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By Enrichly

Ten Commonly Asked Interview Questionsand Tips on How to Answer


Tell me about yourself'

Candidates likely hear this question early during an interview because it allows them to talk about themselves and why they are better than other candidates. The interviewer wants to know why you are a good fit for the role beyond what is on the resume. As such, candidates should answer the question by sharing enough personal and professional information to begin the conversation, but not so much that it answers every question the interviewer may ask.

Tell me about yourself

Talk about a couple of your key achievements and the interviewer will likely select an accomplishment and ask you to tell more about it.


Tell me about yourself


Example answer for someone with more experience: “I have been working as a senior data analyst at XYZ company for two years. In this role, I provide insights into our customer base and assist with developing solutions to any concerns regarding our customers. Before this, I held other lower-level data analyst roles for several years before earning my master’s degree. At this stage in my career, I am ready to take on more challenging work as a team leader and hone my technical skills.”


What is your greatest strength?


Figure out what your number one strength or skill is, then talk briefly about it and provide a good example.Before going into an interview, write down several of your top strengths and examples of each.

What is your greatest strength?


Can you describe a situation in your past where you learned from a mistake?

The best mistakes to share are those from which you learned something. Use your mistakes to show how you have matured and grown.


Can you describe a situation in your past where you learned from a mistake?


What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced?

Pick an example in which you successfully resolved a tough situation. Tell your story briefly but try to reveal as many good qualities as possible. Your interviewer wants to hear about qualities such as perseverance, good judgment andmaturity.


What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced?


Is there anything yon would like to improve about yourself?

Pick a weakness (for example, not being comfortable with public speaking or even oral presentations in class), then show how you're working to improve it (being part of a debating team). Your goal here is to provide a short answer that satisfies the interviewer.


Is there anything yon would like to improve about yourself?


What is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?


Figure out what you want most in a job. You might value challenges, good working conditions, or friendly co-workers. Talk about one or two items and explain why they are important to you.

What is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?


What are your career goals?

You score points if you leave the impression you are a growth-oriented person with realistic expectations. As a teenager, you may be working to earn spending money or to pay for a car and gas. That shows initiative and planning.


The interviewer likes to see if you are a person that plans your future and if you might be someone that would meet the company's needs after you finish school. Your task is to talk about the goals that you think the company can help you achieve.


What motivates you?

Tip: Challenge, creativity, success, opportunity and personal growth are most frequently mentioned. You can also mention specific skills that you are motivated to use, such as problem-solving, decision-making, listening, writing, speaking, planning, or counseling people.


Why would you like to work for us?

This is a great opportunity to impress the interviewer with what you know about their organization. Talk about the positives of their organization.


Why would you like to work for us?


Why should I hire you?


This is a great opportunity to sell you. TaIk about your strengths and how they fit the needs ofthe company. You can briefly talk about skilis or strengths that haven't already been discussed

Why should I hire you?