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Human biocultural
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Human biocultural


• The extinct ancient human Homo erectus is a species of firsts. • It was the first of our relatives to have human-like body proportions, with shorter arms and longer legs relative to its torso. • It was also the first known hominin to migrate out of Africa, and possibly the first to cook food. • Compared with modern Homo sapiens, which have only been around for the last 200,000 years, Homo erectus, or "upright man," had a long reign. •The ancient ancestor of modern humans lived from 2 million years ago till about 100,000 years ago, possibly even 50,000 years ago.

Homo erectus, or 'upright man', is an extinct species of human that occupies an intriguing spot within the human evolutionary lineage.

• The characteristics that define our species today evolved over 6 million years as our early human ancestors adapted to a changing world. • About 200,000 years ago, a new species of human evolved in East Africa. It was our species, Homo sapiens. By studying the DNA of humans living throughout the world today, scientists know that these hunter-gatherers were the ancestors of every human being alive today. • We live in an unusual time in the overall journey of human origins—we are the only remaining species of a diverse family tree of earlier human species. H. sapiens, or modern humans, co-habited the Earth with other early human species, at times living in the same geographic area. In fact, just 70,000 years ago, there were at least four human species on earth — H. erectus — H. floresiensis — H. neanderthalensis — H. sapiens. • While our species, H. sapiens, has survived for about 200,000 years, some species of earlier humans thrived for several times longer before their extinction. • Fossils of more than 6,000 individuals have been discovered so far, representing more than a dozen species of early humans. Only our species, Homo sapiens, remains. • Modern humans are great apes, one of the major groups on the primate family tree. We are very closely related to chimpanzees in that we have shared ancestry but are not descended from any living species of monkey or ape. • The last common ancestor of humans and living apes lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. We have not yet discovered it remains. The earliest human species, which evolved in Africa, are our closest link to other primates. HOMO SAPIENS SUBSPECIES

  • Neanderthal Man- Discovered in Neanderthal valley near Dusseldorf, Germany in 1856 who lived in cave and dependent in hunting and fishing.
  • Cro-Magnon Man- Discovered by a French archaeologist Louis Lartet in the Cro Magnon Cave in Southern France.

Homo sapiens: The Thinking ManHomo sapiens is the scientific name for modern humans, the only surviving species of the genus Homo, which means "man" in Latin.

*Come from Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa *Known to exist around 2 million years ago *Developed tools primarily for their use in scavenging *Considered to be the more intelligent and organized than the hominids

Homo habilis: The Handy ManHomo habilis was the first member of the human genus, living in Africa 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago.

HOMINIDS -One of the earliest member of the primate family hominadie, containing human, their immediate ancestors and close extinct relatives Early Hominids Tools -Stone Tool -Wood Tools -Bone Tools 4 Physical Feature of Hominids -Body size -Relative Brain Size -Tool Making -Language Types of Hominids Australophithecus Afarensis -About 3.9 - 2.55 million years ago, earliest form of hominids -3 feet tall -Bipedalism Australopithecus Africanus -About 3.5 - 2.45 million years ago first of the early ape species classified as hominids -Slender build -Bipeds with curved fingers for tree climbing. -They had slightly longer arms than legs.

Hominids: Our Primate FamilyHominids are the family of primates that includes humans and their extinct relatives, as well as gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans.

-About 3.5 - 2.45 million years ago first of the early ape species classified as hominids -Slender build -Bipeds with curved fingers for tree climbing. -They had slightly longer arms than legs.

-About 3.9 - 2.55 million years ago, -Earliest form of hominids -3 feet tall -Bipedalism

Homo Habilis "Handy man" because of their ability to carve tools. -Used rocks to cut and animal bones to dig into soil. -They had larger brains which helped their survival -4 feet tall and bipedal

Homo Rudolfensis -Lived from 2.3 - 1.5 million years ago -was found in Lake Rudolf in Kenya -Main difference between the two is the larger braincase from Homo Rudolfensis

Homo Gautengensis -Had big teeth for chewing plants -They consumed more vegetables and likely had smaller brains -Discovered in South Africa about 2.0 - 1.0 million years ago -They also may have used fire and stone tools

Homo Ergaster "Workingman"

  • About 1.6 - 1.3 million years ago
  • Lived in South Africa
  • They became extinct only after a relatively short period of time.

Homo Erectus Pekinesis

  • "Peking Man" because these fossils were mostly found near Beijing (Peking)
  • Existed 1.25 - 0.3 million years ago.
  • These extinct hominids were known to have heavy brow ridges.

Homo Antecessor

  • "Human Poineer" due to the belief they belonged to the first human population in Europe
  • Was present in Western Europe about 1.2 - 0.65 million years ago.
  • They had a combination of modern and primitive traits and may have practiced cannibalism.

Homo Erestus Soloensis

  • "Solo man"
  • Resemble "Java man" and "Peking man" nut now are extinct
  • This type of hominid was found in Indonesia on the island of Java

Homo Heidelber-gensis

  • Archaeologists found fossils of Homo Heidelbergensis near Heidelberg Germany.
  • They are most notable for possibly burying their dead.
  • About 0.7-0.4 million years ago, Homo Heidelbergensis existed in both Africa and Europe.
  • They were found to have craniums in the lower range of modern humans.

