Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Snowman cupcakes

These cupcakes are eaten on Christmas night they are very easy to do! And very sweet.



-150 g white marshmallows -90 ml milk-250g full -fat soft cheese-1/2 tsp vanilla extract-75 ml double cream,whipped.

Ingredients marshmallow icing

-12 white marshmallows, medium-Black icing pen-12 candied peel, pieces-36 M&M's , of diferent colours-12 Matchmakers , shapped in half

Ingredients snowman decorations

Ingredients cupcake

-200g caster sugar -200ml vegetable oil-2 medium eggs -1/2 tsp vanilla extract -200g plainflour-20g cocoa powder- 1/2 heaped tsp bicarbonate of soda -150g natural yogurt




-Spoon-bowl-cupcake cases-piping bags -oven-mixer-muffin tein



Step 1

To make the icing ,melt the marshmallows in the milk over a very low heat. Stir to stop them from sticking- be careful not to burn the mix . Spoon into a bowl and cool completely .Meanwhile , whip the chesse with the vanilla until smooth. When the marshmallow mix is cool , fold together then fold in the whipped double cream and chill for at least an hour.

Step 2

Heat tthe oven to 180 C / fan 160C/ gas 4 and line 12-hole muffin tin with cupcake cases.Beat together the sugar and oil, then beat in the eggs one at a time, adding the vanilla with the secomd egg.

Step 3

Step 4

Put the marshmallow icing into a piping bag, snip off the end, and pipe without a nozzle straigt onto the top of the cupcakes to make the snowmen's bodies

Mix the flour, cocoa and bicarb, then add half to the oil mixture. Beat in well before adding the yogurt. Add the remaining dry ingredients. Divide between the cases and bake for 20 minutes. Leave to cool in the tin for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a rack to cool completely

Step 5

Draw a face on each marshmallow with black icing, stick in a bit of peel for the noses then pop on top of the icing. Add M&M’s for buttons and halved Matchmakers for the arms.

Thank you for watching!Enjoy your cupcakes