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the origine of the universe
by: Bouhraoua Meriem
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the origine of the universe

by: Bouhraoua Meriem


the problem with these models

the foundation theories

scientifical review

the models of the origine

philosophical revew

Philosophical review

where are we here...where did we come from?


as humans we have the ability to acquire knowledge and provide informations, by questioning our reality and search for our origine toward understanding the world, where do we belong in this extensive universe and to empethize our uniquness as human race.for ages, philosophers was trying to answer these inquiries, later on they have adapted two main hypothesis:

''the universe has existed forever ''

the eternity of the universe

  • the ancient philosopher Arsitotle believed that our universe has existed forever, to him something eternal is more perfect than something created. he used this hypothesis as an exuse to avoid invoking devine intervention.

the beginining of the universe

  • this hypothesis claims that our universe isn"t actually eternal and there was a ''starting point'' in which led to the existence.
  • pre-socratic philosophers held that the origine of things came from physics ( simple materials)
  • Plato believed in god, and his creation of the universe.

the cosmos cannot be eternal, as form a form is since it comes from being but it is much like a form, as close as to be eternal


  • the dispute that happens among philosophers was caused by their lack of knowledge and belief in absolute time.



generale relativity

Albert Eintein

discovered the general relativity, our clue comprehending time.time is combined with space which is curved by the matter and energy of the cosmos.

the steady state theory

A theoritical model

in which the universe is constantaly expanding with fixed average of density, as the universe expand our galaxies move far apart from each other.

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the evolution of stars

  • The marriage of general relativity and the steady stat theory has build a New term of our understanding of how the universe has started and we call it the big bang.

The bigbang model

The univese expansion hubble provided the first observational evidence that our universe has an finite age, using the most efficient telescope back then. he discovered that the particles are moving away from each other, increasing their velocity which means that our universe expand uniformly in all directions.


4 forces in nature quarks started building protons

+ end of unified forces

bigbang time line

+ Inflation

+ planck era

+ bigbang

massive increase in the size of the universe

gravity,strong nuclear, electroweakquarks and leptons

gravity split of the superforces

tiny singularityPrimeval fireball superforces energy and no matter





10-4 s

bigbang time line

+ now

+ galaxy formatation

+ heavy particles

+ nuclesynthesis

+ light particle

first generation stars and galaxies formed

helium,deutrium and few elements

electrons and positrons formedions of H and He

you are all attending this lecture right now

proton and neutron production in full swing





other bigbang models

quantum graviton fluid

This model is based on quantum adjusments thus the singularity was removed, it suggested that the universe is full of QM fluid that is made of particles and graviton which mediate gravity. the dark matter is formed naturally out of the quantum theory.

other bigbang models

The blackhole theory

the universe came from a black hole of another universe, where the galaxies are situated inside the event horizon.since we cannot yet percieve what is inside the event horizon. we have no clue to prove nor disprove this theory.

other models of the bigbang

Eternal inflation

According to this model, our universe never stopped its inflation on the contrary, it continues in other universes, this perspective acknowledges the multi-universe theory.

Cosmic microwave background

  • the cosmic microwave background is the leftovers of radiations emitted during the bigbang and it effect still nowday, this last provided the strongest evidence that the universe has expanded from an intial explosion and this is what makes the bigbang the most accurate standard model of the origine of the universe.


As the universe is expanding, it accelerates and speeds up rather than slowing down. which proves that we are not sensible about the future and the fate of our universe. Will it continue to expand forever? or will it just collapse into one singularity again?


what we don"t know is much more than we know

Albert Einstein

physics is the language of the universe


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