Homo Helmei

  • First discovered in South Africa
  • They are known for their out-of-Africa
  • About 0.4 – 0.2 million years ago, Homo Helmei existed only for a short period of time.
  • Their brain volume is slightly larger than modern humans. movement

Homo Neander-Thalensis

  • The short term for Homo Neander-thalensis is “Neanderthals”.
  • They were first found in Germany, but they also lived in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
  • For over 10,000 years, Neanderthals lived with modern humans. Neanderthals existed 500-25 thousand years ago.
  • They were short, strong, and skilled at making tools. They were good at working together because they surrounded animals when they hunted.


  • Homo sapiens were known for their artistic talents in cave paintings and clay work.
  • They made hooks and spears to catch fish and invented the spear thrower. Thus, it made them better hunters because they could hunt from a distance.
  • About 160-40 thousand years ago, the “doubly wise man” was the recent form of modern humans “homo sapiens sapiens”.
  • Eventually, modern humans invented a more complex language, practiced agriculture, and built cities.

Human biocultural


• The extinct ancient human Homo erectus is a species of firsts. • It was the first of our relatives to have human-like body proportions, with shorter arms and longer legs relative to its torso. • It was also the first known hominin to migrate out of Africa, and possibly the first to cook food. • Compared with modern Homo sapiens, which have only been around for the last 200,000 years, Homo erectus, or "upright man," had a long reign. •The ancient ancestor of modern humans lived from 2 million years ago till about 100,000 years ago, possibly even 50,000 years ago.

Homo erectus, or 'upright man', is an extinct species of human that occupies an intriguing spot within the human evolutionary lineage.

• The characteristics that define our species today evolved over 6 million years as our early human ancestors adapted to a changing world. • About 200,000 years ago, a new species of human evolved in East Africa. It was our species, Homo sapiens. By studying the DNA of humans living throughout the world today, scientists know that these hunter-gatherers were the ancestors of every human being alive today. • We live in an unusual time in the overall journey of human origins—we are the only remaining species of a diverse family tree of earlier human species. H. sapiens, or modern humans, co-habited the Earth with other early human species, at times living in the same geographic area. In fact, just 70,000 years ago, there were at least four human species on earth — H. erectus — H. floresiensis — H. neanderthalensis — H. sapiens. • While our species, H. sapiens, has survived for about 200,000 years, some species of earlier humans thrived for several times longer before their extinction. • Fossils of more than 6,000 individuals have been discovered so far, representing more than a dozen species of early humans. Only our species, Homo sapiens, remains. • Modern humans are great apes, one of the major groups on the primate family tree. We are very closely related to chimpanzees in that we have shared ancestry, but are not descended from any living species of monkey or ape. • The last common ancestor of humans and living apes lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. We have not yet discovered its remains. The earliest human species, which evolved in Africa, are our closest link to other primates.

Homo sapiens: The Thinking ManHomo sapiens is the scientific name for modern humans, the only surviving species of the genus Homo, which means "man" in Latin.

*Come from Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa *Known to exist around 2 million years ago *Developed tools primarily for their use in scavenging *Considered to be the more intelligent and organized than the hominids

Homo habilis: The Handy ManHomo habilis was the first member of the human genus, living in Africa 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago.

Hominids: Our Primate FamilyHominids are the family of primates that includes humans and their extinct relatives, as well as gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans.




The primary biological component of humans that allowed for culture is the developed brain. Compared with other primates, Humans have a larger brain, weighing 1.4 kg.

TWO TYPES OF GRIPS ★Power Grip enabled humans to wrap the object with their thumb and other fingers ★Precision Grip enabled humans to hold and pick objects steadily using fingers.





Our Speaking Capacity As the brain is the Capacity source of humans' capacity to comprehend sound and provide meaning to it, the vocal tract acts as the mechanism by which sounds are produced. Humans have longer vocal tract comprehend with chimpanzee. The tongue of humans is more flexible than of a chimpanzee.

Our walking / Standing Capacity Primates have two forms of locomotion: Bipedalism and Quadropedalism. Bipedalism is the capacity to walk and and stand on two feet, whereas Quadropedalism uses all four limbs. Being Bipedal, humans gained more capacity to move while carrying objects with their free hands.

Cultural and Sociopolitical Development

alters and enlarges a society's structure and culture.

Paleolithic Period(Old Stone Age)

  • 3 million years to 8,000 B.C.
  • Use of simple pebble tools.
  • Learned to live in caves.
  • Discovered the use of fires.
  • "food-collecting-culture"

Neolithic Period(New Stone Age)

- occurred sometime about 10,000 BCE •Stone tools were shaped by polishing or grinding •Settlement in permanent villages. • Appearance of such crafts as pottery and weaving.

Age of Metals

- 4,000 B.C. - 1,500 B.C •The use of metals such as bronze, copper, and iron produced a new historical development. •The civilization which defines a more developed social, cultural, political, and economic system. •It had already direct contacts throughout tribes, kingdoms, empires, and on states.

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