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By Iria Reguera, Sofía López-Roso, Daniela Marinho and Arancha Krauss. 

Animal translator.
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By Iria Reguera, Sofía López-Roso, Daniela Marinho and Arancha Krauss.

Animal translator.

04 How will we improve it ?

03 Who is addresed to?

02 Why is it important?

01 What is it?



Today, we can't understand animals. This device is an animal translator. The dog barking, cat's meow, lion's roar or mooing of the cow will be translated to our language. With this device, we will be able to understand not only our pets, we will be able to understand all animals. Also, with this animal translator, we can send a message to the animals and they will understand it.

What is it?

Who has not wanted to comunicate with their pets? this device is very useful because with this you are able to have a conversation with your pets and not only that. It will also help many profesionals that are related to animals, like the veterinarians, (because with this device animals can comunicate their symptoms to the vet ). This is why our device is so useful not only for humans also for the animals because now they can tell us their opinion and what they think.

Why is it important?

This device was originally created to help people understand more accurately the needs of the animals that live in their area. This is the whole reason to why the people that mainly support the business, Keep Talking, are the mentioned below:

  • Zoologists.
  • Zoophiles.
  • Wildlife photographers.
  • Veterinarians.
And more!



There are so many ways to improve this device, but the main ones are:

  • Use recicled materials
  • Let the people change the devices' voice into theirs
  • Install the device in the pets' leashes
  • Introduce a recorder program in the device


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