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The (Simplified) Timeline of Human Evolution
Ethan 2
Created on March 2, 2023
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= Additional Facts
"H. Sapiens Sapiens:" "Homo Neanderthalensis:"
"Homo Sapiens" evolved around 400 thousand years ago, and they made tools from stone, bones, and horns. They had even straighter limbs that were also longer than that of H. Erectus.
"Homo Habilis" has the honor of being the first member of our genus Homo, and lived around 2.3-1.6 million years ago.
"Dryopithecus" lived around 9.5 million years ago, and was the direct ancestor of us humans, and was around the size of a chimp.
"Homo Sapiens (Subspecies)" Homo Sapiens are split into two main subspecies:
"Homo Erectus" lived 1.9 million years ago, and has the honor of being the first member of our family to be fully bipedal. They also had longer limbs than their predecessors.
"Australopithecus" first appeared around 4.1 million years ago in what is now Eastern Africa, and is the first undesputed member of the Human Family.
"Proconsul" lived around 20 million years ago, and was another major step forwards in the evolutionary story of us.
"Aegyptopithecus" is another ancestor of us Humans, and lived about 30 million years ago, it resembled in shape to that of a modern day howler monkey.
"Notharctus" first appeared around45 million years ago, and would have resembled a modern day lemur, in size and shape.
"Carpolestes" is one of the precursors who give rise to the later evolution of us Humans, and lived ~55 Million Years Ago, and was about the same size a mole.
"Dryomomys" is one of the precursors who give rise to the later evolution of us Humans, and lived ~55 Million Years Ago.
The first primate "PURGATORIUS"appears around as far back as 65 million years ago, but is only known from some bone fragments including teeth and jaw bones.
~65.5 m.a. (MILLION YEARS AGO)
The Timeline of Human Evolution
Souce of Image: 65-Million-Year-Old Primate Fossils Uncovered in Montana. https://www.sci.news/paleontology/purgatorius-fossils-montana-09402.html.
Purgatorius is the first known mammal to have evolved and lived as far back in time as 65 M.A., but is only known from a few bone fragments including teeth and jawbones, along with ankle bones that showed that they were quite mobile. It belonged to a group of mammels called plesiadapiforms, and resembled more like a squirrel than modern primates. They lived in Western North America, and climbing around the in trees eating fruits and bugs.
The first primate "Purgatorius"
Dryomomys lived around 55 M.A. and is the most primitive mammal known from a good fossil. The creature would haveweighed only about 1.3 ounces, which is simular in proportions to that of the modern primate the Madagascan mouse lemurs. But the animal like Dryomomys is the pen-tailed tree shrew. Because of its size, if one was alive today, it would fit inside the palm of your hand.
Our ancestor "Dryomomys"
Souce of Image: “Nova | Sciencenow | First Primates: Meet Your Ancestors (Non-Flash).” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0303/02-mya-nf.html#:~:text=(The%20first%20known%20primate%2C%20Purgatorius,the%20pen%2Dtailed%20tree%20shrew.
Souce of Image: “Nova | Sciencenow | First Primates: Meet Your Ancestors (Non-Flash).” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0303/02-mya-nf.html#:~:text=(The%20first%20known%20primate%2C%20Purgatorius,the%20pen%2Dtailed%20tree%20shrew.
Carpolestes is a very early primate, but it has features that set it apart from the most primitive primates of all, including a nail rather than a claw on its big toe. Its closest living analogue would be a woolly opossum from South America. It weighed about 3 1/2 ounces.
A Precursor of Man "Carpolestes"
*A prosimian is a lower primate.
Souce of Image: “Nova | Sciencenow | First Primates: Meet Your Ancestors (Non-Flash).” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0303/02-mya-nf.html#:~:text=(The%20first%20known%20primate%2C%20Purgatorius,the%20pen%2Dtailed%20tree%20shrew.
Notharctus is simular in appearance to modern-day prosimians*, specifically the lemur in size and shape. They would have weighed around perhaps 2 to 4 pounds, which is simular in weight to golden bamboo lemur. Notharctus inhabited North America about 45 million years ago.
A Predecessor of Us "Notharctus"
Souce of Image: “Nova | Sciencenow | First Primates: Meet Your Ancestors (Non-Flash).” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0303/02-mya-nf.html#:~:text=(The%20first%20known%20primate%2C%20Purgatorius,the%20pen%2Dtailed%20tree%20shrew.
Aegyptopithecus' name honors Egypt, the country were its fossilized remains were found. It was a primitve anthropoid, the group that contains monkeys, apes, and us. It would have weighed around 15 pounds, roughly the same as a modern howler monkey, and its behavior would have been similar to that of today's monkeys.
A Precursor to Us "Aegyptopithecus"
Souce of Image: Madlin, Matt. The Neogene: Proconsul, http://eweb.furman.edu/~wworthen/bio440/evolweb/neogene/proconsul.htm.
Proconsul inhabited the Earth around 20 million years ago, and was more monkey like than chimp. The reason as for why this is, is due to the fact that Proconsul is the evolutionary transition from monkey to primate. It had many ape-like features like having no tail, but it still retained some monkey like behavior like being a quadruped, still climbing trees, among many other monkey-like features. Proconsul usually weighed around between 37 and 110 pounds depending on species.
The Link between Man & Monkey "Proconsul"
Souce of Image: John Sibbick / Science Photo Library. “Dryopithecus Extinct Ape, Illustration - Stock Image - C047/7176.” Science Photo Library, https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/1065536/view/dryopithecus-extinct-ape-illustration.
Dryopithecus lived around 9.5 million years ago, and was an advanced ape. The best-known skeleton of this genus, uncovered in Spain, is 9.5 million years old. Experts estimate that when it was alive, that individual had a body mass of about 75 pounds, again similar to a living chimp. And like a chimp, it would have hung from its powerful forelimbs while going about its life in the trees.
