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Revolutionnary project: a cure against mortality


More details

Tests & effects




Our project is based on the very essence and most direct explanation of old age. We have therefore sought, as we are going to see a little later, to counteract the evolution of old age, thus allowing humans who are able to take this treatment to become immortal.


the drug of immortality

Explanations:This is an anti-ageing drug that will act on your body to protect human cells of every physical damage that can cause old-age.WATCH OUT !We are not going to give you back your youth, this will just stop your old-age.


This cure will obvioulsly permit to leave eternally , but it will also have every good effects of a drug like relaxation or feeling of well-being but without negative aspects like depression.


Our tests, on old mice, reveal that their physical capacities did not decline anymore after taking the cure. Moreover, we have not found secondary effects.


More details (part 1)

This drug is a cure that doesn't need to be be refilled and is taken in capsule form. Yo need to take 1 capsule a day for 10 days, and then 10 capsules a month for 6 months.

Indeed, you will have to take 1800€ out of your pocket to get this treatment, because you will 6 box of 10 capsules to finish the cure, and that the price of this drug is 20 000€/kg.

1800 €

is the price of the treatment

More details (part2)


Made by Killian Custot & Ismaël Conde Amal

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