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The food waste

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The food waste


6. Conclusion

5. The food waste in the word

4. The associations

3. What can we do?

2. The consequences

1. What's the food waste?


What's the food waste?

The WRAP (Waste Resources Action Programme)divides food waste into 3 sections:1)avoidable: food that can be consumed. 2)possibly avoidable: food that can be eaten if cooked, for example potato peelings. 3)unavoidable: things that we can't eat like bones and eggshells.

Today we produce too much food, and this food is a big cost for the environment. In media we throw away a third of it!

According to the FAO (Food and Agricolture Organization), the food waste is the waste of food that is still usable.

food waste:

The consequecens

the environment

Producing food that will not be consumed causes unnecessary waste of fossil sources (fuels deriving from natural transformation). It is also responsible for deforestation because we needs lands to cultivate and this causes an unnecessary loss of biodiversity.Food waste is responsible for 4.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and a water consumption of 180 billion cubic meters. So food waste is one of the causes of global pollution.


Obviously without food waste, a lot of money would be saved.Food waste today costs us 1 trillion a year and it is estimated that in 2030 it will increase.

Social ethical consequences

Today, 870 million people do not eat enough (about one in 8 people). one third of the food is thrown away, reducing its production and resources, would solve world hunger.

What can we do?

Tips to reduce food waste:

Use the leftover food in lunch or dinner the next day, just search the internet to find many creative recipes for leftovers;

That's some tips to reduce food waste!

Cook only the food that you are certain to consume

Learn to make an ecological shopping buying only what you need

Properly store food to prevent it from deteriorating

Check the expiration dates of the foods you have at home and consume first those with the earliest expiration date

Freeze leftovers or donate them to friends and relatives

Some useful apps

Today, with smartphone, we can use a lot of apps, some apps can help us to reduce food waste like; Too good to go, My Foody and WasteMeter

MyFoody;With MyFoody supermarkets can register and report to users the offers they apply on certain products that are about to expire or have cosmetic defects, reducing the waste of all those foods that should be thrown away at the end of the day.

Wastemeter:Wastemeter, is an app that helps users reduce food waste by measuring food waste in terms of money, carbon footprint and water consumption. In addition, Wastemeter scores users based on food waste and the amount of things you learn about waste.

Too good to go:At the end of the day bars and restaurants make available on the app a certain amount of Magic Box, the "magic boxes" that contain dishes that have not been purchased during the day and would be thrown away. The contents of the boxes are classified. Too good to go Magic Boxes are sold at one third of the price to consumers.


Today there are not only the apps to help us, we can also turn to association formed by peaple who understood that it was the time for the word to change and reduce food waste.

This association born in Banbury, England. As their slogan, “saving you money, saving your food,” indicates, this organization aims to raise awareness about food waste in individuals’ homes. They give storage tips for food.

Some association against food waste

Love Food Hate Waste

Food Cycle (born in London, England): Food Cycle uses surplus food to prepare nutritious meals for those at risk of food poverty and social isolation.

Food Cycle

The Foodbusters are a group of people who founded the first food recovery association in the Marche region in 2017.One of the first in Italy, which later became a voluntary organization.


The food waste in the world

The food waste in the world

Food waste in the world has reached a record 400 billion dollars a year.One quarter of waste food would be enough to feed 795 million hungry people in the world

















Average waste of some countries weekly in grams

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