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Beetle: Definition: Are an order of insects of between 375,000 and 400,000 described species; It has as many species as vascular plants or fungi and 66 times more species than mammals. Example: I don't like it that beetle. Built: Definition: Which includes one or several constructions. Example: This building was built in 1975.

Chess: Definition: Chess is a board game between two opponents in which each one has at the beginning 16 moving pieces that are placed on a board divided into 64 squares or squares. Example: I love the chess, is my favorite game. Childhood: Definition: First period of the person's life, between birth and the beginning of adolescence. Example: My childhood is my favorite part of my life. Constantly: Definition: Very often. Example: He moved constantly in the armchair.

Either: Definition: Designates an undetermined element among the members who are part of the set of people or things denoted by the name to which it accompanies or replaces. Example: Give me either newspaper. Emphazise: Definition: Express yourself with emphasis. Example: This people don't emphasize in the work.

Foreing: Definition: That it is or comes from a country other than the person speaking. Example: Part of my family is foreign.

Landmarks: Definition: Data, object or person that someone takes as a starting point to calculate or know something. Example: This is a landmark more close.

Mass: Definition: Numerous grouping of people, animals or things of the same nature, very close together and forming a homogeneous and defined body. Example: This mass of people is a really disgusting.

Sculpture: Definition: Artistic work that results from the application of this art. Example: A collection of Greek sculptures. Seabed: Definition: The deep ocean below 200 meters is the largest habitat for life on Earth and the most difficult to access. Example: I really scare me the seabed. Statements: Definition: Declaration is the action and effect of declaring or declaring oneself (manifesting, meaning, making public) Example: This is my statements about Pollution. Surprisingly: Definition: In an amazing way (that astonishes or surprises). Example: Disneyland is surprisingly.

Warmer: Definition: That is hot or produces heat. ExampleThe volcano is every time stay warmer.