Shannon Ivins
Created on February 26, 2023
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Professional ResolutionFH3D18
Plan for real
mock ups
statement of intent
The Mudiad
marina williams
her three rules
For this module I wanted to achieve the best grade that I could master, whilst still staying true to my photogrpahy style and interests. I wanted to push myself when it came to photogrpahing children in the nursery setting Cwtch Childcare. This time, trying to get on board with the mudiad. I had a interview with Sam Taylor a woman who works for the Mudiad/ Council many times, including doing invoices and emailing. I focused a lot on Marina Willaims and her three rules to becoming a successful photographer.
the mudiad
I met up with the manqger clare where I shot website m=images for her
cover letter
The project that I will be introducing to the children if I toured different settings would be called Through the eyes of a child. where the children look at polaroid camera and take their own images.
emailing and meetings
eglwys newydd
my project
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things.” -Robert Brault
I watched this YouTube video on tips and tricks to how I can create successful photoshoots
Lindsay Adler
This course has been a journey when it comes to all I have done, reearched and achived. I created a series called Ready-Made Childhood that was all about the importance of childhood and at the moment with our society and obsession with technolody it is putting our children at risk of a lesser genuine and beautiful childhood along with mental health increasing and illnesses such as internet addiction disorder. I researched different childcare theroiest and tried my best to introduce a more outside and creative ways for children to play. I got the NHS involved and had a visit with the children. I then for the last module reached out to the mudiad and asked to introduce photogrpahy to the children, calling the project Through the eyes of a child. where they take photos of what makes them happy in their setting. (which I am hoping I will be able to do for this module) along with taking into account all that I have learnt on the eay up until now, I would like this module to just continue where I left off. All this work has helped me in this moment in time to think and reflect. I would like to push myself further, going even deeper into my reseaching of my I would like to be a documentary and lifestyle photograher and how I could be successful in this path in the future.
past work
I see myself as a documentary and lifestyle photographer for children (for families and educational settings) with the last module it really helped me think clearly on what I would like to create and achieve, why I love photogprahy and what I would like to do moving forward. And helping others.I believe that photogrpahy was the only thing us humans have invented that stops time and allows us to be immortal. Stopping, pausing and freeezing a loved one or a event. A special memory. I also think that becasue of this it has coaused people to sometimes think that they remember something about their past but in reality, they are just remembering a photograph of the past. I haved looked in this a little before, but being as this is something that I have an interest in, along with all the other stuff I have already learnt throughtout this course I will potentially be doing with the photographs I take of children I would like to go deeper in this research.
I created a poster to help advertise my business. I thought it would be a good idea to leave around all the nurseies that I have been able to take images for, and also it could be emailed to all the parents if paper copies wasnt in thier interest.
mock up one: POster
When it comes to composition, I want to make sure that the theme of telling a story is always shown. Recording images of the children authentically as I can learning photogrpahy and the setting that they are familiar with.. As for the few photoshoots I have organsied other then the mudiad I would like to be more creative and play around with different angels and poses. My little cousin that I am planning on working with to build my porfolio is very much a poses and would do some great photoshoots like for example a Easter theme.
I will be bringing along with me my 50mm lens and my 17-70mm lens because I am very comfortable with them. Maybe look into studio lights or ones that clip to the lens? I am more comfortable without my tripod.
Settings are important to get right for the photographs that you are taking. For my large body of work to be as successful as I hope they will be I wanted to get it spot on, I have a lot to learn still and I would like to be able to say that I have learnt a lot of this thanks to this module, again I am going to be working both on state for the mudiad clients and doing my own thing inbetween which means I will be shooting both indoor and out and that always means that I will be needed to remember all that comes with so my images as are successsful and I can master.
My ISO speed has so far been between 100 to 200 never needing to change the settings to anything else
In Adobe Lightroom software I never intend to do much with the photographs that I take, liking them raw, however I want to be able to fully understand this software for everytime I really like a certian image I learn that they have been edited by this software. I would like to be able to experiment and learn how to edit people out of a background or edit very dramatic colour to add to my images and make them stand out more then they would already.
Use colour and lighting as a tool in my photography is a technique I have always used other than emotion I feel as if colour tells the story I am telling. Use a wide range of angles and compilations to get interesting outcomes. For this module I am in a range of different location that I which allows me to many amazing aspects that I could use to my advantage.
