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Three-Year targets

Key Partnerships

Three Year Strategic Plan



Core Values &Beliefs



Operational Efficiency

Collective Impact

In partnership with families, students, and the community, we commit to creating an innovative, inclusive, and student-centered learning environment so that all students are equipped and empowered to choose their college or career path while becoming productive members of their community.

WHERE ARE WE NOW? We identified over 20 years ago that we had and continue to have a disparity between our minority and majority achievement, but have not been able to close the gap. FSD145 now has leadership in place who not only has a clear vision of our future, but also has the capacity to build aligned leadership throughout the district at all levels to address this disparity. Together, this visionary leadership team can all travel in the same direction with the people who can change our district. Every employee has been provided with a clear path and the capacity to create lasting change, and the route toward tackling priorities for improvement and empowering the schools has been identified. Top down goals, combined with grassroots initiatives at the building level, allow every employee to feel inspired to work together to create the Freeport School District we want for our students’ tomorrows. WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO? FSD145 students deserve a high-quality education that opens doors to their future success. We want our students to leave our schools with the world at their feet. We want all of our students to have all the tools to be successful and impact their future communities. We hope that Freeport graduates stay in Freeport to live, work, and raise their families, and that one of the reasons they do so is because we have rebuilt our high-quality educational system. HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THERE? Our vision will drive us, but it will be the work of our staff, hand in hand with our parents, that moves our District forward. A clear mission, vision, and plan that has measurable checkpoints along the way is being put in place. We want to engage parents and families so that more are showing up for events. We need them actively involved with their children at home -- reading, doing homework, talking about events and their day, as well as working with their children’s teachers. The school and home partnership is critical to our shared success. With the right tools and resources provided by our teachers, we have found that we can keep students learning, even while at home. The more we involve parents in their student’s education, the more our students achieve. We recognize we have work to do and own it.


Increase in the number of Kindergarten students meeting benchmarks across all developmental domains in on the KIDS Assessment.

Early Childhood- Primary Grades


High School Attendance

High School


Decrease in Chronic Absenteeism

All Students(K-12)


Elementary and Middle School

Elementary Attendance


Freshmen on Track for Graduation

High School


Graduation Rate

High School



High School


SAT Math

High School


Climate Survey Student Participation

All Students(K-12)


Parent Participation

All Students(K-12)



ELPtP: Increase ACCESS for ELLs assessment composite scores across domains

Science Proficiency

All Students(K-12)

All Students(K-12)




Elementary and Middle School

ELA and Math Growth IAR


Elementary and Middle School

ELA Proficiency on IAR in Grades 3-8


Elementary and Middle School

Math Proficiency on IARin Grades 3-4


Elementary and Middle School

Math Proficiency on IARin Grades 5-8

Key Partnerships


• Boys & Girls Club of Freeport & Stephenson County• FHN• Freeport Art Museum• Freeport Community Foundation• Freeport Community Public School Fund


• Parent Teacher Organizations• Pretzel Fans Club• United Way of Northwest IL• Volunteers of FSD145• YMCA of Northwest IL

• Freeport Public Library• Highland Community College• Kiwanis Club• Martin Luther King Center• Parent Teacher Organizations








Across the school district, we consulted with students, parents, leaders, educators, and community members to learn about their vision for the future of FSD. their input, ideas, and reflections guided this plan, and will help provide the blueprint for our vision in the next three years.

Creating a Vision for


OUR PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS WANT • Excellence in education where students graduate prepared for college or the workforce • Open and honest communication • Diversity of staff that reflects the diversity of our student population

OUR BUSINESS AND PHILANTHROPIC COMMUNITY WANT • District/community engagement and collaboration • Open and honest communication • Excellence in education that produces productive members of our community

OUR EDUCATORS AND STAFF WANT • Excellence in education through high student achievement • Open and honest communication • Solid and committed leadership/dedicated and diverse staff

OUR SCHOOL AND DISTRICT LEADERS WANT • Honesty and integrity • Shared vision • Excellence in education through high-performing schools

OUR Students WANT • Teachers and staff who care about them • An excellent education • Fairness

OUR School Board MEMBERS WANT • 100% effort from all staff • Open and honest communication • Highly qualified leaders and personnel

We All WANT • A safe and supportive learning environment in every school, that provides high-quality public education and equal opportunities for all students • A shared understanding that the partnership between the school, families, and community is necessary for student success • A common sense of pride for being part of the Pretzel Family and Community

Core Values & Beliefs




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PARENT AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP is key to fulfilling our three-year vision and mission.

