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Higher Tier for GCSE Maths
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Higher Tier for GCSE Maths

The goal posts keep moving

The scores for each student went up on average 10% from November 2021 to June 2022


We need to try something different

The team looked back at a speaker from the 2019 ME plus conference.


Students were losing faith

We needed to give them another focus/challenge


Although the students' GCSE marks increased, the number of high grades reduced!

In November 2021 the Pass mark across all three foundation papers was 106...in summer 2022 the pass mark was raised to 135



Scores for each student continued to climb

Grade boundaries went up

High grades went down




Increase the number of students sitting the higher tier.

Look at the students who were a few marks off in summer but continued to improve their scores.


All learners were entered for the November exams.


Stream Classes

All higher students would have at least 1 session a week that was just higher

Assess the results

Those learners who got a U on higher would be removed and placed back on foundation but for those with a 3 go on to do higher in the summer.

Give them the exam experience

Gauge if the right people were on the correct tier.

Here is the GCSE Maths Team

Robert Hatton

Progress Coach 19 +

Alison Miller

Progress Coach 16 - 18

Stephen Roddam

GCSE/HE Lecturer

Tina Young

GCSE Maths Advanced Practitioner


Positive Outcomes

There have already been some positive outcomes this year.

Keep climbing that higher ladder.

What is next?

Plan Revision for the Holidays

Make sure specific higher revision is booked in over Easter and May half Term.


Assess the higher mocks carefully to see which gaps they need to concentrate on.

Make some higher revision videos

Share them with the learners via the higher channel on Teams.


The students this year had very different problems and a different set of support needs.

Two of the higher tier students missed one exam and three of them started therapy in the latter stages of the year, when they found college work challenging. We did not want to derail the students and so we encouraged them with the offer of extra one to one sessions where they felt safe and supported.

A great presentation is clear and structured

Any Questions?


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