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Food and Animals in WW1




I still wonder how would it feel like to have very little food?

Have you ever wondered how did people survive without food in the war?Food in wasn't a lot. Centralized powers like Germany only got 750 grams of bread, 375 grams of of fresh for frozen meat, 1,500 grams of potatoes, 25 grams of coffee, 20 grams of salt and 25 grams of sugar. However the food distribution among Central Powers wasn't that good specifically the bread rationing. A bread card would only have about 225 grams. In July of 1915 breadlines became a common sight. The bread rationing would break down making a huge problem for Germany and Austria- Hunagry. Allied Powers could get their food from outside borders, but Central Powers didn't have that. Feeding the soilders was a priority, but feeding the civilians was a secondary option. Because of this German imports fell by 55%. France however got their food illegally from procuments of provisions of supply areas during their rotations to the rear echelons. Food was an advantage of winning the war.

Food in WW1

Did people use animals as their food source or did they instead use them as a guide?Animals in 1914 were used as calvary. Horses were used by soldiers to fight the other side, but both sides soon realized that they couldn't win the war like that so they used horses as transportation. Animals could also be used to know if enemy troops were coming near them. Jackie the Baboon was one of the animals to warn soilders. He had very great eyesight. His eyesight could detect slight movements of anybody. Ambulance horses were another thing. They would carry in injured soilders to hospitals. The horses had to be strong to carry heavy things. Animals were also used to send messages to others. Pigeons sent 100,000 messages during the war. In Italy there was this one piegon who sent 95% of messages on one leg. I still wondered how many animals did each country use for the war? This is interesting because it just proves how much humans really needed animals during the war.

Animals in WW1