Equipment & things to invent in
Processes & techniques
Mudiad Meithrin (englsih traslation being nursey movement) is a voluntary movement specialising in the provision of early years education with the Welsh medium. Formed back in the 70''s to help Welsh education settings develop and keep the Welsh language booming, with help of the council involved. I interviewed Sam Taylor a leader for this company for my last module and would like to push this meeting forward and use the contacts to get a strong body of work, going around the 8 different nursey settings.
Mudiad Meithrin
There is no doubt that photography is a tool that students growing up with childhood disabilities or other special needs can use with great effectiveness and creativity. Teens and children who have access to a digital camera often find that photography can help them observe and connect with their environment and express their perspectives on the world better than the spoken or written word. Parents may have used snapshots to create interest in the first books their children see, and many preschool and primary grade teachers throughout the years have requested photographs that help introduce a student to their classmates and used snapshots to remind students of lessons, field trips and other events. Because cameras are now incorporated into cell phones, music players and other tech gadgets, and pictures can be easily displayed on computer screens and televisions, printing snapshots is not the primary way photographs are now shared. Since hundreds of pictures can be stored in a tech gadget or memory card, children and teens are not limited to 12 or 24 opportunities to get a visual representation of an event or person as their grandparents or parents may have been. Teachers are now incorporating digital cameras into curriculum, parent-teacher communications, and classroom lessons. Teachers and therapists who used to use preprinted cards to explain the order of a story or steps in a science project or lesson can now use snapshots from their communities or students own experiences.My Plan is to reach out to nurseies and schools and speak to them about my project, I believe that I could help with children, with speical needs and other struggls like foster children. I could help birng so magic to them by showing them photogrpahy and that it isn't all phones and iPads. I could try and organise a forest school trip where they take polaroids of the forest hunt to find creatures and plants in nature, or a colour wheel hunt where you find three yellow forest items for exaple. My photography Project could also help young teenages, help them with their mental health and well-being. Being a young teenage can be a massive struggle and photogrpahy is a different outlook and can help them from staying out at late hours of teh night or maybe finding themselves in worrying situations like alcohol or drugs
I have been in touch with Sam Taylor and since the last module we have been chatting about dates and wages for me to go around the eight welsh nursey settings. I have sent off my coverletter for the main people running the mudiad to collaborate with me.
I wanted to do as much primary research as possible so I even looked into looking into surveys that Mudiad created. There was this very interesting one that I liked that was made in 2021
Mudiad sURVEY
After another fruitful meeting with Sam Taylor who represents the Mudiad, we spoke about how to move forward with this collaboration, she spoke about her already going around all eight settings and all the mangaers where very keen on my work and the idea of me coming around. We then discussed me two different things for each setting. First would be putting the children into a few groups and introducing them to my Through the eyes of a Child project and then at the end, each of the settings children having a few images that they took. The other job for me was to go around the setting and take images for the nurseies to use as they wish , for thier social medias and websites along with me giving them each six canvas's. With all that being said I needed to do my research to let Sam Taylor know if it was possible and what the money to make this happen looked like. So I went on many different websites and looked at youtube and books to see what I could do, I went to different photo developing websites along with Amazon and figured out a way of me to do what I needed.
research for the mudiad
I have met up with the Mudiad a few times, since my interview that needed to be done for the last module. I have been in contact with a lady named Sam Taylor for a little while now and am comfortable with working with her and the mudiad. We have arranged for me to complete a invoice which I have done successfully and had sent over. I researched all the props and euipment that was needed to do the jobs that I have been asked for which was going around eight nursery settings, half the day would be undergoing my 'Through the eyes of the Child ' Project where I teach children how to use a polaroid camera and hopefully rub my passion off on them and the other half was to go around the setting and take images of their nursey to then edit and put up. on their socials and website along with me going home and working on giving them each 6 canvas' to have on thier walls.
I did some reseach on teaching photogrpahy to young children, reading books like Wendy Ewald and read articles. I watched YouTube videos and overall not that worried because I have been working in Cwtch Childcare for awhile and understand the ques with young childrena and am confidant with myslef when it comes to working with children. I also found this article linked below very helpful for which cameras to get for this project.
getting ready for the job with the mudiad
I have been back and forth to sort things out with the Mudiad to get the datesa nd times and the first different locations. I have been informaed that my first placement is with a nursey called Egwyls Newydd on the 17th to meet with the manager there. So until then my job is to get all the plans and equipment sorted along with a little bit of reseach on that setting.
