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GREEk Mythology
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GREEk Mythology


XXX a.c.

Introduction to Greek Mythology


  • A traditional story that explains the world and human experiences often involving superhuman beings or dieties, not real
  • These Are some of the oldest stories in the world.
  • For over 2,000 years, these myths have been handed down to generations.
  • Gods and goddesses have magical powers, heroes are strong and brave, and nature is explained.


The Greeks believed in these gods and monsters just like a religion. This was their way of explaining nature, the world, feelings, etc. They had no Christ to believe in because he was not born yet. Much of our everyday world has Greek Mythology in it.

The belief in more than one god



1st came the rains, then the flowers, then the animals

GAEA (The Earth) + URANUS (The Sky)

Then the 12 immortal TITANS Cronus, Rhea, Uranus, Gaea, Prometheus

According to the Greeks

In the beginning...

Silver Age: man had to work, grow crops, build homes -- but never performed sacrifices to the gods so Zeus destroyed them

Golden Age: All males, had a perfect life

Iron Age (our race): greedy, went to war against each other, woman was finally created by Hephaestus

Bronze Age: Very aggressive men who were always fighting and ended up killing each other

The Stages of Mankind

The Creation

Disney's Version of the beginning

  • King of all Gods
  • Roman name: Jupiter
  • Wife is hera
  • Easily angered and Throws thunderbolts
  • Symbol: Eagle


  • Roman name: Juno
  • Zeus tricked by turning into a cuckoo- she was ashamed that he violated her, so she married him.
  • Protector of marriage and women Jealous of Zeus’ other women; spent time trying to punish them
  • Symbol: peacock


  • Ruler of the sea
  • Zeus’ brother
  • Cyclops’ DAD
  • Object: Trident


  • Messenger God
  • Gives Odysseus a HERB so he can leave Circe’s island
  • Object: Caduceus



  • Goddess of wisdom and war
  • Zeus’ favorite child
  • Helps Odysseus at the end
  • Symbol: owl & armor
  • God of the Underworld
-Land of the Dead
  • Symbol: Helmet of Invisibility
  • Has a 3 headed dog: Cerberus
  • Married to Persephone


Helios: -Sun god

Aeolus: -GOd of winds

Just a couple Minor Greek Gods

  • Charybdis: Whirlpool in the sea
  • Scylla: Female monster with 6 heads who
eats passing sailors
  • Cyclops: a race of one-eyed giants
-children of Poseidon
  • Laestrygonians: race of man
eating giants


  • Circe: Beautiful witch goddess who
changes Odysseus's men into pigs
  • Calypso: Sea goddess who lives on the island of ogygia
  • Sirens: nymphs who lure sailors to their death with their songs


The Odyssey

XXX a.c.

Then he wrote "The Odyssey" about Odysseus' journey home from the war

He wrote "The Iliad" about the Trojan War

Homer was a blind poet from Greece. He lived around the 8th century b.c.

A long narrative poem that tells a story about a hero AND a culture

Epic poem

-ex: Odysseus

A person who is brave, courageous, a good role model, and one who does good deeds.

What is a hero?

Odysseus leaves his home on Ithaca to fight in the Trojan War in Troy.

He becomes known as a hero during this war.

He fights for 10 years at Troy to free the kidnapped Helen. The Greeks win thanks to the Trojan Horse.

Odysseus then leaves Troy to go home with 12 ships. He encounters many monsters, like the Cyclops, Polyphemus.

When he finally does make it home 10 years later, no one else from Odysseus’s crew, except ODYSSEUS, has survived the journey.

The Lotus Eaters

The Cyclops

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