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Salvo, Cherry Mae M. 
Abuzo, Alde Rozheen A
Amor, Lourdes S.
Why we were conquered
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Salvo, Cherry Mae M. Abuzo, Alde Rozheen A Amor, Lourdes S.



Why we were conquered

3. Discuss possible reasons why the Philippines was colonized by Spain

2. Analyze the significance of Pacto de Sangre to Filipino nationalism; and

1. Understand Pacto de Sangre

Learning Outcomes:

Behind the painting, paint me a picture!

Meanwhile, erasing the reality of the violence of the Spanish against the natives.

Symbolizes the shared destiny between Spain and the Philippines as equal allies of the same social status

Behind the painting, paint me a picture!

from Google

PACTO DE SANGRE is a Spanish phrase that means 'blood compact'. In Filipino term, 'sandugo' and is an ancient ritual in the Philippines.

In 1565

- There is a blood compact between Datu Sikatuna of Bohol and the Spanish Captain General, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.- Each made a small cut on his arm and let two or three drops of blood drip onto the cup of wine and drink.

Pacto de Sangre

Purpose of the Blood COMPACT

- It is a transfusion that Filipinos are wedded to Spanish culture and civilization.- To ensure PEACE and FRIENDSHIP between two nations. - The blood compact between Legazpi and Sikatuna became the starting point in discussing the Spanish history of colonization in the Philippines.

Reasons why blood compact is performed:

Those who wanted to avoid being enemies.

In the case of Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna, the blood compact was initiated for the second reason.

Done by two parties who were former enemies and which to reconcile.

Reason 2

Reason 1

Blood Compact: A Reason why we were conquered

The Philippines could be assimilated

Blood compact was a political treaty

The PH complied with the terms, but Spain reduce the Filipino race to an inherent position of inferiority

LA SOLIDARIDAD September 30, 1889 (Marcelo H. Del Pilar)

Spain would annex the Philippines

Andres Bonifacio (1896)

"And Dapat Mabatid ng mga Tagalog"

Spaniards deceived Sikatuna and made him believe that they would treat Filipinos as equal.

Blood compact was valid. But Sikatuna was misled by the Spaniards in their promise of enlightment and prosperity.

The blood compact stirred nationalism.

The Philippines was in complete abundance and are able to trade with other countries before the Spaniards came.

"Paterno, Rizal and Del Pilar presented the pact as a contractual agreement between equals, by which Filipinos had sworn loyalty to the king of Spain ... for their part, the Spaniards had to do their part in 'assimilating' the Filipinos."

Fr. John N. SCHUMACHER, 1973 stated that:

  1. Blood compact is an agreement between equals on which Spain's rights in the Philippines were based.
  1. The Blood Compact was a token of FRIENDSHIP and ALLIANCE between a conquistador and and a chief who was undoubtedly merely a local datu

Illustrados point of view:

In a shallow understanding:

- Majul (1960) said, the Spanish government "shamelessly violated" the agreement.- Blood compact was 'perfect' for an indeterminate period (a la Del Pilar), but it was shattered as soon as Spain subjugated the Filipinos.

Was the promise Fulfilled?

- Schumacher emphasizes that "the failure of Spain to abide by the agreement justified the position that 'Filipinos are no longer bound by the Pacto de Sangre and not subject to Spanish sovereignty". - Concluding that "This, that in fact, Andres Bonifacio would do in 1896 start the Revolution through Katipunan".

What happened next?

- Illustrados such as Del Pilar provided a clear exposition that the blood compact is inadmissible. - Cesar Adib Majul (1967, 1978) raised a similar point that the blood compact is inaccurate, simply because there was no such nation as the Philippines during the blood compact. Sikatuna was just a local chief and there is no evidence that he negotiated for the whole Archipelago

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