STUDENT-FOCUSED OUTCOMES are at the center of every decision we make.

EQUITY FOR ALL is possible if we identify and remove barriers that get in the way of student success and create opportunities for all.

CULTURAL AWARENESS AND TOLERANCE is valued. Regardless of background, people of any age who feel and see their identities reflected in the work they are doing and who feel connected to each other can transform lives through education and contribute to a deeper understanding of how tolerance enhances our lives.

CONTINUOUS LEARNING AND IMPROVEMENT is imperative for our students, teachers, school leaders, and district staff.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT includes meaningful curriculum and programs.

Core Commitment #1:Academic Excellence

Strategy 1.7

Strategy 1.6

Strategy 1.5

Strategy 1.4

Strategy 1.3

Strategy 2.2

Strategy 1.2

Strategy 1.1

Strategy 2.1

Component #2

Component #1


Standards-Aligned Curriculum andRigorous Instruction

Safe and Healthy Schools

Strategy 1.2Strengthen the rigor of the instructional core for Academics & Social Emotional Learning (SEL).Target 1: By June of 2026, 100% of students will have access to rigorous instruction aligned to grade-level academic and SEL standards as measured by the consistent and uniformly implemented learning walk through tool. Actions:

  • Provide students with rigorous grade-level Tier I instruction aligned to academic & SEL standards and the FSD145 Instructional Framework.
  • Ensure accessibility to rigorous, standards-based, Board-approved curricular materials and the expectation that materials are implemented as intended.
  • Use culturally relevant instructional practices based on WICOR strategies to increase student intellectual & social-emotional engagement.
  • Secure participation by all staff in differentiated professional learning, including coaching, on the use of appropriate scaffolds to support student success.
Target 2: By June of 2026, 100% of teachers will incorporate the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Framework into core academic areas to support student learning, as measured by student responses to climate, culture, and SEL surveys. Actions:
  • Create a Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency basics presentation for all FSD staff.
  • Share the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency basics presentation to coordinators, administrators, and department leaders. Create video presentations for the Learning Hub, led by the Equity Department. Coordinators, administrators, and department leaders will ensure their staff receive the opportunity to experience the training.
  • Revisit the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency information at District Institutes and in the Superintendent Newsletter.
  • Monitor referrals, climate, culture, and SEL survey data. All data will be monitored by the Equity Department and Equity Steering Committee.
  • Conduct regular learning walks using the District learning walkthrough tool

Strategy 1.3Design and implement balanced assessment systems.Target: By June of 2026, a common assessment system will be established and utilized across the district. Actions:

  • Engage the K-12 Curriculum Committee in the development of a system for Common Formative Assessment(CFA) and share the progress of the work mid -year and end of year, including feedback loops.
  • Increase the use of district-approved common formative assessments by all teachers through the routine use of assessment review cycles through the implementation of PLCs.

Strategy 1.4Support marginalized groups through targeted district and school improvement goals.Target: By June of 2026, 100% of students in marginalized groups will show expected growth on nationally normed assessments through an equity-driven continuous improvement process. Actions:

  • Identify the target student group in each school that will be receiving strategic support in order to show the expected growth in MAP
  • Conduct regular learning walks using the District learning walkthrough tool to monitor the use of AVID Instructional Framework.
  • Conduct ongoing student and family listening sessions for the purpose of determining opportunities for growth and relationship building.
  • Teachers will participate in professional learning on how to support all diverse learners through culturally responsive Tier I instruction.

