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Florentino Tellez

Social Clases in Ancient ROme

6. Closing

4. Slaves

5. What if?

3. Roman Cloths

2. Plebeians vs Patricians

1. Introduction

Social classes refer to a society's division based on economic status.

How were Roman citizens divided in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome, this issue was important, people were divided into patricians, plebeians, and slaves. These social divisions were a key basis for economic development in ancient Rome. Rome's social class affects how they develop its government and economy.

  1. Large Houses
  2. Political influence
  3. Wealthy romans have slaves
  4. Well Educated
  1. Artesans or peasants
  2. Working class
  3. Worked for proteccion
  4. Pay taxes




The Romans in ancient Rome wore a toga, a sheet 9 yards long that covered most of the body except the face and the feet

Roman Cloths

patron slaves performed hard and dangerous work in Roman society. In ancient Rome, there were many ways someone could force someone into slavery..

About 20% of the Roman population was enslaved; much evidence suggests that slaves n ancient Rome carried out hard manual labor under supervision;


What it was really like to live in ancient rome

But how does it was to really live in Ancient Rome? It was good? It was safe?

In conclusion, they divided ancient Roman society into three main social classes: plebeians, patricians, and slaves. Each of these groups had different ways of living and ways of thinking of each other;

In conclucion