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Escape room
Comprehensive Review
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Escape room

Comprehensive Review

Modules 1-2

Mission 1

Module 10

Mission 6

Module 9

Mission 5

Modules 7-8

Mission 4

Modules 5-6

Mission 3

Modules 3-4

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.

Mission 1 Modules 1-2


Acute Glomerulonephritis

What disorder is typically 2-3 weeks after a Streptococcal Infection, and is due to an antigen-antibody reaction?

Question 1/4



Serum Creatinine

What lab value is used to evaluate kidney function and hydration status?

Mission 1 Modules 1-2

Question 2/4

AV fistula / AV graft patency

Preventing Peritonitis

Administering Nitro patches for Angina prior to dialylsis

What is a priority to care for with hemodiaylsis pateints?

Mission 1 Module 1-2

Question 3/4




Metabolic Acidosis

Mission 1 Modules 1-2

What is not a sign and symptom of Renal Failure?

Question 4/4

Mission 1

Module 10

Mission 6

Module 9

Mission 5

Modules 7-8

Mission 4

Modules 5-6

Mission 3

Modules 3-4

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.




Mission 2 Modules 3-4

What protects the airway?

Question 1/3




What causes crackles on auscultation but is relieved after coughing?

Mission 2 Modules 3-4

Question 2/3




This breath sound is typically heard in croup.

Mission 2 Modules 3-4

Question 3/3

Mission 1

Modules 10

Mission 6

Modules 9

Mission 5

Modules 7-8

Mission 4

Modules 5-6

Mission 3

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.

A) Notify the provider

B) Intervene- Place on o2 mask

C) Follow orders from physcian



Mission 3 Modules 5-6

The nurse is performing a reevaluation of a pateint that recently had an asthma exacerbation. The patient previously had wheezing in all four lobes bilaterally. Now the nurses has noted diminished lung sounds. What is the priority to complete?

Put in the correct order 1/3



Cor Pulmonale

Pulmonary Hypertension

Mission 3 Modules 5-6

What is not a complication of COPD?

Question 2/3

Pulmonary Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis



Mission 3 Modules 5-6

What disorder is linked to dysfunction of the exocrine glad?

Question 3/3

Mission 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur

Mission 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur

Mission 5

Modules 7-8

Mission 4

Mission 3

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.

Mission 4 Modules 7-8

Question 1/2

Reduction of BP & Long term risk reduction

Administering Diuretics for fluid overload

Patient education on Diet Modification

What is the primary treatment goal in Hypertension?





Mission 4 Modules 7-8

Question 2/2

What is not a sign and symptom of an Embolus?

Mission 1

Module 9

Mission 6

Module 8

Mission 5

Mission 4

Mission 3

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.

Nutritional Anemia

Deficit of intrinsic factor

Increase in cooked prunes

May occur from blood loss

Faulty absorption of nutrients

Megaloblastic Anemia



Mission 5 Module 8

Iron Deficency Anemia

Drag concepts to the corresponding group 1/2


Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Multiple Myeloma

Polycythemia Vera

Mission 5 Module 8

What disease results from damaged tissue that liberates tissue thromboplastin casuing a state of excessive clotting, and eventually depleting all clotting factors

Question 2/3

Excessive Bleeding

Sickling of the hgb

Excessive Clotting

What is the hallmark symptom of Hemophilia?

Mission 3 Module 9

Question 3/4

Mission 1

Module 10

Mission 6

Mission 5

Mission 4

Mission 3

Mission 2

Complete all missions to get your certificate This is a simple review of generalized content. This is not to be used as a study guide, or only method of reviewing material. This is purposely a generalized review of various objectives. There are several other objectives not covered in this game.

Mission 6 Module 10



BPH is a disorder where there is prolonged penile erection

Question 1/3




What is the common cause ot various reproductive cancers?

Mission 6 Module 10

Question 2/3

Reproductive Health

Ways to improve thier diet

Pneumonia Vaccine

Monthly TSE

Mission 6 Module 10

What should be a priority teaching for men age 15 - 40?

Question 3/3


Mission 1

Mission 6

Mission 5

Mission 4

Mission 3

Mission 2

Congratulations!! You have completed all missions



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