Strategy 1.5Implement an equitable multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) that includes academic & behavioral interventions and enrichment activities.Target: By June of 2026, all students will have access to tier 1; tier 2 will have 15% of students or less; tier 3 will have 5% or less as measured by MAP. Actions:

  • Ensure that WIN (What I Need) Time provides both intervention and enrichment activities, where appropriate.
  • Develop individual academic/social emotional plans in an MTSS platform for students through the collaboration between the MTSS Facilitators and teachers.

Strategy 1.1Establish a Culture of Learning based on the AVID Framework and the Framework for Teaching (FFT) Clusters.Target: By June of 2026, 100% of teachers will establish a culture of learning based on the AVID Framework and the Framework for Teaching clusters as measured by the Solution Tree PLC rubrics. Actions:

  • Provide AVID professional learning workshops and coaching.
  • Provide Framework for Teaching Clusters professional learning workshops and coaching.
  • Provide professional development and coaching through AVID Site Team members and Framework Specialists.
  • Conduct learning walks with a single walkthrough tool, which is used districtwide.
  • Expand the number of Framework Specialist teacher leaders to include representation from all buildings in the district.

High quality public education is the collective work of the entire school district. We want to develop in our students a love for learning, the motivation to take initiative and set goals for themselves, work collaboratively with peers, think critically and make choices that are grounded in healthy living and belief in their potential to achieve great things, and the desire to give back to their community. We also recognize that environmental conditions promoting success along the developmental and learning continuum include support for positive, trusting relationships; a sense of belonging and purpose; physical and emotional safety; and developing emotional connections.

Strategy 1.6 Strengthen supports for Multilingual Learners by providing equitable programs and resources and building teacher and administrator capacity. Target: Build Administrator Capacity. By June of 2026, the Multilingual department will build the capacity of administrators to lead implementation of best practices in multilingual education in order to sustain and grow successful programs as measured by the School leader survey of language expertise and practice and anecdotal observations of conversations and reflections, indicate an increase of understanding and level of comfort in supporting multilingual programs and students. Actions:

  • Enact revised procedures to ensure efficacious approach to MLL
  • Conduct leader surveys of language expertise including reflections
  • Provide professional reading as a basis for ongoing professional learning opportunities
Target: Build Teacher Capacity. By June of 2026, the Multilingual department will see evidence of a 50% increase in teacher rating on quality instruction, additionally teacher reflections and self-assessments on instructional practice indicate greater understanding and implementation of professional learning objectives. Actions:
  • Provide opportunities through ongoing professional development to for teachers to engage in learning that focuses on the integration of language and content standards
  • Provide opportunities for teachers to gain skills in high quality culturally responsive instructional practices
  • Elevate native language acquisition and targets in professional learning sessions
Target: By June 2026 The Multilingual Department will expand Seal of Biliteracy plan and will reach a 10% increase in schools with SoBL and a 15% increase in language proficiency in at least one of the domain level performance on ACCESS. Actions:
  • Provide training related to the analysis and interpretation of standardized and state language proficiency assessments and local district assessments to all administrative and teaching staff throughout the district.
  • Establish programs that support and encourage the development of multiple languages.
  • Curate resources that are high quality and are inclusive of language learners.
  • Building out Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) program
  • Implementing AVID excel to middle grades
  • Developing protocol/template for integrating language in curricular design across all grades

Strategy 2.2Provide wellness support for all students and staffTarget: By June of 2026, the Equity and HR departments will have developed a robust wellness program that will have an impact on the overall organizational culture as measured by a decrease in chronic absenteeism and increase in teacher retention. Actions:

  • Equity and HR departments will collaboratively build a wellness program through a committee work with various stakeholder groups.
  • Monitor progress of the wellness program through a continuous improvement process based on relevant data.