We have decided that I would first come back next week 25th to take some website photos for the setting. I would need to make sure that I have a bit of everything. I asked her the times she was open. She explanied that friday's are no good because the setting is only open for a morning session and Thursdays are very busy but the other three days I am more than welcome. A lady named Rosie that is a stafd member there is in the middle of undergoing her forest school qualification and I have been asked to work with her a little bit and get nice images to advertise that for the setting.
I had a informal meeting with Sam Taylor and Clare Loveluck the leader of the Cylch Meithrin Eglwys Newydd setting that is located in Whitchurch on Monday 17th of April. We discussed both parts what I have to offer, which is the through the eyes of a child project that the manager really liked the idea of and also that I am able to take images of the setting, including candid images of the children and what their setting has to offer. Along with a few areas and she also asked if I could do staff photos. Another thing discussed was if I could help with their social media accounts, mainly Instagram.
eglwyS nEWYDD
please see the link to click onto my video.
my youtube link :-
my introduction Video
Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely. Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our future.
Importance of Childhood Memories
Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times. Furthermore, some memories help us get by tough days and make us cheerful on good days. Memories are the litt.le things which help in running our lives smoothly. they help us learn from our mistakes and make us better. In my opinions, ojne's childhood memories are the dearest to anyone. They help in keeping the child iin you alive. Moreover, it also is a reason for our smiles inbetween adult life.
Flashbulb memories are vivid memories that can form in response to emotional events. Many people who develop flashbulb memories can remember smells, sights, colors, time of day, or weather with a high degree of detail for decades. Because these memories are detailed, many believe they are highly accurate, but this may not always be true.
A flashbulb memory is a stable, detailed “snapshot” memory that can remain salient for a long time. Typically, these memories develop in response to significant events with heightened emotion, shock, and personal and/or communal impact, such as the birth of your child, or a car crash. Flashbulb memories may trigger specific memories from the time of an event, such as smells, weather, or sounds that may or may not be entirely accurate.
Flashbulb Memory
Wendy Ewald portraits and dreams 1985
Wendy Ewald is a documentary photographer. I was inspired why the connection that you can see in the first series portraits and dreams and would like to traslate that in my own photographic work. And it was nice to see that as she evoves so does her work. This latest series that she has worked hard on is portaits of young children and teens with a mixed media approuch. She has spend over 40 years collaborating with children, families and teachers all over the world.
Wendy Ewald
Laura Ann Photography is a small business in America where she created a children and lifestyle photogrpahy company on her self-taught skills. She has been very successful and I find her sharp photos to be very lovely and influencal when it comes to my own photos. What I like the most about this lady is that when the world and her family and friends told her that she couldnt run her own business she didnt listen and powered through, something that I must do to gather clients, become known and possibly run my own little business too one day
fine art school portraits series
Laura Ann Photography
Motherhood Series
Kirsty Mitchell
Kirsty Mitchell was the reason I got into. photogrpahy.I loved her use of mixing all her styles into one, showing her skills in photogrpahy, costume, hair and makeup and a good. understanding of whatever she reaserched for that shoot. She does all this. hard work on her own. She started photography to help her cope with the lose of her mother. And ironically loving her for eight years, now I find myself in the same situation and am using the camera for a chance to expect my reality. Kirsty Mitchell's mother was a English Teacher and for that developed these beautiful fairytale like portraits of the classic english literature as a way to honor her mum, and in many ways I am doing the same thing. My mother was in many ways a saint. She was a manager of the welsh nursey Cwtch and in the 22 years of her working in this field helped many children learn and grow and build into themselves. She mad ethier childhoods ones of growth and laughter and always ready to go back the next day. She also helped struggling parents. She organised many different events to help small businesses, learning difficalty awarness and many, many other things. I would also like to do good like that. I strive to me like my mother and help children and families. I love the idea of my photography to be used to make families smile or to help nursey and school settings to grow and get better understanding of thier children. I have learnt so much on how to give children the full and best way of a healthy childhood and would now like to use my knowledge for good.
