SNT Week 1
Cortney Mellas
Created on March 5, 2023
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SNT Meeting 1
Monday, March 6th
Go over how to submit your SNT reports.
During This Meeting Approximately 1H 30M
Submission Review/ Closing Remarks. Approx 5-10 minutes.
3 Step Goal Process Approx 1 hour.
Go through the 3 step program as a team.
SNT Video Approx. 5 Minutes
Watch designated meeting video. One per meeting.
Housekeeping. Approx. 5 minutes.
Go Over Success Networking TeamsInformation
Welcome/Introductions Approx. 2 minutes per 12 minutes total.
Come in, get situated. Make sure you have all necessary materials. Notepad, pencil, snack, drink, etc.
WHAT IS AN SUCCESS NETWORKING TEAM MEETING? A Success Networking Team (SNT) Meeting is a time to meet with a tight-knit group that will be by your side from now all the way up until induction. Over the course of several regularly scheduled meetings, you’ll set goals, share advice and inspire each other to achieve these goals. On top of that, you’ll commit to specific action steps and hold each other accountable for following through. WHY ARE SNTS IMPORTANT? SNTs are important because they allow members to find time to focus on what they want out of their lives and help to develop the skills and strategy for achieving it. During the SNTs, you’ll work with a group who is dedicated to supporting and holding one another accountable. This is often the highlight of the entire program.
+ info
Step 1: State Goals/Desired Outcomes • Before starting, report on progress with action steps since the last meeting, if applicable. • Share a goal or desired outcome you would like to achieve. – Examples include choosing a major, starting a career, finding an internship, improving physical health, overcoming challenges, implementing any topics covered in the video conferences, improving a personality trait or habit, etc. – Focus on what is most important to you. Think about what you learned at your Leadership Training Day to help you focus and choose, and always ask yourself: Is this a SMART goal? • Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you’re achieving. • Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for estab lishing your progress toward your goal. • Actionable: You can clearly define action steps towards your goal. • Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile. • Time Specific: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you ontrack.
Step 2: Ideas/Suggestions • Receive ideas/suggestions from your team. • Contributions can include sharing perspectives, insights, ideas, contacts, resources and time. When making suggestions, it is important to speak from experience rather than using “you should” statements. • If time is up and team members still have suggestions to share, write them down on the index cards and pass them out at the end of the meeting.
Step 3: Action Steps (1 minute per person) • Make a commitment to taking action steps toward your goal by the next meeting. • To increase accountability, the Recorder should write down each person’s committed action steps. • Once this list is completed, your teammates will hold you accountable in each meeting for conquering the goals you laid out. • Go back to Step 1 and repeat witih each additional group member
Next Meeting: March 20th, 2023 at 7pm
Wrap Up
Submission Review Members can submit their report via the NSLS app or Via the Members Area by going to SNT Meetings under My Membership and clicking on Submit SNT Report and View SNT Resources