Strategy 2.1Promote and maintain safe, secure, and supportive learning environmentsTarget: By June of 2026, 100% of FSD staff will apply professional learning in SEL/Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competencies as measured by the Second Step walkthrough document. Actions:

  • Create a Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency basics presentation for all FSD staff.
  • Share out Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency basics presentation to coordinators, administrators, and department leaders, as well as, create video presentations for the Learning Hub.
  • Provide training to all staff through coordinators, administration, and department leaders.
  • Revisit Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency information at District Institutes and in the Superintendent’s Newsletter.
  • Align data-informed plans to address SEL and behavior with the CASEL Framework so the CASEL competencies are a part of the Teaching & Learning cycles.
  • Monitor student social emotional survey data to show improvement of SEL implementations as part of the Teaching & Learning cycles for continuous improvement.
Target: By June of 2026, FSD 145 will see an increase in T1 student behavior as a result of consistent implementation of T1 MTSS behavioral practices and strategies.
  • The Department of Equity will identify and communicate the T1 MTSS behavioral practices and strategies with all students and staff.
  • The Department of Equity will establish expectations of implementation of T1 MTSS behavioral practices and strategies through a year-long professional learning and support for all school staff on T1 MTSS behavioral practices and strategies.
  • Each school will identify a threat assessment team that will develop plans for students as deemed necessary.
  • Schools will conduct annual reviews of Emergency Operations Plans.
  • Ensure all school-based Threat Assessment Teams receive, at minimum, annual training and Develop a communication protocol for threat assessments.

Strategy 1.7 Strengthen Supports for Students Receiving Special Education ServicesTarget: Increase Reading & Math Proficiency. By June of 2026, we will increase the proficiency rate in both reading and math for children with IEPs against grade level academic achievement standards by 10%. Actions:

  • Review and revise the comprehensive special education annual needs assessment process to better identify specific supports special education and related service providers may need to support students in reaching proficiency targets.
  • Follow a comprehensive review of student and staff needs, identify a series of evidence-based instructional/intervention programs (such as the Wilson Reading System) aligned to the areas of greatest common need.
  • Align systems and structures to ensure training and resources/materials are provided to allow for fidelity implementation of selected evidence-based programs; Ensure staffing/schedules allow for intervention programs to be delivered in the appropriate format and within the timing guidelines recommended.
  • Implement and monitor a continuous improvement process of program effectiveness that is coordinated with the Curriculum Department and building leaders.

Core Commitment #2:Collective Impact

Strategy 3.3


Strategy 3.2

Strategy 1.1

Strategy 1.2

Strategy 3.1

Strategy 2.1

Component #2

Component #3

Component #1

Family & Community Engagement

Communication Strategy & Transparency

Career Pathways and Opportunities

Being good stewards of our resources is our obligation towards our taxpayers. We are ensuring that we have mechanisms in place for departments to manage performance and set achievable goals for business and finance, human resources, and technology that put our district on solid financial footing, able to mitigate risks and provide sustainable resources for our schools. We will be smart in utilizing federal, state, and local grants to align to school and district improvement plans and yield results for students. Our capital improvement plan in the next five years will guarantee the upkeep and modernization of our facilities in order to provide students with the best learning environments.

Strategy 1.1Deepen partnerships and engagement with familiesTarget: By June 2026, all campuses will improve the parent rating in the “Supportive Environment" category in the 5 Essentials survey by one designation to “More Implementation” as measured by the 5 Essentials Survey. Actions:

  • Align the Parent Engagement Framework to the Equity Framework.
  • All campuses will implement the Parent Engagement Framework with integrity for the purpose of developing a fully functional, parent advisory/leadership committee.
  • The Equity Department will provide Professional Learning to support the implementation of the Parent Engagement Framework.
  • Develop a Parent Advisory Committee at the district-level to support schools in the establishment of school level committees.
  • Invite established community partners through the District Community Leadership Team (DCLT) to share relevant resources at each event.

