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"Pueblo Tribe"
history fair
World Studies
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"Pueblo Tribe"

history fair

World Studies

Enjoy this amazing presentation!

5. Rebeca Cabrera

4. Fabiola Ribera

3. Alejandra Mendoza

2. André Balcáceres

1. Alejandra Amaya


Where did they live?

Pueblo Tribe was a Native American tribe, they used to live in the southern regions, mainly in New Mexico and Arizona.

The Pueblo triBe and The spanish

Spanish colonists arrived in the southern regions and found people living in Pueblo. Then 1539 the Spanish colonists took over the land of the Pueblo using violence. They wanted to colonize and Christianize the Pueblo Tribe.

Spanish colonists and the Pueblo Tribe, in the 16th century.

The Kachinas were the worship of the Pueblo tribe, they are strong spirits that control nature. The Pueblo used to pray to the spirits for help in their life.

After the European colonization, the Pueblo society was governed by a council composed of the heads of the religious societies.

The Pueblo used to practice the Kachina or Katsina religion, which was a complex spiritual belief system.

The Pueblo used to have its chief (leader) and sometimes two chiefs, a summer and winter one. However, most important affairs, such as war, hunting, religion, and agriculture, were governed by priesthoods or secret societies.

This system has 3 diferent concepts…




Politics, government, and religioN of the pueblo


Kachina dolls

Kachinas dancers

Supernatural being

Kachinas 3 different concepts

What are kivas?

Kivas are used as quarters and meeting rooms.

They served as religious temples for the ancient Anasazi.

The pueblo tribes worshiped the kachina in kivas

They are circular chambers ubicated under the ground.

The houses made from an adobe clay mixture and stone were very famous in the Pueblo Tribe. Also, all of their homes were connected to each other, so the village looked like a single place.

  • The Pueblo Tribe began a rebellion against the Spanish and forced them to leave their land.
  • But in 1692 the Spanish people returned to the Pueblo and took over their land.

The 17th century

The homes of the Pueblo

disaster began in 1680




  • Deers
  • Elks
  • Bighorn sheep
  • Rabbits
  • Pinyon (nuts)
  • Yucca (fruit)
  • Ricergrass (seeds)
  • Amaranth-Goosefoot (seeds and greens)
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Squash

Crops, plants, AND animals, conserved in the pueblo

But in winter men used to wear cloaks to stay warm, and women used to wear a piece of fabric called manta.

Their climate was like a dry desert, and this was reflected in their clothes.- They usually used to wear breeches-cloth during summer.

Clothing of the pueblo tribe

Roads in the pueblo tribes

  • People from el Pueblo built roads between villages, for their own benefit.
  • The road just goes for 31 miles and ends at the edge of a canyon.
  • The roads were made from adobe and stone.


Crafts made by the people of the pueblo

The people of the Pueblo are known for their beautiful whiteware pottery.

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