Our direct ancestor, meet "Dryopithecus"
*In science, scientific names sometimes are abbreviated. For example Homo is sometimes abbriviated to be H., like in H. Sapiens.
Souce of Image: Australopithecus Afarensis ‘Lucy’ Spent Significant Time in Trees, New ... https://www.sci.news/othersciences/anthropology/paleoanthropology/lucy-time-trees-04411.html.
Australopithecus first appeard in Eastern Africa around 4.1 million years ago as A. anamensis. The most famous specimen of Australopithecus is the incomplete skeleton of a female *A. Afarensis nicknamed "Lucy" discovered in Hadar, Ethiopia in 1974. Lucy weighed around 65-110 pounds, simular in weight to modern chimps, and lived around 3.6-2.9 million years ago.
A undisputed member of our family "Australopithecus"
Souce of Image: Natural History Museum, London/science Photo Library. “Homo Habilis Hunting, Artwork - Stock Image - C013/6548.” Science Photo Library, https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/476825/view/homo-habilis-hunting-artwork.
Homo Habilis lived from either 2.4-1.5 million years ago, or 2.3-1.6 million years ago, and lived in what is now Sub-Saharan Africa. The first remains of H. Habilis was found in 1960s in Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania. The average H. Habilis individual is thought to have been about five feet tall and 100 pounds, although females may have been smaller. Due to the large size of their cranial cavity, it is also believed that H. Habilis was capable of rudementary speech. H. Habilis is believed to be the first in our genus to have made and used tools.
The first member of genus Homo "Homo Habilis"
Souce of Image: “Homo Erectus, Our Ancient Ancestor.” Natural History Museum, https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/homo-erectus-our-ancient-ancestor.html.
Homo Erectus first appeard around 1.9 million years ago, and its name "Homo Erectus", which translates to Upright Man, hints at its importance, as H. Erectus was the first in our genus to be fully bipedal.Due to them becoming fully bipedal, H. Erectus had longer limb proportions compared to the species that came before them. H. Erectus had limbs were around the same size and length as ours. Most importantly, it is now believed that it was Homo Erectus who first tamed and used fire.
The First fully Upright Man "Homo Erectus"
Souce of Image: “Cave Art History.” RSC Education, 11 Aug. 2015, https://edu.rsc.org/resources/cave-art-history/1528.article.
Homo Sapiens was the group that our sub-species Homo Sapiens Sapiens along with our now extinct sister lineage(s) including H. Neanderthalensis desended from. What set them apart from their predecessors is the fact that their limbs were even straighter, and longer than that of H. Erectus. Homo Sapiens made tools from a variety of materials, and possessed a large brain and small jaws, and looked much like us today. H. Sapiens appeared 400 thousand years ago.
Basically, but still not us yet..."Homo Sapiens"
Souce of Image: Neanderthals - History. https://www.history.com/topics/pre-history/neanderthals.
"Homo Neanderthalensis" is our closest sister species and where like us in many ways. Firstly, Neanderthals were not sluggish brutes, but instead understood some basic concepts like burying the dead. Infact it is now believed that Neanderthals started to bury their dead well before we started to do the same. Neanderthals also were fully capable of caring injured members of their group as shown in the skeletal remains of a Neanderthal designated as "Shanidar 1", who has a amputated arm, serious to one of his eyes, etc. all of which healed well before he died, which sugested that he was cared for by others in his group. It is also believed that H. Neanderthalensis and H. Sapiens Sapiens bred with each other and mixed together. What set Neanderthals apart from us is the fact that they had a larger jaw, and possesed a stockeir build among many other things. They appeared around 130,000 years ago.
Our closest sister lineage, "Homo Neanderthalensis."
To see more on about the Great Migration, click the button located here:
Souce of Image: Kamrani, Kambiz. “Who Domesticated Who?” Who Domesticated Who? - by Kambiz Kamrani, Anthropology.net, 13 Sept. 2022, https://www.anthropology.net/p/who-domesticated-who.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the scientific name of us. We were the first in our genus, and in our family tree to have domesticated both plants and animals to meet our needs, with the first domesticated organism being probably the dog (canis lupus familiaris), and to create civilization. Our sub-species first appeared in Africa around 200 thousand years ago before moving out of Africa at a very slow pace of 2-3 miles per generation. Sadly, we are the sole survivors of our Genus, and in our family tree as a whole.
Finally we Have arrived at us, "Homo Sapiens Sapiens."
To return back to page on H. Sapiens Sapiens:
Souce of Image: Groeneveld, Emma. “Early Human Migration.” World History Encyclopedia, https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1070/early-human-migration/.
The paths that ancient humans took in the search for food to spread around the world during a time when landbridges connected the continents due to lower sea levels during the last Ice Age.
The Great Migration
Souce of Image: Mooney, Chris. “This Picture Has Creationists Terrified.” Mother Jones, 4 Feb. 2014, https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/02/bill-nye-creationism-evolution/.
The fusing of chromosomes 2A and 2B happened 0.74-4.5 million years ago, and created chromosome 2, which is unique to the human lineage of evolution. The proof supporting this is the fact that chromosome 2 has very simular color banding (aka dye pattern) to that of two seperate chromosomes found in apes. Second, a chromosome normally has one centromere, or central point at which a chromosome's two identical strands are joined. Yet remnants of a second, presumably inactive centromere can be found on human chromosome 2. And third, whereas a normal chromosome has readily identifiable, repeating DNA sequences called telomeres at both ends, chromosome 2 also has telomere sequences not only at both ends but also in the middle.
The Fusing of Chromosomes 2A and 2B.