Strategy 2.1Provide timely and transparent communicationTarget: By June of 2026, 80% of FSD145 parents will report the District’s communication strategy as highly effective or effective as measured by a district-generated survey. Actions:

  • Establish district-wide communication strategies to ensure efficiency in our communication with parents.
  • Develop common templates to ensure consistency in messaging across the District.
  • Annually provide parents an opportunity to provide feedback on our communication practices through a satisfaction survey.
Target: By June of 2026, provide timely communication to families about student performance towards being on track by utilizing Behavior, Attendance, and Grades (BAG) reports for all students in FSD145 from grades 3-12. Actions:
  • Determine metrics for elementary BAG reports.
  • Establish timelines for printing and sharing BAG (Behavior, Attendance, & Grades) reports at regular reporting intervals.

Strategy 3.2Provide transformative extra-curricular activitiesTarget: By June of 2026, FSD145 will increase the offerings for elementary and middle school extra-curricular opportunities by 10%. Actions:

  • Survey students and families about extra-curricular offerings to gain feedback on ways to increase student engagement.
  • Establish clear success metrics for extra-curricular programs that take into consideration goals of district and student and family feedback.
  • Build a feeder program for organized sports (i.e. soccer, basketball) that begins in 4th grade.
  • Establish partnerships with community stakeholders to support a season of league play.
  • Create club and team opportunities for students (e.g. Wee Speech, chess team, increase theater/drama).
Target: By June of 2026, FSD145 students who participate in extracurricular activities will increase to be proportional to the demographics of the student population by 10% as measured by the state-reported demographics. Actions:
  • Establish procedures to monitor and report this data quarterly.
  • Provide coaches and staff with professional development that supports the growth of inclusivity.
  • Evaluate current activities to identify and address barriers to achieving the established target.

Strategy 3.1Enhance summer programsTarget: By June of 2026 FSD145 will see an increase in average student daily attendance for our summer programs by 10% as measured by our cumulative daily attendance metrics. Actions:

  • Survey students and families about summer school experience to gain feedback on ways to improve summer learning offerings.
  • Establish clear success metrics for summer learning programs that take into consideration goals of district and student and family feedback.
  • Offer a variety of elective courses or enrichment programs that cater to students' diverse interests and talents, encouraging them to explore new subjects and develop new skills.
  • Incorporate hands-on and project-based learning experiences to make the summer school program more engaging.
  • Collaborate with community organizations and local businesses to offer special workshops, field trips, or guest speakers that expose students to real-world applications of their learning.
  • Increase communication with parents regarding summer school attendance.

Strategy 1.2Increase access to high-quality, universal early childhood programsTarget: By June of 2026, the early childhood waiting list will be reduced by 60% while increasing enrollment by 40 students. Actions:

  • Increase the number of full-day EC sessions from three to five.
  • Recruit licensed professionals and paraprofessionals to open additional sections.
  • Increase student participation in screening by 15%.
  • Apply for additional block grants to provide funding to support new classrooms.
  • Utilize a family engagement coordinator to help families navigate the EC screening process.
  • Establish a Family Engagement/Educational specialist position to improve the quality of family partnerships with all families through resource allocation, professional development, advocacy, access, and equity.

Strategy 3.3Increase high school graduation rate Target: By June of 2026, FSD145 will strengthen the connection between the career academies and students’ interests to pursue post-secondary options as a means to improve graduation rates.

Core Commitment #3:Operational Efficiency


Strategy 3.3

Strategy 3.2

Strategy 2.2

Strategy 1.2

Strategy 1.1

Strategy 3.1

Strategy 2.1

Component #2

Component #3

Component #1

Organizational Excellence

Resource Efficiency

Invest in Our People

We value parent and community engagement, building trust with the community, extracurricular programs, electives, and before-and after-school programming. We will embrace transparency in how we communicate with the community and welcome feedback from parents, students, community members, and employees. We will work together through a continuous improvement process. The education of children cannot be done in isolation. It takes collective effort to have a collective impact on student achievement.

Strategy 1.2Implement performance management strategiesTarget: By June of 2026, all school improvement teams and central office departments will show evidence of performance management strategies during their mid-year and end of year performance management cycles. Actions:

  • Every department will complete a performance management exercise annually to monitor progress on strategic goals.

