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1st January 1901
the Commonwealth of Australia was created
160,000 people were deported, 15% were women
the English captain James Cook landed
Australia is discovered by Portuguese and Dutch navigators
became a penitentiary colony
Australia was ahead of its homeland in many domains
end of the 18th
300 000 natives
70 000 natives
Audtralia, the country on the other end of the world
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1st January 1901 the Commonwealth of Australia was created
1788-1868 160,000 people were deported, 15% were women

1942 Japanese captured Singapore, this created a setback concerning English protection

1931 became a true member of the "British Commonwealth of Nations", the country was seen as United Kingdom's partner not as its inferior

1901 its borders were closed to all non-European immigration

1800 progress became rapid : sheep were bred, working gold mines, cereal crops and metal extraction

1850 the Australian Colonies Government Act laid the fondations of an autonomous colonial statues

17th September 1900 a British law created the Federation of Austrealia which regrouped the six founding states

1868 deportations officially stopped

1911 the North Territory and Canberra are added

1910 universal suffrage for men and women was etablished and the premises of a Welfare State began

26th January 1788 the Union Jack was put in Sydney : Australia became a British land

1770 the English captain James Cook landed

17th Australia is discovered by Portuguese and Dutch navigators

1786 became a penitentiary colony

Australia favoured an american alliance

Australia was ahead of its homeland in many domains

end of the 18th 300 000 natives

1900 70 000 natives

Audtralia, the country on the other end of the world

2000 Sydney Olympics : Cathy Freeman, a young aborigine champion, won the 400 metres

1993 the country gave territorial and cultural rights to the 350 000 natives

6th November 1999 the referendum confirmed that the English Queen is still head of the State

1986 constitutional independence was obtained

1951 Australia signed a defence pact with the United States and New Zealand : A.N.Z.U.S

1972 the "white Australia" opened-up to non-Europeans and multiculturalism

a hundred years later, Australia is still questioning itself about its idendity

yet the Aborigines are still waiting for the act of repentance from the Whites for the "stolen generations"

the link with the homeland is not broken and today the reconcilation between people and Aborigines continues

Australia, the country of the other end of the world

2000 Sydney Olympics : Cathy Freeman, a young aborigine champion, won the 400 metres

1993 the country gave territorial and cultural rights to the 350 000 natives

6th November 1999 the referendum confirmed that the English Queen is still head of the State

1986 constitutional independence was obtained

1951 Australia signed a defence pact with the United States and New Zealand : A.N.Z.U.S

1972 the "white Australia" opened-up to non-Europeans and multiculturalism

a hundred years later, Australia is still questioning itself about its idendity

yet the Aborigines are still waiting for the act of repentance from the Whites for the "stolen generations"

the link with the homeland is not broken and today the reconcilation between people and Aborigines continues

Australia, the country of the other end of the world