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Indicators are the evidence we look for to see if our goal is being achieved and must be based on data. The selected indicators would be those few benchmarks or standards where performance is the weakest.

Measures are the assessments you will use to gauge progress on the indicators. When we determine what “measures” we will be using, we want to think about what evidence of student learning we will see and hear and what ways we will monitor progress with our indicators. Teams will want to consider multiple assessments that can be used to measure student progress toward the goal and future instructional decisions.

Targets serve as the stepping stones on the way to the ultimate goal. Collaborative teams need to think strategically about when these “targets” should occur. If teams notice that the targets aren’t being met, they want to look at changing the instructional approaches rather than the goal. The targets need to increase until the end goal is reached. The final target should align with the SMART goal.

It is important for teams to consider the Area of Focus in the School Improvement Plan (SIP) as they create their SMART Goal. All SMART Goals created by the team should align with the Areas of Focus in the SIP to ensure the collaborative team is working towards the school’s goal, which supports the OCPS 2025 Strategic Plan.

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