Lina Maria Gonzalez Hurtado
Created on February 22, 2023
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Russell Harriet.
Balance in the use of at least 2 languages. (In terms of knowledge, etc.)
Be able to develop communicative and language components. e.g: listening-speaking/grammar, vocabulary.
Having a clear intention when using a language, be interested on the culture this language is related to and the different contexts.
Different words arose, that allow us to have a better and deep understanding on this concept, they also help us to transform it and to attach new elements to it. E.g: Code-switching
Something that catches my attention with regard to the concept of bilingualism, is that we have very closed and small visions about what it means.
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Even for those of us who are dedicated to teaching, it is confusing, but the most valuable thing is that we can nurture it on a daily basis, based on pragmatic and theoretical evidence.
From the different studies and experience, we could then affirm that all those who have access to a second language would be bilingual people, all this because we have the will to learn and speak another language, we understand its codes, we understand the context, we are exposed to different situations where we can make use of this language among other skills and characteristics.
I used to have the confusion that when talking about someone who was bilingual, it meant at first that he/she spoke two languages.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Baker, C. (2006). Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism, 4th Ed. Multilingual MattersBloomfield, L. (1933). Language. New York: Holt. Russell Harriet.
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