excatly anatomically representative of average female bodies. What must the little girls who play with them think about their extravagant physical proportions?
  2. People simply musn´t keep littering the streets; the sewage system is already overloaded with trash.
  3. The horses and jockeys are already waiting at the starting gate. The Triple Crown rae must be about to begin.
  4. Public Health officials and non-profit humanitarian organizations must work together in order to eradicate malaria and cholera.
  5. You can have an advance on your allowance if you really must buy those new CD´s.
  6. What the teacher said was that students must not speak to each other during exams.
  7. Genevieve is yawning loudy. She must be going to take a nap.

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