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Our stained glass windows

The eTwinning project Geting to know glass

Mosaic is a way of creating pictures, patterns, images from small pieces of different colors. In the old days, mosaics were arranged from small pieces of glass. Task: one child, using colored squares, arranges an ornament or picture- the other child arranges a mirror image Objective: developing

  • - finger motor skills;
  • - logical thinking;
  • - figurative thinking and imagination;
  • -focus of attention
  • -perceptiveness
The result: presentation with patterns created by children from different teams.

1. Create half of a window (in edit mode the figures move)2. Complete a picture started by another person.3.Count how many elements you used.


The teacher takes a screenshot of the child's mosaic and prepares an on line puzzle for other children.
Play, color, design a mosaic.

Instructions 2 :

The teacher takes a screenshot of the child's mosaic and prepares an on line puzzle for other children.
Play, color, design a mosaic.

Instructions 3 :

How many?


How many?



Team 1


Team 1

Team 1

Team 1

How many?

Team 1

How many?

Team 1