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My name is Carlos Daniel

puedes escribir un

It is Ci-Ei-Er-EL-Ou-Es Di-Ei-En-Ai-I-El
How do you spellyour name?
My middle name is Daniel
What is your middle name?

Gutierrez Ovando

My last name is Gutierrez Ovando
What is your last name?
My full name is Carlos Daniel Gutiérrez Ovando
What is your full name?
My nickname is Dani
what is your nickname?
I am a student of medical emergency
What is your occupation?
I am from méxico
where are you from?
I am mexican
What is your nationality?
I am single
Are you single or married?
My cell phone number is 55-61-75-59-07
What is your cell phone number?
My email address is carlos_ovando@outlook.com
What is your e-mail address?
My classmate is serious
my best friend is funny and charismatic
my mother is good cooker

Describe your mother, best friend and a classmate.

The name of my brother is Erick.He is twenty-nine years old.
The name of my mother is Laura.She is fifty-three years old.
The name of my father is Alejandro.He is fifty-five years old.

Describe 3 family members.Say their names and age