Strategy 1.1Strengthen continuous improvement process within the school and departmentsTarget: By June of 2026, all School Improvement Plans and department strategic plans will demonstrate evidence of the cycle for continuous improvement with clear measurable goals and monitoring systems in place. Actions:

  • Every department and school will perform an annual End-of-Year Review (start, stop, continue).
  • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will create Teaching & Learning cycles together to closely track mastery of important learning outcomes.
  • Operational Departments will create Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles as a part of departmental strategic plans.
  • Support peer review of District practices.

Strategy 2.2Monitor the capital and facilities improvement plan.Target: By June of 2026, the district will develop and implement a rolling 5-year facilities improvement plan to ensure facilities are maintained in good working order. Actions:

  • The district architect and engineers will be engaged to conduct a thorough review of the facilities to identify areas in need of improvement.
  • Facilities improvement project plans, based on the 5-year plan, will be developed to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Facilities improvement projects are prioritized based on greatest facility need, as identified in the 5-year plan.

Strategy 2.1 Create and follow a financial stability planTarget: By June of 2026, all school improvement plan teams and central office departments will show evidence of the alignment of how their resources support the achievement of their goals and the district goals in the three year strategic plan. Actions:

  • Development of a project management process that ensures projects are efficiently managed and within budget.
  • Development of a plan and process to correct audit notations for credit card use and purchase orders.

Strategy 3.2Create, implement, and monitor a comprehensive professional learning plan that includes a responsive, data-based approach to professional learning design.Target: By June of 2026, a district-wide system of effective and sustainable professional learning pathways will be created which aligns with the three systems of focus in Freeport SD145 as measured by local and state feedback forms. Actions:

  • Develop a needs assessment for staff based on the three systems of AVID, MTSS, and PLCs.
  • Utilize assessment data to develop a Professional Learning Calendar that meets the needs of staff.
  • Provide opportunities for courses that address the needs identified by staff.
  • Regularly monitor the growth of professional learning implementation and skill acquisition by staff members.

Strategy 3.3Develop high-functioning leadership teams to meet School Improvement Plan (SIP) goals.Target: By June of 2026, all school leadership teams will be rated as effective or highly effective as measured by the use of a district-generated rubric. Actions:

  • Develop a rubric that defines a highly functional team.
  • Utilize peer visits to align the definition of highly functional teams and provide fidelity in our performance.
  • Develop calendars on an annual basis that ensure teams are able to effectively meet and accomplish their identified SIP goals.

Strategy 3.1Design a strategic recruitment, hiring, and retention process that results in a workforce that reflects district diversity.Target: By June of 2026, the proportionality of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) certified staff members to the demographics of the student population will increase by 5% as measured by the state-reported demographics. Actions:

  • Expand the Grow Your Own programs for teachers and administrators.
  • Reinforce retention practices (i.e. affinity groups) that are shown to assist in maintaining teachers at FSD145.
  • Utilize BIPOC staff to assist in recruiting efforts and to serve as ambassadors to FSD145.
  • Develop partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities(HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) for the purpose of recruitment.
Target: By the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, the percentage of district (certified & classified) filled positions will be 94%. Actions:
  • Continued use of the Grow-Your-Own programs.
  • Reinforce retention practices throughout the District through recognizing longevity, regular data conversations with department supervisors and building administrators regarding retention rates, reviewing exit interviews, and ensuring the district mentorship program meets staff needs.
  • Explore and implement new recruitment strategies that support current practices.








Freshmen On-Track Rate






Graduation Rate


The Freeport Education Association is encouraged by our increased involvment in district communications and decisions under Dr. Alvarado. We believe this Three-Year Vision is a representative example of that collaborative partnership. We look forward to this continued relationship in future years.


Average SAT Composite Score

Kelly Everding, Teacher/FEA President



Student Enrollment

Student Racial Diversity


Economically Disadvantaged Students


Students with IEPs


English Language Learners

Student Demographics

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) % of students who Met/Exceeded Student Growth Targets in Reading or Math

Reading or Math in grades 3-8 who met grade level expectations