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Nombre de la bandera

Blas Infante



Thank you



When is this day celebrated and why that date?


It is celebrated on February 28. To remember this date, we must go back to 1977, shortly after the death of dictator Franco and the beginning of the democratic transition. Specifically, on December 4, 1977, when a massive demonstration was held in all the cities of Andalusia to demand the region's own autonomy.The massive concentration of people led to the referendum of February 28, 1980 and the subsequent creation of the Statute of Autonomy of 1981.

The flag is composed of three horizontal stripes of the same size (green, white and green) that form the flag was approved by the Ronda Assembly in 1918. Its colors evoke shades of the Andalusian landscape, while symbolizing the values of purity and hope for the future.

What does the Andalusian flag look like? What's the meaning of the colours?


Hercules is the mythological hero who appears on the coat of arms of Andalusia. According to legend, he lived three thousand years ago and was commissioned to do twelve difficult jobs. In one of them the strength of the lions dominated and in another he reached our land where he founded Cadiz, the oldest city in Europe. This is recognized in Latin by the shield: "Dominator Hercules Fundator". The columns that appear on the sides represent the two mountains that are in the Strait of Gibraltar and that, according to legend, were separated by Hercules to show the new generations that he had reached there.

How is Hercules related to Andalusia?


Who was Blas Infante?

blas infante

The politician participated in the Ronda Assembly of 1918 where the Federal Constitution of Antequera of 1883 is assumed. In addition, the white and green flag and the coat of arms of Hercules are approved as symbols of the autonomy of the community. In 1919, the Córdoba Manifesto was drafted, in which Infante vindicates Andalusia as a nation.In 1923, the Andalusian centers were suppressed with the arrival of the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. Infante goes to Isla Cristina to work as a notary. During that period, he travels to Morocco to visit the tomb of Al-Motamid (last king of Seville). In 1931 the Second Republic was proclaimed and returned to Seville as a notary of Coria del Río. There he builds his house baptized with the name of the 'Dar-al-Farah' (the House of Joy).Two years later, he managed to approve the preliminary draft for the Statute of Andalusia in Córdoba. The outbreak of the Civil War of 1936 slows down regional aspirations. On August 2 of that same year he was arrested and on August 11 he was shot on the road from Seville to Carmona. He conceived Andalusia as a process linked to the development of Spain and humanity, as reflected in the anthem of the community, whose lyrics were elaborated by him.

The flag of Andalusia is called "Arbonaida". Its creator was Blas Infante.This word originates from the Andalusian Arabic "albulaida", whose meaning is "my land" or "my country". This symbol symbolizes the homeland of all Andalusians.

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Título 2

name of the flag

What's the name of the Andalusian flag and what does this name mean?

Andalusia is made up of 8 provinces: Almería, Granada, Málaga, Jaén, Córdoba, Seville, Cádiz and Huelva.


Mercedes Gámez Jiménez

1º FPB

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