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March 22nd 2023

Water day


Why do we need to preserve water?

Water cycle

Where is it from?

Why do we need it?


Why do we need it?

The human body is around 60 per cent water, and we need to drink lots of water to be healthy. If we do not drink enough water, we feel thirsty, tired and unwell.


Most of our foods need water to taste good. It's one of the most important ingredients in every kitchen.


We lose water every day when we sweat, breathe and go to the toilet. This water needs to be replaced by drinking and eating.


We need to clean our bodies constantly, or else bacteria, germs, sweat and dead cells will be collected in our skin. Stay fresh, but be quick! If you cut your daily shower by 2 minutes you can save over 20 litres!



Where's it from?

Most of our water is not drinkable because it's in the sea, so it's too salty. And the water that is drinkable it's mostly in the ice caps, groundwaters, rivers and lakes.

Where is it?

The water we use for drinking, cooking, showering, etc, here in São Luiz comes from 3 places: the Itapecuru river, Batatã reserve and wells.

São Luiz

The Italuis System is responsible for 65% of the water in our city. The water comes from the Itapecuru river straight to the water treatment plant. Then it goes to giant water towers until it gets to your house.

Water treatment


Water cycle

But how does it all begin?

Let's understand the Water Cycle!


Why do we need to preserve water?

We all need water to stay alive, but more than 2 billion people around the world live without safe water in their homes. Many of them live in rural communities or in places where there is war and conflict. Also, climate change is making the little water they have access to more and more scarce.

And that's why In 1992, the United Nations decided to make a special day for water, and World Water Day has been celebrated on 22 March every year since 1993. On this day, many countries hold events to educate people about the problems of dirty water and to try to find solutions to provide everyone around the world with clean water.

See you in the next IB class!