Wonderland Series
Cry Baby Photoshoot
Marina Williams
Marina Williams was on of the first photographers that I found great inspiration. She helped. me realsed that me seeing. the world differently and wanting to add fashion and art into my photogrpahy shouldnt be something that I worry about but more celebrated. I have learned a lot from her blog article and YouTube videos. She uses colourful backdrops and thinks outside the box when it comes to photoshoots, poses, angles and props.I would like to push my creativity more and experiment with this for not just this module but my future. Becasue it what would set me from others, especially when it comes to using this style with children.
Bubble Photoshoot
If you're not familiar with what an affiliate program is, it's basically paying someone a commission for helping you sell a product or book a service. When I moved to Utah, I knew that I really wanted to start doing senior portraits with high schoolers. When I eventually booked my first senior session, I asked after delivering the gallery if she'd be interested in doing an affiliate program with me. I asked her to tag me on social media in the photos when she posted them, and to share about my work on her Instagram story. I knew that if she did this, her classmates and friends would see and possibly book with me for their session - and it worked! I paid her a percentage once her friends booked their shoots with me. Creating an affiliate program with all your past clients is a great way to get your name out there.
Her blogs and Videos have really helped me become the photographer that I am. She gave me confidance that being completely myself is the only way forward, along with first starting out in the photogrpahy inductry means you have to do a lot of hustling and free work to begin with to spread the word of your work and who you are, making a large and loyal clientel. She taught me that you must see three things through before you can be a full time successful photogpraher and that is....
- Affiliate Program
Marina Williams
Another great way to build a portfolio with your ideal work is to create mock shoots, or “pretend” client shoots. There’s even photographers who host these types of events on a larger scale, often called “styled shoots” or “content days.” Whether you create them yourself or attend someone else’s, any event where you can build a diverse portfolio filled with your dream sessions is what will help you show clients what they could get if they booked with you. If your goal is to book more engagement shoots but you’ve never done one before, you can’t just expect people to know that you’re capable of this type of work. You have to always show, not tell. In this case, gathering your friends that are in relationships and organize photo shoots with them that you would love to do with paying clients. Maybe you take them to a beach at sunset and get photos of them splashing in the ocean, or style them in edgy outfits and go downtown on main street. Think about what type of client you want to attract and what style of sessions would fulfill you as an artist and business owner - and just do pretend versions. Afterwards, make sure to flood your feed with these images and put them all over your website, so when potential clients visit, they already have an idea in their head of the creative shots they’d get by booking you.
When I did finally quit my job to pursue photography full time, I decided that I was going to pitch myself to local clothing boutiques. I really wanted to work with these brands as their go-to local photographer, whether for lookbooks or product imagery, so I created a huge list of all the nearby boutiques. I then created a pitch email where I told them (briefly - keep it simple): Who you are, where you are based, and what you do Why they should hire you as a photographer. Explain what you have to offer and, specifically do to elevate their imagery. Include a PDF to the portfolio of work that’s similar to their product (for example, you wouldn’t send food photography to a clothing boutique - make sure they can visualize their brand in your work) Another good tip was to add external links to your website and Instagram, but make sure to include an actual PDF in the email that they can quickly click on if you get any interest back from these brands. Be prepared to respond with package options and rates that they can choose from and that make sense for their business. Pitching to all these brands obviously can take a really long time, but it is worth it. For this part I will be using my cousin Ava to do some nice shoots and bulk up my socials and portfolio.
- Pitch to Brands
- Mock Shoots
When it comes to me with Marina Williams three rules, I wanted for this module to have at least tried them, I see this module as a time for me to explore, experiment and try my best to achieve all that I can, I woulod like to try my best empolabiliy wise. Building confidence on making my name and brand stick and more known and building contacts. Along with getting better at reaching out on socials and within brands. Affiliate ProgramThis is something that I am very much thinking of doing, at the moment working with The Mudiad that I dont have to worry, but going around different local nurseies or even looking into different counies to take candid imagery for the settings or introducing my project to other children. I could even look at publicatiion like looking into children clothing brands, nursey magazines and galleries. Mock Photoshoots I am going to do this for this module because I find this trick/ rule very cleaver and something that would help me out when I think about kmy website, socials and creating a good body of work to other companies and clients. It's teh idea of showing them inside of telling them, people need visuals.Pitch to BrandsPitching to brands would of been way to intimidating to me if you had said this two, three years ago but this course has really brought me out of my shell and with all the successful work and practice I have been doing out the past year I believe this is something I could definitly do. I would like to email a range of different brands to get my name covered, to children clothing brands local and on social media, reach out that I can do birthday's, cake smashes and baby reveals, I would like to chat to different nurseies and schools and try my best to get a good name along with reaching out to childrens magazines like Muddy Faces. Another possibility is chatting to forest school companies to dop their candid images and to also talk to mangers to see if there is anyway I could get children with learning and mental difficulties to get involved.
