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by Diletta Toccafondi


Jane Bolin

  • graduated from yale
  • judge
  • to join NYC bar association
  • to join NYC law department

Jane Matilda Bolin was the first black woman

both of them were involved in politics because of their job and they both also were the first black graduate from their school Yale and Williams

jane and her father

bolins career choice was influenced by her father

Gaius C. Bolin was a republican and a renowed lawyer he was also founder of his local branch of NAACP

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first black woman graduate from yale

graduated from wellesley in 1928

bolin retired in her 70's after 4 decadesof work

11 april 1908:Gaius C. Bolin Matilda Emery poughkeepsie

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jane bolin was the first black woman to work as NY assistant corporate counsel she also candidated to the state assembly but was not able to win judge bolin worked alongside the first lady roosvelt to decrease juvinile crimes and to ensure public founds for black children she dovoted her career to ensure equality of rights and justice for black people and women jane bolin career is an inspiration and somenthing that needs to be remembered

judge Bolin was on board with national urban league( defence of civil rights) national association for the advancement of colored people Child welfare league ( helps child service organization)

justice and equality

Author Name

social commitment

for her career as judge and activist Jane received many onorary degrees one was from his father school civil rights,decrease of juvenile crime,equality

"those gains we have made were never graciously and generously granted we had to fight every inch of the way in the face of sometimes insufferable humiliations"

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thank you