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This year also ushered in the inaugural class of child welfare supervisors working to attain a new professional certifications through training piloted in two Community-Based Care regions.
This year we worked to support and build the network of Family Resource Centers across Texas, promoting quality practices in unique programs serving families across Texas. We are thrilled to partner with these organizations in 2022 and beyond.
Equity & Access
Developing a Culture of Excellence
88th Texas Legislative Session 
The year brought creative approaches to capacity building, led by the work of TACFS members. Many started as ideas that have and will continue to bloom into effective child and family welfare policy. 

Foster and Kinship Care: Programming and funding to support foster parent recruitment and to provide therapeutic support for kids in foster and kinship homes. 

Supporting the Continuum: Supporting new programs in prevention, mental health, and post-adoption and post-permanency to keep families safe and together at home. 

Texas Permanency Outcomes Project: Furthering permanency statewide for children and youth beginning with a clearinghouse of information for resources, programs, and projects.
More than 1,500 people from Texas and beyond attended the 2022 Texas Child Care Administrators Conference that workforce professionals and experts together to grow, learn, and advance our mission.
Through the Office of the Texas Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team, we’ve provided training for 1,262 child welfare professionals who work with youth survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. That’s 4,465.5 person-hours of training! TBRI Fridays prioritized ongoing traumainformed training for 409 person-hours of training for people in our network. We extended our trauma informed work to judicial and other partners. 
We down granted $6 million to child and family-centered programs that TACFS members are building across Texas to meet the needs of their communities, such as the expansion of Heart Galleries, Kinship Treatment Foster Care, and the provision of training and other concrete resources for service providers. Additionally, we’ve worked with our members and partners in Austin, Houston, North Texas, and San Antonio and beyond to build collaboratives preparing for Community- Based Care. 
Our members led the way and guided our work in 2022. 
Our members established new evidence-based prevention and family preservation services, and kinship and therapeutic foster care in Texas, and are working to develop more homes for every kid in need. They work tirelessly to find permanency for kids lingering in the system and then make sure they are stable at home. They created programs to support specialized populations, like CSEY and aging out youth. They have dedicated time and resources to support trauma informed care and strong clinical and mental health networks.
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Building the Right Capacity
Training Professionals for the Highest Quality Workforce
Support for Community-Based Organizations that Make a Difference 
Providing Innovative services Across the Continuum
OUR 2022
2022 Year In Review

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