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Course Development 101

Course Development

Development Pathways

Overview of Course Development at Park University

Contracts & Payments

Course Development Process

The Digital Learning Team

Who develops online courses?

What would you like to know?

This pathway allows faculty members with a certain level of expertise and interest in online design to serve as the primary designer of an online course, as well as the creator of all course content. In this pathway, the designated course developer is assigned to an instructional designer for support and consultation, but the course development will largely be conducted independently

2. Independent Pathway
1. Standard Pathway (most common)


Currently the University offers one of two pathways faculty can pursue to create or redevelop an online course: the Standard Pathway and the Independent Pathway.

Best suited for:

  • Faculty who are eager to work with a trained instructional designer who can offer advice, suggestions, and guidance on matters related to course design, technical applications, and online pedagogy
  • Faculty who do not feel confident in their ability to construct a new course in Canvas without sustained technical support, or who feel they have more to learn about the best practices of online pedagogy
  • Faculty who have developed courses for Park before, and were satisfied with the process and outcomes of that experience

Development Pathways


The CBA dentifies a range of $700 to $1500 per credit hour to be paid to a faculty developer who develops/redevelops an online course. Payment is contingent upon completion of the requirements in the online contract

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

Faculty should work with their Deans and Associate Deans to understand what features of an online course development might qualify the CDEV for a payment above the minimum rate.

Working with Deans

Payments will be received at the end of the month in which the QSR is successfully completed for the course.

Payments made!

CDEVs may develop/redevelop a course for payment, or they may develop a course in lieu of teaching a course as part of their standard load. In advance of their development request submission, a potential CDEV should work with their Chair, Associate Dean, and/or Dean to determine which form of compensation they will request in the CTS. If the determination is made for the CDEV to receive payment, here are some things to consider:

Contracts & Payments

Final Standards Review
Payment is made to CDEV (if course approved)
Final chance to determine course eligible
Determination of course
Course Development Request
Reviewed against QSR
Final edits by CDEV and ID (if needed)
Revisions to course (if needed)
2nd Review against QSR (if needed)
Course Construction

Course Development 101

Course Development Process

Course Development 101

Meet the Digital Learning Team

Course Development 101

The CCA are faculty members who review completed courses against the Quality Standards Rubric! They determine if a course meets the standards to be taught.

The Digital Learning Team takes the content provided by the CDEVs and presents the information in an engaging online format on our LMS (Learning Management System) - Canvas!

CDEVs are the subject matter experts and provide all the content to be taught in the course

Course Content Approvers (CCA)

Digital Learning Team

Course Developers (CDEVs)

There are 3 key players in developing an online course:

Who develops online courses?

As an institution that offers a substantial amount of online coursework, Park University has created an infrastructure for the conception, development, approval, and maintenance of online courses. The primary goals of the University in regard to digital learning are as follows:

  • To ensure the quality and rigor of online courses
  • To prioritize faculty expertise and academic freedom in the development of online courses
  • To adhere to assumed and best practices in online educational delivery as identified by accreditors and professional organizations
  • To promote innovation and creativity in online teaching and learning
  • To align with Park’s mission of offering accessible, student-centered education

Course Development 101 / 01

Course Development at Park University