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BY:Juan Reyes
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BY:Juan Reyes

The Biological Science Behind Covid-19

An example of how a living and a virus cells have a similiar aspects, is that they both tend to reproduce. However, Virus cells must find a weak host cell so that it can infect it. For living they begin a process called Cell Division.

Even though viruses have the same charcteristics as living cells, they should not be catergorized as living.

One should also mention that virus cells makes all living things sick. As for living cells, they help living things function through life.

Should Viruses be Catergorized as Living?

Properties of life

  1. Living things are made up of cells
  2. Living things respond to stimuli
  3. Living things turn food into energy
  4. Living things reproduce
  5. Living things grow and develop
  6. Living things maintain homeostasis
Simply put virsues are microscopic substances that can spread diseases to all living things.

Viruses...What are they?

Chances are that there might be viruses that has not been recorded by humans when they first spawned on earth. Viruses could be as old as life itself. There has been numerous viruses that spread and infected us throughout time.

The History of Viruses

The most noticable difference of the prokaryote and the virus cell are the way that they are structured. The virus has a sphere structure while the prokayrote has a pill like structure.

Prokaryotes and Viruses

A living cell gains energy by the food that the living things consume. This could also be known as cell respiration. A virus cell gains energy by the energy that the host cell has after it has infected it.

Gaining Energy

The variety of cells produce in differernt ways. Human body cells are produced by a process called mitosis. Human sex cells are produced my meiosis. Virus cells are different. In order for the virus cells to reproduce they must first find a host cell, if it finds one then it infects the host cell and looks for more weaker cells. Researchers say that viruses are NOT living cells, despite having a few similiarties to living cells. Viruses have the same gentical formation of DNA just like the living cells have. Virus cells can also replicate themselves as well.

The Reproduction of cells

Cell mutation occurs when a mistake happens within the DNA of an organism. The reason why mutatations happen is because of the vulnerability to infections. Virus mutations occur the same way that cells make copies of each other and a mistake will happen. They mutate so the virus can spread diseases to other cells. This further proves that virus cells are not living because they need a host cell in order for the virus cells to make copies of themselves.

Cell Mutation

Why are some people naturally immune to dieseases and viruses? Some people are naturally immune to dieseases and viruses due to DNA reasons. Vaccines provide immunity to us because there are anti-biotics that make our immune system stronger and helps the immune system in general.


RNA plays a critical role for cells because it synthesis proteins for ourbodies, making us stronger. The purpose for RNA to be in viruses is that RNA viruses can decrypt the original code before it became a virus.

DNA is important in cells because it is neccesary for our health in general. When a virus invades a weak host, the DNA can get affected as well. The virus will make use of the structure for the DNA to spread the diesease.


Some viruses can make people sick, weak, and unfortunately some of the viruses can cause death.

One segement of proof that viruses evolve is that there are many kinds of viruses that affect all living things through everyday life.


Viruses undergo evolution just like the living cells.


A virus is usally caused when someone is not healthy enough for their immune system to stop the virus from entering their body. For example there are seasonal viruses that are happening right now, for spring/summer it's allergies. However, for fall/winter, it has the misfortune of the stomach bug affecting many people. A virus disease focuses to look for weak cells within our bodies so it can spread the disease

Bacteria are small particles that can cause infection on a wound. For example, if a person fell a little too hard on a hard ground and then has a scar formed. Then the people around them usually tell the wounded person to wash off the wound with water before it gets infected. A bacterial disease focuses more on the flesh of a person



Once again, while the viruses have the same characteristics of living cells they are NOT alive. I strongly believe this becuase unlike living cells they cannot produce on their own unlike the living cells. They target weak cells for a host to spread the disease

Solution for the crucial debate of viruses being alive or not

  1. O'Donnell, C. (2021, March 28). What are the 6 properties of life?, the productive teacher. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from https://theproductiveteacher.com/life-science/what-are-the-6-properties-of-life/#:~:text=The%20Six%20Properties%20of%20Life%201%20Living%20things,grow%20and%20develop.%206%20Living%20things%20maintain%20homeostasis.
  2. Scudellari, M. (2021, November 01). Are viruses alive? and why does it matter? Retrieved February 19, 2023, from https://www.sciencenews.org/article/viruses-alive-coronavirus-definition
  3. Sharma, B. (2022, January 06). How do viruses reach humans from animals? Retrieved February 19, 2023, from https://www.scienceabc.com/pure-sciences/how-do-viruses-reach-humans-from-animals.html
  4. Take online courses. earn college credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers. (2018). Retrieved February 19, 2023, from https://study.com/academy/lesson/prokaryotic-cells-definition-lesson-for-kids.html?src=ppc_bing_nonbrand&rcntxt=aws&crt=&kwd=SEO-PPC-ALL&kwid=dat-2329040505669481%3Aloc-190&agid=1235851302596746&mt=b&device=c&network=o&_campaign=SeoPPC&msclkid=f59cfba2761515335db19850851d9880


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