Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


“Because I know my rights, I feel more confident to participate in society.”

“Because school is too expensive, I cannot go.”

“My best friend is in the football team, but I cannot join because I don’t have the money to buy the uniform.”

“I believe in life after death.”

“I can use sign language to express myself in group.”

“I’m doubting if I like boys or girls. I cannot be punished for this by the government.”

“I like watching News for Kids. It explains what is happening in the world in a nice way.”

“My name is Simon. Because I have a name, I’m an official inhabitant of my country and I can receive the necessary vaccinations.”

“In school we learned how I can participate to society and which rights we have in it.”

“When my parents divorced, the family judge listened to the fact that I would like to spend equally as much time with both my parents.”

“In my class, I started a ‘Friends of Nature’ club.”

“I prefer going to the forest instead of the sea.”


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