Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Project design of theI British Fair at IES Al-Qázeres: The Jubilee of Queen Super Peppa I

By: Gonzalo Gallego López.

7. Ending

6. Evaluation

4.How? (Methology)

3. What were our goals?

2. When and where?

5. To do list

1. Why?


Positive love and response from these students


We think that make a proyect and activities of this type is a really good opportunity to see how we work and give the feedback from possible future students of the high school.


When and where?

This proyect was realized in our high school, in the assemby room and our little space for show our class proyects, our loved british corner. We did it the 26 of Jaunuary.

What were our goals?

3-. To teach how same contents that can be interesting for the guys.

4-. To show the proyects and works that we did.

6-. To know what they like and what we need to improve.

5-. To connect more the british program to the guys.

2-. To entertain the guys from the school with learning activities.

1-. To show our british council program

Irene and Vera were in charge of receive with the passports the 6 year students in the assembly room.The rest of the class, by groups, explained a little our experience i9 the british program, we explain the british corner and we received the students in the hall of the high school.

All of the class participate in this proyect (3º ESO C) and of corse all the british classs in the high school too. Our class prepare by groups all the posters of each activity.

How? (Methology)

To do list

  • Prepare the groups for the posters.
  • Make the posters for each workshop.
  • Decorate the posters.
  • Prepare the groups for the welcome of the students.
  • Prepare some notes for the presentation to the students.


After all the activies, all of us explain our point of view for the feedback and waht we need to improve. As well we answer some questionaries and send some observations.

Thanks for all !!!