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Mahsa Taherian & Budai Kornél Barnabás

Jan-Noël Thon

"Transmedia Narratology"

An assistant professor in media studies and digital media culture at Nottingham University in U.K.His research interests include transmedia narratology, comic studies, film theory, game studies and convergent media culture.

Jan-Noël Thon

Narrative forms

Familiarity with wide range of mediums would be necessary instead of specialization

Problem of "Transmedia"


the meaning and interpretation of a narrative may vary depending on the medium in which it is presented.

Transfering a story to other kinds of medium can result in loss of analytical power.

the idiosyncrasies of individual texts as a feature of the medium

Media reletivism

Media Blindness


Methodological Challenges of a Tansmedial narrotology :

Fotis Jannidis

" All representation takes place in a medium and the charcteristics of each particular medium dictate key properties of any representations."


the representation of the worlds located in space and time.


1. Locally represented situations.2. Global storyworlds as a whole.


1. External medial representation. 2.Internal mental representations of story worlds.


Transmedia forms :

  • Ignoring some aspects of narrative representations.
  • complete the story by filling the gaps.

Language :

Verbal and pictoral representation :

it is not represented as an actual speaking English.this film is a strongly fictionalized version of ancient Greece. It offers internal explanations (galactic language), and the exterenal explanation is easily available

Using highly develpoed translation technology and the use of power rings

Translation :

in the comic book called 'sin city' it is sometimes monochromatic and sometimes colorful. the use of Blue color for the character called Deliah for her eyes and clothes, represents the fictional fact

in the film called 'the artist' there are no good reasons for spectatorst to imagine the film's story world to be black & white.

representing a story with a specific color can be complicated or it might collapse entirely.

Color :

Film as a medium mediates between capturing something according to narration and then showing it in a way to represent meaning through the imagery

Film specific


In films we get an actor, a face and a voice to associate with the character

Characters represented by actors

Despite the inconsistency, we understand that it is a film

Actor-Stunt inconsistency

character in contemporary comics : do not consist of (lines)represented situation in storyworld are usually more detailed than their representation.the flow of Time which is similar to Films but with ( One picture at a time)

A combination of words, pictures, as well as framed pictures , and sequence of panels varying regularity , flexibility, and density.

Comics :

Different modes of representation characteristic for films, comic, or video games can be indirect,which can lead the spectators, readers, or players to ignore apparent inconsistencies.


Tin Tin

Are games similar? Linearity problems?

The narrative is not in focusPlayers could opt for skipping the narration

Videogame Specific

Disconnecting from the storyworld

The problem of non-linearity and replayability

Is the gameplay really relevant to the story?






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