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He belonged to several of the most prestigious national and international scientific societies and institutes, collaborating and being a member of the editorial board of important scientific publications.He presided over the Severo Ochoa Foundation and annually directed the course of the School of Molecular Biology "Eladio Viñuela". He was a member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, of the Royal Spanish Academy,20 of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The curriculum vitae of Margarita Salas has more than three hundred and fifty publications in international magazines or books and about ten in national media. She was also the holder of eight patents, and held some four hundred lectures.
Cientific activity
She studied at the Colegio de la Asunción in Gijón from the age of three to sixteen. He went to Madrid to take the entrance exams in Chemistry and Medicine. She entered the Faculty of Chemistry and in the summer of 1958 she died of a cardiorespiratory arrest after a complication of a digestive ailment for which she was going to be operated.
Lucas OLiva pérez 3ºd
She was born on November 30, 1938 and died on November 7, 2019 was from Madrid (Spain) and married Eladio Viñuela Díaz.
Margarita Salas
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He belonged to several of the most prestigious national and international scientific societies and institutes, collaborating and being a member of the editorial board of important scientific publications.He presided over the Severo Ochoa Foundation and annually directed the course of the School of Molecular Biology "Eladio Viñuela". He was a member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, of the Royal Spanish Academy,20 of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The curriculum vitae of Margarita Salas has more than three hundred and fifty publications in international magazines or books and about ten in national media. She was also the holder of eight patents, and held some four hundred lectures.


Cientific activity

She studied at the Colegio de la Asunción in Gijón from the age of three to sixteen. He went to Madrid to take the entrance exams in Chemistry and Medicine. She entered the Faculty of Chemistry and in the summer of 1958 she died of a cardiorespiratory arrest after a complication of a digestive ailment for which she was going to be operated.



Lucas OLiva pérez 3ºd

She was born on November 30, 1938 and died on November 7, 2019 was from Madrid (Spain) and married Eladio Viñuela Díaz.

Margarita Salas