Intercompany reconciliation V2
Hernando Velez Herre
Created on December 14, 2022
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To have a better understanding of this process, we have elaborated this guide, where you could find how the intercompany reconciliation NA HBE is prepared monthly and the way that all checks are reviewed to find differences that will be conciliated with the counterpart. This is going to show us the file that is prepared every month end.
This activity must be done to perform the Month End activity of Intercompany Reconciliation NA HBE therefore, on day 3 in every month we are going to report this information to our supervisor and that lets us know if we have to take actions
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This will help us to understand the activity
We need to revise some international companies in ARIR, those ones are HOFI-HTEC- HGSX, so we Log in with our credentials, and for each company code we can verify the accounting information, this one is brought to us with the FC line, the reason of this is because sometimes we need to track some accruals and in that way it is possible to identify how we have to do de Journal Entry.
2. We have to select from the company we want to revise the international information, in this case I am going to select USF1, which is the company code related to united states, this is the screen that must appear:
We have to download the information from BZP related to our TP, just to be cleared in SAP BZP we don´t have the structure of trading partner, we just have an account that allows us identify the relations, it means each account has all the movement related to that Intercompany. So in this system we usually search a FS10N transaction and we fill it in this way:
Then we download SAP FC information, most of the companies upload their information before us, so this is an important check, so we are going to log in to SAP FC. Then we are going to select the report P12B-006 and we are going to fill the fields that the page show us
We use PRD to check some IC that are not updated in FC, so we have to do a conciliation, that is the US02 case, we have to download information from 2KEE, and do the same that we use with FC, like this
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