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Mariana Pedrosa 11.1º no.22
2.1. The world under threat
2.There´s no Planet B
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Mariana Pedrosa 11.1º no.22

2.1. The world under threat

2.There´s no Planet B

Sed dia

Adipiscing elit

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-In this unit we learn more about the world around us, particulary about environmental problems. Pollution is one of the many environmental issues the world is experiencing today.

- Wendell Berry

"The Earth is what we all have in common."

-Carl Sagan

" To me, it underscores our responsability to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we´ve ever known."


Pale Blue D t


fossil fuels

endagered spicies

Natural habitats

sea level

melting glaciers

Climate change

ozone layer

Global warming

Greenhouse effect

― John Mark Green, Taste the Wild Wonder

“We are snowflakes, melting on the tongue of the universe.”

How long before it´s too late?

- In 2013, at age 19, Boyan Slat crowdfunded $2.2 million to fund the Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organisation that builds big, floating trash collectores and sets them up at sea, where they´re designed to autonomously gobble up garbage.

- Dr. Sylvia Earle

“No water, no life. No blue, no green.”

The Ocean Clean up


There's so much noise that I can't think!

He was such a good teacher that we all passed the exam.

So much food was wasted every day.

That was so important.

She is such a great cooker!

It was so cold that the water in the lake froze.

- We often use these so and such structures whit that and a clause to say what the result of something is:

-We can use so and such (a/an) to intensify adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

NOTE: when we use much, many, little and few with a noun, we can use so to make it stronger:There are so many clouds today.

So/Such (a/an) + that



good: better than - the bestbad: worse than - the worst many: more than - the mostfar: further/farther than - the furthest/farthest

- The are some irregular adjectives:

Degrees of adjectives



Exemples:- Earth avarage temperature is getting higer and higer each year.- Things are getting more and more expensive.- The hotter the weather, the worse the droughts.- The higher they climbed, the colder it got.

Other comparatives


- Nellie Edge

" I love the earth And everything that lives. I love the plants And the beauty each one gives. I love the animals And the fish at sea. For I am part of Mother Earth, And it's a part of me."

2.2. A global call



heat waves



Tropical storms


Fire tornados


sea level rise

Extreme weather events

Extreme weather events

"I believe we’ll be able to avoid a climate disaster. The ultimate measure of success is global greenhouse-gas emissions: we need to go from 51 billion tons a year to 0 in the next three decades. I’m optimistic we can get there – if we take the right steps." - Bill Gates

Every year, the world emits 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. To prevent a climate disaster, we need to lower that number to zero by 2050, and we need to act now to do it.


51 Billion to Zero



Correlative conjunctions

- Correlative conjunctions come in pairs and connect sentences elements wich are usually of the same kind.

once in a blue

stealing my thunder


a breeze

raining cats and dogs

Right as rain

save up for a rainy day

come rain or shine

Have your head in the clouds

Chase rainbows

take a rain check

calm before the storm

Under the weather

a storm in a tea cup

On cloud 9

Weather idi ms

- This is a unique chance to hear two of the most influential figures of our time honestly discussing their opinions of where are now and where we need to be.

A conversation between two generations of greent activists separeted by 77 years, Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough.


Two concerned generations

The world Needs to hear your voice

- Jamie Margolin, Youth to Power: Your Voice and How To Use It; New York, 2020

"In times of darkness, what has saved the people, countries, and movements has been ordinary folks having the courage to speak truth to power."

DON´Ts: Leave eletronics on standby, have red meat, waste food, buy import products.
DOs: Energy conservation, being careful with the food we eat, recycling, buy local.

Eco-friendly living:


My Carbon Footprint:

2.3 Playing my part


Grammar: Modal verbs


Vocabulary: Collocations

-Anne-Marie Bonneau

" We don´t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly.We need millions os peolpe doing it imperfectly."


A zero-waste life

Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns



Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns


These nouns are always ucountable: information, music, water, oil, progress, traffic, advice, air, behaviour, food,...

Some nouns ending in -s are singular: athlectics, news, means, mathematics, series, species, statistics...

These plural words have no singular form: glasses, jeans, pyjamas, scissors, trousers.

conscious consumer


fair trade

ethical consumerism



throwaway culture




DIY shop


The shopping center in Sweden where everything is recycled


Find products carrying ethical labels


1. She´s my sister.2. It´s complicated to us.3. We are at Mariana´s house.


The apostrophe s (´s)

- The apostrophe s is very common in English, for mainly two purposes: to indicate a contraction (1,2) and to show possession (3).

It´s undenaible that we live in a society of consumers. Many people hope to find a good job that will enable them to earn enough money to fulfil their consumption needs, Nevertheless, it is important to realise when these needs go beyond what is reasonable and become a vicious cycle of repetive impluse buying, an addiction that may lead to serious problems.


"There´s enough on earth for everybody´s need, but not for everyone´s greed"

2.4 Ads all around


- The passive is a structure we use when the action is more important than the person/thing that does the action.




Form: It + to be + past participle of the main verb + that clause

Exemples:active: People say he is English. Passive: It is said that he is English.

- This passive structure is used to report in a more formal style or to report facts. Some common verbs used in impersonal passive forms are: agree, assume, believe, claim, consider, estimate, expect, find, know, recommend, suggest.

Impersonal passive


-Hary Hansen

"Marketing involves the disign of the products acceptable to the customers and the tranfers of ownership between seller and buyer."

Here are techniques based on Aristotle´s rhetorical triangle with their definition and some exemples below.










Persuasive advertising

-Juan Carlos Castillo

"In Marketing there are those who satisfy needs and those who create wants."

Word of mouth




Prime time

Brand loyalty


Commercial breaks

Celebrity endorsement


FORM:- have + object + past participle

USE:- It is used when arrange for someone to do something for us:Exemple: I had my bike fixed.- It is used for unpleasant things not caused by the subject:Exemple: They´ve had their house painted.

The causative


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