I thought it would be a good idea to write downa plan for all the stuff I had to do so I didnt forget any dates and to make sure that I was ready for everything for example for the photoshoots on the beach and the farm I know I will have to get my camera equipment sorted.
plan of action (Time Managment)
Magazines & fashion brands
Apart from muddy faces others that I could reach out too would be Nursey world, Early Years Educator (EYE),School Forest 101, Nursery today and Small Talk (a welsh one that also has courses from the NDNA for teachers)
I did a bit of research and found that clothing brands are going a lot more candid for working with children so my style would very much of they're interest.
IBrands like Zara, Tea collection, Gymborne, Pink chicken, Everbloom studios, George, Miki Miette, Miminoo and River Island for kids are all companies that are interested in the same style that I do
I believe if I was to pitch to a clint or a brand/ company one really good idea would be to look into fashion. Once a staff member that I worked for in Cwtch was looking at my work and said it reminds her of the photos on the Zara Kids website the clothing brand and the idea of working for a childrens clothing brand does appeal to me.
I would like to reach out to them when I have more work accumlated and have a bigger portfolio, which is why having mock up shoots is a really good idea.
Another good idea other then clothing brands and companies is also reaching out to magazine companies that target school settings and parents. From nurseies with planning and activities to toys and recipes. there is a magazine called muddy faces that shows forest school tips and tricks and other good outdoor toys that would be right up my street.
Story Boards
An American photographer that shows the truth in photogrpahy when it comes to photogrpahing families and children. The good and the ugly. She is more interested in taking images of children making mistakes, getting hurt or having a tantrum then laughing and smiling all the time becasue she believes that is always a very important part of parenthood and children in general shouldnt been only seen and modaled as perfect when in reality it is hard to grow up and be a parent.
The life series
Kirsten Lewis (shotkit)
hair clips 2020
The reason I wanted to add this creative self-taught new Zealand photogrpaher that only posts on her Instagram was because of how fun she makes her photoshoots for her viewers and of course her modal- her daughter. I would very much like to do some very fun, playful, pop of colour photoshoots with some children to show that I too can the editorial and creative with light, angle, composition and colour and good use of props.
Zephyre ROse Photogrpahy
I wanted to be able to always go back if need be and take full advantage of all the time I had for this module usingmy time wisely. I organised all my photoshoots for this module, and all the elements of this course had an appropriate time slot for me to be able to complete successfully
time managment
Along with collaborting with the Mudiaad I also wanted to further my ability on the employability side of things and showing all different skill sets, along with gathering a good body of work, with that being said I planned a few side photoshoots. This photoshoot was of my friends neices, we took them to the beach and I took some lovely candid images. As you say see I have attached some contact sheets of the shoot.
organising photoshoot 01
Mood board
I went to my first job collabraiting with the Mudiad, taking website photos for Egwlys Newydd. The leader Clare wanted me to focus on her forest school area and outdoor play. I was very proud leaving the site knowing that not only did I take images that she wanted from me but they were very sharp in detail and overall aesthetically pleasing for her nursey website. I send the images over to her and she was very thrilled and wishes for me to come back.
successful or not?
For the Ester break I have planned for a few photoshoots both indoors and out with my auntie and little cousin, one of these was to go to a farm called THE MEADOWS were there is a easter event and children can visit aniamls. I thought it would a nice way for me to develop my portfolio and add some candid photos, I got myslef a ticket and I know that my auntie will drive us there so trasport isnt a issue, its just having the right equiment and wearther appropriate clothing.
