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Students at PRHS dedicate love songs in the romantic spanish language

Dedicating Love Songs

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Students at PRHS dedicate love songs in the romantic spanish language

Dedicating Love Songs

Falling in love with the sound of an instrument is what music does to us. Music makes us fall in love with the lyrics and people who we were with.Adrenaline rushing, feet tapping, and a beating heart, falling in love with the sound of an instrument is what music does to us.When dedicating a song to someone, you are sharing the way that you feel with another person and that can drive them to also feel good about the song and you. Students at PRHS are no different, and it is easy to find teens who want to share certain songs with their special someone. Studies have shown that music can cause a loving feeling conveying the feeling of wanting to share a special song with a loved one. That right tune comes along and we begin to yearn for someone to share it heart to heart.

“Music does play a big part in love. l like most of the songs written about love just help to be able to feel the love,” states Miraldy Angeles (10).

Although students may not always know why. The Science of Music and Love states that “A McGill University study cited by Psychology Today breaks down how music can actually cause a release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine, the “feel–good chemical,” is usually released upon sleep or food consumption and operates as a means of reward in the body. Similarly, singing can cause the release of oxytocin, often dubbed the “cuddle hormone,” furthering positive feelings associated with music.”

An anonymous student from PRHS said, “I think that music is a great way to show people what you're feeling without words. There's like different types of songs like there's some that are more soft than others but no matter what you can hear their emotion.” We decided to ask students what songs they would dedicate to a special someone, but we decided to do it in Spanish, one of the most romantic languages , according to “Romantic languages” By Marius Sala.

After interviewing students, popular donated artists emerged: Establon Armado, Ivan Cornejo, and Kevin Kaarl. The most popular songs were, Mi Otra Mitad by Danny Lux, Vámonos a Marte by Kevin Kaarl and Hasta la Muerte by Eslabón Armado and Ivan Cornejo. Something all these artists have in common is they are all new upcoming artists. Not are they all New Artists, but also their rhythm of music is pretty slow which conveys more emotion. Music is something that overall conveys love and emotions especially in Spanish because of it being a romantic language. Students all over PRHS listen to love songs in spanish.

Mi Otra Mitad

By Danny lux

Vamonos a Marte

by Kevin Kaarl

Hasta la Muerte

by Ivan Cornejo and Eslabón Armado

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