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Acl tear
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Acl tear

Causes of ACL Tear

The Acl is one of two cruciate ligaments in the knee. It stabilizes the knee and prevents excess forward movement of the tibia or limits the rotational movement of the knee.

Acl tear

When people tear thier ACL they feel pain and a "pop" on the initial tear. Their knee usually gets swollen soon after the injury. After the swelling goes down, you can usually walk, but your knee is unstable and you could fall.

Acl tear

*hard hit on the side of your knee, such as during a football tackle.*Overextending your knee joint.*Quickly stop moving and change direction while running, landing from a jump, or turning

How Can an ACL Tear Occur?

Nonsurgical treatments: * Wearing a knee brace* Physical therapy Surgical reconstruction of the Acl.

Acl tear treatments


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