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Lucile Denys

Results below expectations

You work on the lessons with your child and the results are not what you expected.

Slow reader

Reading is difficult and jerky. When reading, your child guesses words, makes mistakes or skips words.

Writing is difficult

Your child does not retain the spelling of words from one week to the next. Your child doesn't use punctuation. Spoken sentences are long, written sentences are short.

Poor self confidence

Your child says he or she is stupid. Your child gets discouraged, cries or gets angry easily.

Does my child need "orthopédagogie"?

Who am I? Lucile DENYS, orthopédagogueAccumuler les erreurs en orthographe, ne rien comprendre quand on lit un texte, se sentir nul.le en classe, pleurer quand on n'obtient pas une bonne...Lucile DENYS, orthopédagogue https://luciledenys.weebly.com/

If the difficulties persist and your child is discouraged, I invite you to contact me. Together, we will establish the objectives of the "orthopedagogie" and I will have a first meeting to draw a portrait of knowledge and lack of knowledge in French or in math. Please, contact me for an initial call.

My child reads more slowly than children his age in French. There are reading speed scales established by scientists to get an idea of the speed expected by a child in elementary school. For example, a child finishing the first year of primary school reads 50 words per minute. The session in orthopédagogie allow your child to work on different aspects of decoding. The smoother and more automated the decoding, the more the learner has access to the meaning of the text. If you have a concern or you see sustained efforts, a demotivation to read, I invite you to contact me. https://luciledenys.weebly.com/services1.html

My child has few or no strategies for writing the words in French. If you observe forgotten, inverted or substituted letters, weak motivation or avoidance strategies to write, I suggest to contact me. The sessions in "orthopédagogie" allow you to go at the pace of the learner. The goal is personalized and commensurate with the child's motivation. My promises are to make it fun and build your child's confidence.

My child lacks self-confidence, often cries during homework or does not remember lessons. A remedial teacher is not a tutor. Our goal is not to do homework. The first step is to do a ‘’portrait of learning’’ of your child and become aware of any difficulties encountered in class.The ‘’orthopédagogue’’ can guide the sessions regarding this evaluation. We can work on strategies or review misunderstandings in reading, writing or math. Contact me https://luciledenys.weebly.com/services1.html