Organising Photoshoot 02
Mood Board
I created mock up photoshoots with my friends nieces at a beach and also a lot with my little cousin, becasue that was the second rule that Marina Williams explained. I did both indoor and outdoor photoshoots. I wanted to show my styles and skills when it comes to building up a good portfolio. I wanted to show both my raw, authentic images that show I am a documentary photography and also my more editorial photoshoots that I have done with lights and backdrops, but also keeping true to all my research from past work like childhood. When my cousin wanted a princess photoshoot I rolled with. I went with the motion.
For this module I wanted to do alot of research so I could understand my work but also so I could achieve the best grades and that would all help in the future.. I did a large calender to help me time manage my time better so I could try my best to get the best out of the time I have. I did mindmaps, lots of moodboards and stroy boards. I created cover letters, emails, invoices, permission forms, contact sheets and had many meetings with the mudiad and with calire for egwlys newydd. I did a lot of reading and youtube watching to help me be a better photogrpaher.
I organised a mock up photoshoot on a little farm called The Meadows with my little cousin Ava. I had a really good time and shooting her was really eye opening for me, I found that I held more confidance in myself as a photogrpaher and in return noticed that my cousin was more relaxed and this all went hand in hand with being a very successful shoot. I got very nice textured photos, close up of hands and muddy boots. I go some really nice portraite images too that I then went to lightroom and edited.
Successful or not?
photoshoot (mock-up shoot) with my cousin Ava
Along with getting candid, documetnary style images I also wanted to show a lot of photoshoot type images to be added into my portfolio and website/socials to show that I am skilled at achieviong both. In the future I would like to be able to get clients that would like more editoral photoshoots from me like cake smashs.
I also thought it would be a good idea to create a pop up advertisment for different approuch. I thought it would be a good idea if when the website that people are on relates to family / childcare my pop-up would get triggered and will pop up with my photogrpahy details. I have had speacial promission from the Mudiad nurseies to allow me to link my website pop up with their websites so clients and paretns can click on the nursey website and they would see this pop up advertising my brand.
mock up two: website pop-up
Ryder.Birdie (influencer)
I follow this instagram account that is operated by a parent who has a degree in fashion and has a doughter that she dresses up and does beautiful photoshoots. This little girl and her mothers work has very much inspired me and I have took huge influence when it comes to me taking photoshoots of my little cousin. I want a lot of the photos to still be very authentic, natural and candid but I would also like some that have been posed and lightly staged. The photoshoots on this account are very creative directely and I would like to show off that I can also successfully full that off, using my cousin as my little super model.
- Wendy Ewald : Portraits and dreams 1985 (book)
- Wendy Ewald : Secret Games 1968-1999 (book)
- John Launer : The sick child, A portrait of tragedy and greif" 1944 (article)
- Tamara Lackey : Envisioning Family 2011 (book)
- Marina Williams YouTube tutorials on photoshoots (YouTube Videos) (blogs on website)
- Robert Taibbi : Doing family Therapy 2015 (ebook)
- Helen Bartlett 2020 (blog on her website)
- Bjorn Thomassen : 100 ways to take better portraits 2007 (book)
- Reuel Golden : Photojournalism, 150 yeras of outstanding press photogrpahy 2011 (ebook)
- Petricia Holland : Picturing Childhood/ The myth of the child 2004 (book)
- Diane Albus : Relelations 1995 (PDF Dowload)
- Kirsty Mitchell : Wonderland Series 2016 (book) (blogs on website)
- Anne Higonnet : Picture of Innocence The history and crisis of ideal childhood 1998 (book)
- Finn Beales : The Photogrpahy Storytelling Workshop 2020 (book)
For this module I thought it would be best to do a lot of primary research and that included books. I look at a range of different photogrpahers along with books that help develop my photogrpahy and general tip and tricks on styles and approuches, developing on my skills. As well as looking at novels, read essay's and diaries.
'colour pop'
Once again I have taken Marina Williams influnce take take me through endless photographic journey. I found that me and my cousin working together has been very succesful, we are already comfortable with each other and we can communicate to get very lovely images. I have always wanted. to do something similar to Marina Williams colour pop project so with this module, I thought it a great opportunity to do this project now using my little cousin as my model. I want to do a very colourful photoshoot, maybe even a colour block. It will be great for portfolio and online presence.